I'm trying to build a set datatype.
data Set : Type -> Type where
Nil : Eq a => Set a
(::) : Eq a => (x : a) -> (s : Set a) -> {auto _ : contains x s = False} -> Set a
contains : Eq a => a -> Set a -> Bool
contains x [] = False
contains x (y :: s) = (x == y) || contains x s
But I have no idea how to deal with this error:
Error: While processing right hand side of contains. Multiple solutions found in search of:
Eq a
5 | (::) : Eq a => (x : a) -> (s : Set a) -> {auto _ : contains x s = False} -> Set a
6 |
7 | contains : Eq a => a -> Set a -> Bool
8 | contains x [] = False
9 | contains x (y :: s) = (x == y) || contains x s
Possible correct results:
conArg (implicitly bound at test:9:3--9:49)
conArg (implicitly bound at test:9:3--9:49)
You have multiple instances of Eq a floating around (one for each set element), so Idris isn't sure which one to use. For example, in contains, there's one from contains : Eq a => and another less obvious one from (y :: s). You can disambiguate with
contains : Eq a => a -> Set a -> Bool
contains x [] = False
contains #{eq} x (y :: s) = ((==) #{eq} x y) || contains #{eq} x s
though it may be better to work out some refactor that doesn't have multiple Eq a, if that's possible.
Does anyone know why this function raises the syntax error? I haven't provided my written side functions, since they are probably not that relevant here, since it's revolving around proper syntax.
I tried deleting the brackets that raised the error (which I think.. should be there?), only to then raise another syntax error one line lower, at the begining of the row with the line "|".
type 'a grid = 'a Array.t Array.t
type problem = { initial_grid : int option grid }
type available = { loc : int * int; possible : int list }
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available = available list }
let branch_state (state : state) : (state * state) option =
if prazni_kvadratki state.current_grid = [] then
let lst = prazni_kvadratki state.current_grid in
let loc = List.hd lst in
let st1_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid in
let st2_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid in
match razpolozljive state.current_grid loc with
| x :: xs -> (vstavi_vrednost st1_grid loc (Some x);
let st1 = {problem = state.problem; current_grid = st1_grid} in
match xs with
| [y] -> (vstavi_vrednost st2_grid loc (Some y);
let st2 = {
problem = state.problem;
current_grid = st2_grid
}) (* this is where it shows me a syntax error*)
| y :: ys -> let st2 = {
problem = state.problem;
current_grid = copy_grid state.current_grid;
available = {loc = loc; possible = xs}
Some (st1, st2)
On around the 5th last line or so you have let with no matching in. The let expression always must have an in.
The basic rule for nested match is that you should use parentheses or begin/end around the inner one:
match x with
| [] -> 0
| [_] ->
match y with
| [] -> 1
| _ -> 2
| _ -> 3
Otherwise the final cases of the outer match look like they belong to the inner one. I don't think this is your problem here because you have no outer cases after the inner match.
Syntax issues
You have a few syntax issues.
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available = available list }
You likely meant to have:
type state = { problem : problem; current_grid : int option grid; available : available list }
However, given how you construct values later in your program where you provide a value for the available field in one case but not in the other, you may want a variant type that allows your state type to be constructed with or without this value, with distinct behavior when not constructed with this value. This might look like:
type state =
| With_available of { problem : problem;
current_grid : int option grid;
available : available list }
| Without_available of { problem : problem;
current_grid : int option grid }
The other syntax issue is missing an in to go with a let which brings us to:
Scoping issues
There are clearly some miunderstandings here for you in regards to how scope works with let bindings in OCaml.
Aside from a definition at the topmost level of a program, all let bindings are local bindings. That is, they apply to a single expression that trails an in keyword.
Consider this toplevel session.
# let x = 5;;
val x : int = 5
# let y =
let x = 42 in
x + 3;;
val y : int = 45
# x;;
- : int = 5
Here the x bound with let x = 42 in x + 3 is only in scope for the duration of the expression x + 3. Once we're done with that expression, that binding for x is gone. In the outer scope, x is still bound to 5.
In both cases in your match you bind names st1 and st2, which would have to be local bindings, but then you try to use them in an outer scope, where they don't exist.
If you want st1 and st2, you'd need to bind them in a similar way to a and b in the below simple example.
# let (a, b) = match [1; 2; 3] with
| [x] -> (x, x)
| x :: y :: _ -> (x, y)
| _ -> (1, 1)
a + b;;
- : int = 3
Please also note that the pattern-matching you're shown is not exhaustive. It does not handle an empty list. If you consider it impossible that an empty list will be a result, you still have to either handle it anyway or use a different data structure than a list which can by definition be empty.
