How to configure Mule 4.x Connecters & Components from Mule 3.x?
Mule 3 and Mule 4 connectors are not compatible. Some built-in components are similar and some will need to be migrated or re implemented. Read the migration guide from the official documentation for details.
We own a product written in .NET and that uses MS SQL Server. We need to write a new Integration layer that allows integration with a number of third party applications such as Jira, ServiceNow etc. Our endeavor is to use a Microservice based architecture for this integration later and not use an iPaaS or Centralized ESB. Questions are:
Can I embed Mule into a .NET Microservice?
If no, can I embed Mule into a Java Spring Boot application?
In either of the cases above, am I forced to use any other platform/ software from Mulesoft (such as the Mulesoft's Management Plane)?
Does Microservce based embedded Mule provide capabilities for performance/ health monitoring etc.?
Does Mule support writing any custom code in .NET?
Please find the answers below:
Can I embed Mule into a .NET Microservice?
No. Mule 4 is a Java application and currently is not meant to be embedded.
If no, can I embed Mule into a Java Spring Boot application?
No. Mule 4 is not distributed as an embedded Java library.
In either of the cases above, am I forced to use any other platform/ software from Mulesoft (such as the Mulesoft's Management Plane)?
No. You can run Mule as a standalone service or application without using MuleSoft's Control Plane. Be aware that you will lose all management features from the platform.
Does Microservce based embedded Mule provide capabilities for performance/ health monitoring etc.?
Please define to what you refer as "Microservice based embedded Mule". If you mean in the scenarios mentioned in questions 1) or 2) then the answer is no, because those are not valid deployment options for Mule 4.
Does Mule support writing any custom code in .NET?
Yes. There is a .Net Connector to execute .Net code from a Mule application. Look for the last release in the release notes.
I am using NServiceBus as middelware for an core 3.0 API. I already configured the service in my API using NServiceBus version 7.2 because the documentation for that on the website of particular is amazing. Saddly I have a probleem because i got a licence for an older version of NServiceBus versions until version 7.1.x are valid.
my question is: is there a recomendition for configuring NServiceBus in core using Versions 7.1.x?
One option is to use an external container and configure the endpoint to use it. Take a look at the sample available in the README of the MSDependencyInjection container.
The same thing can be achieved, with very similar code using one of the supported IoC container:
In Latest Mule version I have noticed they are using the terminology as iPaaS for cloudHub. Does any of you know what are the changes in these two terms?
There isn't any change in the premise of what Cloudhub is. It has always been iPaaS as your using it to publish your application for integration. IaaS will be the AWS and supporting items under the hood, Cloudhub is the iPaaS that your application runs on. This is just a nomenclature change to be more precise.
I have downloaded and started the Milestone 3 version of WSO2 CDM. How do you bring up the relevant CDM application UI from the Management Console?
Thank you !
WSO2 CDM milestone 3 does not have a UI application withit. CDM is a framework which provides core functionaliies for managing any device type. For example WSO2 MDM solution has specific plugins, connectors and a UI to manage mobile devices. Hence you need to write your own plugins, connectors and a UI bundle on top of CDM framework to make a use of it.
I need to know what is the difference between Jboss Fuse and Switchyard. Switchyard website says it will be replacing Jboss ESB. This brings the question what is the difference between FUSE and Switchyard where both will work as ESB
Switchyard is actually at the top of "JBoss Fuse Service Works" (which is the new "JBoss SOA Plattform") as a framework for service-oriented applications.
Fuse provides Camel as the framework for integration that use the enterprise integration patterns (EIP), but doesn't offers the features like a SOA Plattform (like service registry or UDDI ...).
They are both ESBs but for different use case; one is for SOA and the other is for integration, and they're also based on different containers; Fuse Service Works has the JBoss EAP as container, an J2EE spec, and FUse is based on Karaf container, an OSGi 'spec'.
I hope i've helped you.
Jboss released a new version of Fuse by integrating with Switchyard and several other Apache related framework, refer them in this link. Switchyard is a Composite framework, Where in you can do lot many integrations such as file poller, http,soap, webservice, BPEL ,BPM and Java Beans etc.
Jboss says you can work with EAP 6.4 server in order to work on Jboss Fuse(Switchyard) related things,but vanilla installation of EAP 6.4 server wont detect Switchyard applications through JBDS. You want to install JBoss Fuse over your EAP server. Refer link here to know more details regards to that.