Object Detection using R-CNN/YOLO with R - object-detection

Please help! I’ve been reading online for days and just can’t seem to get a good starting point on this concept.
Would someone please be able to show/write a very short example of R code on how to create an object detection script. I would be so grateful!
I want to read in a few images to reference a car (i.e., car.pngs). Then compare with a few images in a folder to see if a car is present in those images (i.e., file1.png, file2.png, etc.).
Would someone please show me a simple script of how I might be able to do this. TIA


How to solve assertion error in Google Colab?

I'm attempting to write some code to generate a model for 3D segmentation. I'm using a model code provided by the creators of Stardist to write my code but I keep getting an assertion error and I'm not sure how to fix it.
Here is the code provided:
Screenshot of the code from Stardist github page
Here is my attempt at reconstructing the code with the error I get when I attempt to run it.
Screenshot of my code
I was wondering if people had any solutions for the problem I'm getting? I'm almost completely new to coding and using github as a whole so not sure if there's a way to create a direct download link, like they have, or if it should just be able to find my files directly off my hardrive. I also attach a picture of how my files are labelled so can't see why the code can't assertain they have the same labeling:
Image of my pathway for first, the images
and secondly, the masks.
Thank you all,

mediapipe KNIFT template matching example: using own pics doesn not work properly - how does the example actually work?

i followed the example steps to create an own android app KNIFT template matching example like the 3 dollar bill example on the mediapipe website...did anyone of you build this and know how this really works? I cant get a clear documentation.
My approach to run my own example as suggested on the mediapipe: I have three example pics in my folder (and I did all the build steps with them) that are detected and framed indeed....but not as often and not as correctly as in the dollar bill example (which works fine for me, every bill is detected and framed and labeled as expected).
Also my labeling doesnt work properly. Sometimes it does partly, sometimes it is labeled but incorrect. What does the framework do with my pics and labels and how to optimize my own example?
Any help is appreciated...
regards, fabian

How to collect and save all images in a web browser? VB.NET

I've been been browsing SO for answers on this and couldn't find a solution. Hopefully someone can be of help with this.
The goal: To collect all images in Web browser 1 - And then to save them to a local file.
I don't want to the images to compress in an odd way, I've attempted getting a collection of the images with WebBrowser1.Document.Images and i've also tried to get them coped to a Clipboard(it was of lower quality) -
In my head here's kind of what im thinking:
For each (whatever tag houses img src) - I can grab that, already have, but what's the most effective way to grab ALL images and download them to a folder? Would it be using the method of writing them to memory? Need some help please. I've honestly looked around all over multiple forums and couldn't find a logical answer to this

Getting a handle on Object Properties through Link Templates in AutoCAD from SQL

I have searched high and low for some help regarding AutoCAD Link Templates.
I have managed to create a connection between AutoCAD and my SQL server. I am able to view the servers tables from AutoCAD.
My next task is to find a way to create a link between the properties of an Object in my drawing (eg. The text of a Label) to a row in my SQL table, To the point where I could change the value of that row in SQL, and it would change the text value of the object within my AutoCAD.
Like I said i am struggling to find sources of information or any help at all with achieving this. Which is why I am here now asking if anyone could give me and help or advice with how I would achieve this.
Anything is appreciated, thank you in advance.
I know links are looked down on but a very brief Google search (link AutoCAD and database) brought back a LOT of relevant links. Here's the first one, directly from Autodesk: About Database Links and Link Templates

Multiple Layer-In-Folder Editing

So basically i have 10 copies of the same folder in 10 other seperate folders, and i want to edit the contents of the folders all at once.
All i want to do is move 2 layers to a different location for every single folder i have. How would i go about doing this?
Would anyone recommend batch or anything? and if so, it would be cool if someone could help and tell me how to do the required process too. Thank you.
So for some reason my question is not going through so im going to assume i need more text or something so please dont read this as this is just random text im adding for no reason. im sorry.
if all the images and colors are same in the folders
then change one folder and duplicate in 10 times
as per your question i not fully understand
you have to provide some more information
Use Smart Objects next time.
Convert folder in to Smart Object and dublicate in necessary location.
Edit Smart Object contents.