What happens to the voice recognition scenario if the user hangs up? - voximplant

My scenario has speech recognition and several operations after the speech is converted to text. What if the client hangs up before all the operations are executed? Will the script stop?

You don’t need to terminate the VoxEngine session in the call’s Disconnected event. You can process all the necessary logic and then terminate the session.


Check for internet connection in background

This is like a really basic feature an application must perform.
The app has a queue of tasks pending and is waiting for the Internet to come online for execution.
Its easy to do this in foreground by using a stream subscription. But how would one achieve this when the app is closed?

It has any possible to create a thread to send request to server in background

I want to write a function that can send request to server continuously in background. But I don't know to use thread in React Native. Can you give me some and suggestions.and it is best don't use native codes.
Javascript is single-threaded, so you can't manage/create threads.
You can read about the threading model here.
The interesting part for you is that network requests in javascript don't pause your thread. They always run in the background and will resume work on the JS thread once they are completed.
#RichardSleet you can do that with help of webworkers
A web worker is a JavaScript that runs in the background, independently of other scripts, without affecting the performance of the page
so when you create new worker
each worker will have whole new CONTEXT
Example : You can run 10 for loops parallely with webworkers

How to figure out if mule flow message processing is in progress

I have a requirement where I need to make sure only one message is being processed at a time by a mule flow.Flow is triggered by a quartz scheduler which reads one file from FTP server every time
My proposed solution is to keep a global variable "FLOW_STATUS" which will be set to "RUNNING" when a message is received and would be reset to "STOPPED" once the processing of message is done.
Any messages fed to the flow will check for this variable and abort if "FLOW_STATUS" is "RUNNING".
This setup seems to be working , but I was wondering if there is a better way to do it.
Is there any best practices around this or any inbuilt mule helper functions to achieve the same instead of relying on global variables
It seems like a more simple solution would be to set the maxActiveThreads for the flow to 1. In Mule, each message processed gets it's own thread. So setting the maxActiveThreads to 1 would effectively make your flow singled threaded. Other pending requests will wait in the receiver threads. You will need to make sure your receiver thread pool is large enough to accommodate all of the potential waiting threads. That may mean throttling back your quartz scheduler to allow time process the files so the receiver thread pool doesn't fill up. For more information on the thread pools and how to tune performance, here is a good link: http://www.mulesoft.org/documentation/display/current/Tuning+Performance

Cancel thread with read() operation on serial port

in my Cocoa project, I communicate with a device connected to a serial port. Now, I am waiting for the serial device to send a particular message of some bytes. For the read operation (and the reaction for once the desired message has been received), I created a new thread. On user request, I want to be able to cancel the thread.
As Apple suggests in the docs, I added a flag to the thread dictionary, periodically check if the flag has been set and if so, call [NSThread exit]. This works fine.
Now, the thread may be stuck waiting for the serial device to finally send the 12 byte message. The read call looks like this:
numBytes = read(fileDescriptor, buffer, 12);
Once the thread starts reading from the device, but no data comes in, I can set the flag to tell the thread to finish, but the thread is not going to read the flag unless it finally received at least 12 bytes of data and continues processing.
Is there a way to kill a thread that currently performs a read operation on a serial device?
Edit for clarification:
I do not insist in creating a separate thread for the I/O operations with the serial device. If there is a way to encapsulate the operations such that I am able to "kill" them if the user presses a cancel button, I am perfectly happy.
I am developing a Cocoa application for desktop Mac OS X, so no restrictions regarding mobile devices and their capabilities apply.
A workaround would be to make the read function return immediately if there are no bytes to read. How can I do this?
Use select or poll with a timeout to detect when the descriptor is ready for reading.
Set the timeout to (say) half a second and call it in a loop while checking to see if your thread should exit.
Asynchronous thread cancellation is almost always a bad idea. Try to stick with event-driven interfaces (and, if necessary, timeouts).
This is exactly what the pthread_cancel interface was designed for. You'll want to wrap the block with read in pthread_cleanup_push and pthread_cleanup_pop in order that you can safely clean up if the thread is cancelled, and also disable cancellation (with pthread_setcancelstate) in other code that runs in this thread that you don't want to be cancellable. This can be a pain if proper cleanup would involve multiple call frames; it essentially forces you to use pthread_cleanup_push at every call level and structure your thread code like C++ or Java with try/catch style exception handling.
An alternative approach would be to install a signal handler for an otherwise-unused signal (like SIGUSR1 or one of the realtime signals) without the SA_RESTART flag, so that it interrupts syscalls with EINTR. The signal handler itself can be a complete no-op; the only purpose of it is to interrupt things. Then you can use pthread_kill to interrupt the read (or any other syscall) in a particular thread. This has the advantage that you don't have to switch your code to using C++/Java-type idioms. You can handle the EINTR error by checking a flag (indicating whether the thread was requested to abort) and resume the read if the flag is not set, or return an error code that causes the caller to clean up and eventually pthread_exit.
If you do use interrupting signal handlers, make sure all your syscalls that can return EINTR are wrapped in loops that retry (or check the abort flag and optionally retry) on EINTR. Otherwise things can break badly.

Need a delay to wait for GPS

Using the iPhone and objective C, is there a way to stall or perform a timing loop to allow for the GPS to catch up and return a valid set of coordinates?
Currently, the application runs too quickly and the GPS cannot supply the coordinates fast enough...
Since you said you're on iPhone, you're using CLLocationManager. Just set a delegate on the manager and wait for the locationManager:didUpdateToLocation:fromLocation: message to know when the GPS data is ready.
Assuming your GPS polling is running in a different thread to the User Interface, you can call the static NSThread functions sleepForTimeInterval or sleepUntilDate from the thread that is waiting for the GPS data.
If your mobile application is using GPS, your application should be prepared for location updates, even if your application doesn't track movements..
A common case would be where the user put your application in background and activate it later on a completely different location.
On iOS, create an implementation of CLLocationManagerDelegate like Anomie wrote. And use the timestamp of the update to evaluate the freshness of the location.
Don't sleep & poll like other people suggested.
Either block to wait for data or don't update anything if no data received. There is of course usleep(), but without showing code and specifically how your loop is executed and by what mechanism (threaded or not) we can only answer in general terms.