You've shown pattern-matching of the basic pattern:
match some_list with
| x :: xs ->
match xs with
| [y] -> ...
| y :: xs -> ...
We can actually match against the two possibilities you've show in one level of match.
match some_list with
| x :: [y] -> ...
| x :: y :: ys -> ...
If you still need to address y :: ys as xs in the second case, we can readily bind that name with the as keyword.
match some_list with
| x :: [y] -> ...
| x :: (y :: ys as xs) -> ...
I would like to write a function that takes two natural arguments and returns a maybe of a proof of their equality.
I'm trying with
equal : (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> Maybe ((a == b) = True)
equal a b = case (a == b) of
True => Just Refl
False => Nothing
but I get the following error
When checking argument x to constructor Prelude.Maybe.Just:
Type mismatch between
True = True (Type of Refl)
Prelude.Nat.Nat implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == a
b =
True (Expected type)
Type mismatch between
Prelude.Nat.Nat implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == a
Which is the correct way to do this?
Moreover, as a bonus question, if I do
equal : (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> Maybe ((a == b) = True)
equal a b = case (a == b) of
True => proof search
False => Nothing
I get
INTERNAL ERROR: Proof done, nothing to run tactic on: Solve
pat {a_504} : Prelude.Nat.Nat. pat {b_505} : Prelude.Nat.Nat. Prelude.Maybe.Nothing (= Prelude.Bool.Bool Prelude.Bool.Bool (Prelude.Interfaces.Prelude.Nat.Nat implementation of Prelude.Interfaces.Eq, method == {a_504} {b_505}) Prelude.Bool.True)
This is probably a bug, or a missing error message.
Please consider reporting at https://github.com/idris-lang/Idris-dev/issues
Is it a known issue or should I report it?
Let's take a look at the implementation of the Eq interface for Nat:
Eq Nat where
Z == Z = True
(S l) == (S r) = l == r
_ == _ = False
You can solve the problem just by following the structure of the (==) function as follows:
equal : (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> Maybe ((a == b) = True)
equal Z Z = Just Refl
equal (S l) (S r) = equal l r
equal _ _ = Nothing
You can do it by using with instead of case (dependent pattern matching):
equal : (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> Maybe ((a == b) = True)
equal a b with (a == b)
| True = Just Refl
| False = Nothing
Note that, as Anton points out, this merely a witness on a boolean test result, a weaker claim than proper equality. It might be useful for advancing a proof about if a==b then ..., but it won't allow you to substitute a for b.
What is the syntax to constrain a function argument in an interface which takes a function? I tried:
interface Num a => Color (f : a -> Type) where
But it says the Name a is not bound in interface...
Your interface actually has two parameters: a and f. But f should be enough to pick an implementation:
interface Num a => Color (a : Type) (f : a -> Type) | f where
f here is called a determining parameter.
Here's a nonsensical full example:
import Data.Fin
interface Num a => Color (a : Type) (f : a -> Type) | f where
foo : (x : a) -> f (1 + x)
Color Nat Fin where
foo _ = FZ
x : Fin 6
x = foo {f = Fin} 5
I have the following code:
doSomething : (s : String) -> (not (s == "") = True) -> String
doSomething s = ?doSomething
validate : String -> String
validate s = case (not (s == "")) of
False => s
True => doSomething s
After checking the input is not empty I would like to pass it to a function which accepts only validated input (not empty Strings).
As far as I understand the validation is taking place during runtime
but the types are calculated during compile time - thats way it doesn't work. Is there any workaround?
Also while playing with the code I noticed:
:t (("la" == "") == True)
"la" == "" == True : Bool
:t (("la" == "") = True)
"la" == "" = True : Type
Why the types are different?
This isn't about runtime vs. compile-time, since you are writing two branches in validate that take care, statically, of both the empty and the non-empty input cases; at runtime you merely choose between the two.
Your problem is Boolean blindness: if you have a value of type Bool, it is just that, a single bit that could have gone either way. This is what == gives you.
= on the other hand is for propositional equality: the only constructor of the type(-as-proposition) a = b is Refl : a = a, so by pattern-matching on a value of type a = b, you learn that a and b are truly equal.
I was able to get your example working by passing the non-equality as a proposition to doSomething:
doSomething : (s : String) -> Not (s = "") -> String
doSomething "" wtf = void $ wtf Refl
doSomething s nonEmpty = ?doSomething
validate : String -> String
validate "" = ""
validate s = doSomething s nonEmpty
nonEmpty : Not (s = "")
nonEmpty Refl impossible
As far as I understand the validation is taking place during runtime
but the types are calculated during compile time - thats way it
doesn't work.
