Using Regular Expression Extractor in JMeter query help required - apache

"id": [
Regular Expression:---->"id":([^,]+)"
I am getting id but along with some values
refer value= =%5B%222022342452345345559093
I am getting some other value i.e {%5B%22}
I tried many ways but there is no luck. Please help me in this.
Note: Space is there and new line also is there, because of that only I am getting some other value, any help in this.

I wouldn't recommend using Regular Expressions to extract data from JSON. There is a JMeter Plugin (you'll need Extras with Libs Set) which enables JSONPath Extractor in JMeter. See Using XPath Extractor in JMeter (scroll down to Parsing JSON) for more details

Dmitri T is correct, the JSON extractor will be much more solid.
If you do want to use the regex approach, The value you are getting at the start of you is actually URL encoded values. You can use a URL Decoder like this one to find this stuff out.
%5B = [
%22 = "
This is because your regular expression is setup to capture anything after the : as [ is a special character in regex.
You can use the following regex if you prefer


API Jmeter request modification upon using JSR223 PreProcessor

Hello could someone help me how to remove the additional "{ and "} on the request upon using JSR223 PreProcessor, This is the syntax I use to generate the request below. Your response is highly appreciated. Thank you so much.
Expected Result:
"metrics": {
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.NetworkMetric": "NetworkMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.ProcessInfoMetric": "ProcessInfoMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.CpuMetric": "CpuMetric.json"
Actual Result:
"metrics": {
"{ -<< Remove this open curly braces
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.NetworkMetric": "NetworkMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.ProcessInfoMetric": "ProcessInfoMetric.json",
"com.cixsoft.agent.metric.CpuMetric": "CpuMetric.json"
"} -<< -<< Remove this close curly braces
Don't post code as image
Give us a minimal reproducible example
Follow other recommendations from How do I ask a good question? article
For example we need to know:
The value of the agentSimUserMetric variable
How exactly you're using this userMetric variable
Looking at my crystal ball I see that you have something like:
"metrics" : {
while you need to have just
"metrics" : ${userMetric}
so I'm 99.9% sure that it's you who is adding these curly braces and asking us for a piece of advice regarding how to remove them sounds kind of weird.
More information:
Apache Groovy - Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy: What Is Groovy Used For?

How to convert date (1991-08-23T00:00:00) which is captured in response and then convert this format (08-23-1991) in vugen?

I am working on a script where I need to submit a form and do some authentication during the steps. I am using LoadRunner Vugen for scripting. For one of the request's response I can see birthdate is coming like below:
"suffixName": ""
"birthDate": "1991-08-23T00:00:00",
"agencyName": ""
In another later request I can see in jason body the same date is used like below
"Body={\agentSuffix":null,"agentFirstName":"XYZ","agentLastName":"WSD","agentBirthDate":"08-23-1991" and so on with additional body.
I am able to capture the date from response by using web_reg_save_param_ex. But now how do I convert the value so that I can use it in next jason body in a custom request. I just need help to capture it.
Captured value: 1991-08-23T00:00:00
Expected value: 08/23/1991
Thanks in advance
Correlate for the string
Use your programming skills in the language of your virtual user to transform transform the string into a new string. Your test code might be C, JavaScript, Java, ... so use language-appropriate string conversion functions.
"LB=birthDate":"", "RB=T00:00:00"
Conside the loop and what this means for the use of substring and sprintf();
for (counter=0;counter<=strlen(lr_eval_string(MyCorrelatedVarName));counter++)
{ lr_message("%s",&lr_eval_string(MyCorrelatedVarName)[counter]); }

How to search splunk query which includes double quotes in the string to search

I am trying to search for a pattern(see below) in the logs using splunk. The String which I am going to search includes double quotes.
Below info log is printed in the logger..
INFO: o.l.k.SomeClass: {"function": "delete", "tenenId":"15897",.......}
And the string i want to search is
"function": "delete"
The splunk query I am trying to execute is.,
index="12585" "\"function\": \"delete\""
I am not quite sure if this is going to work. Any suggestions?
There are probably multiple whitespace characters between functionand delete. I suggest you just search for the two phrases separately, rather than together
index="12585" \"function\": \"delete\"
Since your data is in raw format, you can look if the "function" field is automatically extracted by Splunk. If yes, you can simply search for index="index_1" function="delete" else, you can search for index="index_1" "function" "delete" as is, and Splunk will search for function and delete in your raw event.
I was researching for a similar problem where I need to search for exact string match which includes double quotes. It doesn't look like we can directly query with escaped double quote. So we have to use regex.
In your scenario, you could try this query:
index="12585" | regex fieldname=".*\"function\": \"delete\".*"
It will try to run regex match on the fieldname. The regex can be validated in any online regex tester.
I haven't figured out how to query with _raw field. Doing _raw=".*\\\"delete\\\".*" doesn't seem to be returning anything..

How to include the query filter in URL (cloudSearch)

I am trying to retrieve data from cloudSearch, searching for the word "Person" and adding the following filter:
(prefix field=claimedgalleryid '')
The problem is that I don't know how to create the URL using that exact filter.
Could someone give me a suggestion or some link to Amazon documentation related to this topic?
What I've tried and didn't work:
You were close with your first attempt--it looks like you forgot to URI encode the = sign as %3D. Try this instead:
I highly recommend using the "test search" feature to work out the kinks in your query syntax. You can see the results right there, and then use the "View Raw: JSON" link to copy the full request URL and see how characters get escaped and such.

How to use Xpath extractor to extract mutiple fields using SOAP request in Jmeter?

I imported the webservice and did my first transaction passed. I see the request and reply xml
Now I want to extract ton of field values from the reply xml that I got and need to pass into Request xml.
For one field I know how to do that. I use Xpath Extractor to extract like this
In the next action, I can just use as ${Data} which is working fine.
But I need to extract the text content from ton of fields that need to be passed into the next action.
How to do that using Xpath Extractor?
If your XPath query matches multiple /Data/text fields they will be caught as
TEXT_1=first match
TEXT_2=second match
If you need to combine results from different queries it can be done via pipe sign - | like
//*[local-name()='Data']/text()` | //*[local-name()='Something else']/text()
In this case result will go to the single variable.
Third option is using as many XPath extractors as needed.
See XPath Tutorial for general language reference and Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide for more tips and tricks.