I have a monorepo and trying to move it to Bazel.
Currently it has multiple acyclically interdependent projects (either libraries, or applications).
It's important for the team to be able to import a subset of the projects so that the IDE is not overwhelmed with thousands of files.
Is it possible?
I am evaluating the creation of an IntelliJ IDEA plugin which would ship OS-specific binaries, for macOS, Linux and Windows.
The binaries are fairly large, so I don't want to ship binaries for the 3 OS in the same plugin archive. Is it possible to create OS-specific zip archives for an IntelliJ plugin?
It's not possible to make 3 different binaries for the one plugin.
Different approaches you can take:
3 different plugins. Shared code can be put in a different code module
The plugin downloads the binary upon startup from a private server (ftp / nexus)
Install the binaries separately, and have the plugin find the binaries via an environment variable
Good luck!
There are some quite useful previous questions (especially this one but it is out of date and not a direct answer.
We have several python projects but are not moving into the world of kotlin. I am looking to unify tools somewhat by introducing gradle to automate tasks within python projects.
I have added a working sample kotlin-dsl gradle script that automates the tasks successfully when launched from a shell, but where I am blocked is adding support for this to the intellij IDE.
The first challenge is simply configuring a python project to add gradle (currently gradle does not even appear on the tool windows menu. I am thinking the python module can have python support allowing the overall project to have the jvm as this will be needed by gradle. But what to do switch intellij to recognise the allready working build.gradle.kts file in the project root folder so tasks can be launced through the IDE and not just the shell?
Note: python dependancy support is not required at this time (as per the linked in).
Assistance appreciated.
At the moment I have 3 IDEs running at the same time, Netbeans for PHP and Python related projects (support for both are poor in Netbeans), Eclipse STS for Java/Spring/Scala projects (STS hangs when the projects get too big) and Dart IDE for Dart projects.
I'm trying out IntelliJ seeing as it has decent support for all the languages I'm working in and somehow it's a lot more stable, much faster, much more intuitive, but I can't figure out how to import multiple projects ... (that's something that just works in both Netbeans and Eclipse)
... there's a Maven Projects tab on the right, if I click the + sign it perfectly imports multiple maven projects for me and lists them in the project box, as soon as I import a non-maven project using file -> import project, all my other projects disappear and I have to re-import those projects via the Maven Projects tab. If I import a non-maven project first and then the maven projects using the Maven Projects tab on the right, I can mix one Dart project and multiple maven projects.
The suggestion out there is to import them as modules under a project, so I create an empty new project called Workspace, I select JDK 1.7 for the project SDK. Under module I click the + sign, find my project, select the pom.xml, add all the pom.xml files for that project and click ok - now I have a project with multiple modules.
Repeat for another project, import all the modules, and first project disappears.
How do I have multiple projects with their own "modules" (modules which are actually standalone projects) in IntelliJ. If projects are the eclipse equivalent of workspaces, is it possible to have multiple workspaces open? If not, how do I switch between them? (if switching is too much hassle, I'll create one mega-project and just add all projects as modules)
You can have multiple projects open in separate IntelliJ windows. Every time you open or create a project, or open a build file such as pom.xml or build.gradle, IntelliJ asks you whether you want to open the project in the same window or a new one.
I'm a beginner programmer and I'm learning how to work with Intellij IDEA. A project in IntelliJ IDEA has some different structures like libraries, modules and packages.
Can someone explain what the difference is between those structures and when to use a particular structure? e.g. I can't choose my package name (of a class) arbitrarily when it's already part of a module. What is the connection between those? I'm primarily having difficulties understanding the difference between a package and a module. (characters)
A project in intellij consists of modules. Modules can be java modules, or android modules or whatever. Modules contain your java code and all that stuff. A Module can reference a library which can be a project library or a global library. Global libraries have to be defined only once. Project library in every project you need them.
Packages are a java concept and are IDE independent.
Lets say I wanna do a little game. I would create a intellij Project called "mySuperGame". Then I would create two java modules from intellij, called "logic" and "ui". In the module settings of "ui" I would specify a project library to use opengl and a dep. to "logic". The package name of my logic classes would be "com.mysupergame.logic.XXX".
See http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IDEADEV/Structure+of+IntelliJ+IDEA+Project for more information.
IntelliJ IDEA supports everything eclipse has. But vise versa might not be true. Please check this table for the differences. IntelliJ support intelligent perspective and has many windows.
Read the documentation from IntelliJ idea.
Below comparison between Visual Studio (.NET) and IntelliJ (Java), which might be helpful for .NET developers migrating to Java:
Using InteliJ IDEA, I am trying to set up multiple projects to run as part of the same IDE.
When import it (File->New Project->From Maven) only the latest imported project shows up.
How can i get multiple projects to appear?
As you can find in the FAQ, IntelliJ IDEA project maps to Eclipse workspace and module maps to Eclipse project.
Create one IDEA project and then add multiple modules to it. Modules can have different JDK and language level settings.