That's not correct. It doesn't work because
We need the with form to perform dependent pattern matching, i. e. perform substitution and refinement on the context based on information gained from specific data constructors.
Even if we use with here, not (s == "") isn't anywhere in the context when we do the pattern match, therefore there's nothing to rewrite (in the context), and we can't demonstrate the not (s == "") = True equality later when we'd like to call doSomething.
We can use a wrapper data type here that lets us save a proof that a specific pattern equals the original expression we matched on:
doSomething : (s : String) -> (not (s == "") = True) -> String
doSomething s = ?doSomething
data Inspect : a -> Type where
Match : {A : Type} -> {x : A} -> (y : A) -> x = y -> Inspect x
inspect : {A : Type} -> (x : A) -> Inspect x
inspect x = Match x Refl
validate : String -> String
validate s with (inspect (not (s == "")))
| Match True p = doSomething s p
| Match False p = s
Idris version: 0.9.16
I am attempting to describe constructions generated from a base value and an iterated step function:
namespace Iterate
data Iterate : (base : a) -> (step : a -> a) -> a -> Type where
IBase : Iterate base step base
IStep : Iterate base step v -> Iterate base step (step v)
Using this I can define Plus, describing constructs from iterated addition of a jump value:
namespace Plus
Plus : (base : Nat) -> (jump : Nat) -> Nat -> Type
Plus base jump = Iterate base (\v => jump + v)
Simple example uses of this:
namespace PlusExamples
Even : Nat -> Type; Even = Plus 0 2
even0 : Even 0; even0 = IBase
even2 : Even 2; even2 = IStep even0
even4 : Even 4; even4 = IStep even2
Odd : Nat -> Type; Odd = Plus 1 2
odd1 : Odd 1; odd1 = IBase
odd3 : Odd 3; odd3 = IStep odd1
Fizz : Nat -> Type; Fizz = Plus 0 3
fizz0 : Fizz 0; fizz0 = IBase
fizz3 : Fizz 3; fizz3 = IStep fizz0
fizz6 : Fizz 6; fizz6 = IStep fizz3
Buzz : Nat -> Type; Buzz = Plus 0 5
buzz0 : Buzz 0; buzz0 = IBase
buzz5 : Buzz 5; buzz5 = IStep buzz0
buzz10 : Buzz 10; buzz10 = IStep buzz5
The following describes that values below the base are impossible:
noLess : (base : Nat) ->
(i : Fin base) ->
Plus base jump (finToNat i) ->
noLess Z FZ m impossible
noLess (S b) FZ IBase impossible
noLess (S b) (FS i) IBase impossible
And the following for values between base and jump + base:
noBetween : (base : Nat) ->
(predJump : Nat) ->
(i : Fin predJump) ->
Plus base (S predJump) (base + S (finToNat i)) ->
noBetween b Z FZ m impossible
noBetween b (S s) FZ IBase impossible
noBetween b (S s) (FS i) IBase impossible
I am having trouble defining the following function:
noJump : (Plus base jump n -> Void) -> Plus base jump (jump + n) -> Void
noJump f m = ?noJump_rhs
That is: if n isn't base plus a natural multiple of jump, then neither is jump + n.
If I ask Idris to case split m it only shows me IBase - then I get stuck.
Would someone point me in the right direction?
Edit 0:
Applying induction to m gives me the following message:
Induction needs an eliminator for Iterate.Iterate.Iterate
Edit 1:
Name updates and here is a copy of the source: http://lpaste.net/125873
I think there's a good reason to get stuck on the IBase case of this proof, which is that the theorem is false! Consider:
noplus532 : Plus 5 3 2 -> Void
noplus532 IBase impossible
noplus532 (IStep _) impossible
plus535 : Plus 5 3 (3 + 2)
plus535 = IBase
To Edit 0: to induct on a type, it needs a special qualifier:
%elim data Iterate = <your definition>
To the main question: sorry that I haven't read through all your code, I only want to make some suggestion for falsifying proofs. From my experience (I even delved the standard library sources to find out some help), when you need to prove Not a (a -> Void), often you can use some Not b (b -> Void) and a way to convert a to b, then just pass it to the second proof. For example, a very simple proof that one list cannot be prefix of another if they have different heads:
%elim data Prefix : List a -> List a -> Type where
pEmpty : Prefix Nil ys
pNext : Prefix xs ys -> Prefix (x :: xs) (x :: ys)
prefixNotCons : Not (x = y) -> Not (Prefix (x :: xs) (y :: ys))
prefixNotCons r (pNext _) = r refl
In your case, I suppose you need to combine several proofs.