DataSmith missing from UE5 even after installation - unreal-engine5

I have UE5 and I’ve seletected Datasmith Importer plugin in Edit → Plugins, then restarted the UE5.
I cannot see Datasmith import button in IDE and when I try to drag-and-drop datasmith file into content I gets error about unrecognized file format.
It’s all despite it being clearly on list of enabled plugins (and I don’t really have any other custom plugins that could have make collision, I guess):


WebStorm saves files on edit

My JetBrains WebStorm gone crazy and started to save files right after I type the character. Autosave settings are disabled (I like to save files manually). Any ideas why this could happen or how to fix it?
WebStorm doesn't normally auto-save files on each key pressing. If it only happens while debugging your app, check if Live Edit (that is active during debug session) is enabled in Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Debugger | Live Edit - it auto-saves files to provide live reload. Some other plugins can also be responsible for auto-saving - for example, third-party SonarLint and ESLint plugins are known for causing such issues, as they save files to run analysis on the changes, Flow service, when enabled, flashes files to disk to submit up-to-date files to Flow type checker, etc.
I'd also suggest to check if you have any file watchers set up in Preferences | Tools | File Watchers - those watchers that have Auto-save edited files to trigger the watcher enabled can cause auto-saving of the files included in watcher scope

Color Scheme Plugin JAR file cant be imported, but individual files inside jar can be imported

I am a developer of an IntelliJ Plugin. It is a color scheme where I only change the editor colors (not the colors of the IDE). I originally had only one color scheme file for my whole plugin (one .icls file), and that code is live and working online.
Recently, I updated my color scheme to include two additional color schemes, which meant I had to add two new .icls files. This works on my local IDE that I am developing on; however, when I tested the finished plugin, the new instance of IntelliJ IDEA CE cannot extract the content from the new files.
I need a working JAR file that I can upload into the JetBrain Plugin Repository; however, I cannot create a working Jar file anymore.
Note: I am not looking to import a color scheme. I am a developer of a color scheme that needs to upload my plugin into the Jetbrain Plugin Repository
When I tested the Color Scheme through build, deploy, and run, the new instance of the IDE will fail to find any color scheme. I cannot seem to narrow down why the IDE cannot load the color scheme; however, I was able to do the following...
From the deployed JAR file, rename the file to be a zip file
Extract the content of the zip file
try Settings >> Editor >> Color Scheme >> Import Scheme... >> Settings (.jar) and find the JAR file. Nothing happens. No color schemes were imported.
try Settings >> Editor >> Color Scheme >> Import Scheme... >> IntelliJ IDEA color scheme (.icls) and find each of the .icls files. Each individual color scheme is successfully found and loaded into the IDE.
Additional Information
Originally, I was receiving the following issue that I filed in JetBrain's Issue Tracker. However, after some tinkering, I was receiving a different set of issues. So, I started a new project and just copied the source files and plugin.xml file into the new project. Built, Deployed, and tested. No errors, no warnings (that I saw), but the color schemes are still not being loaded into the IDE.
File -> Import Settings -> select settings file.
In the settings file: top-level dir colors where .icls files located.
Cristopher, currently color schemes are supposed to be imported from settings.jar created by Intellij IDEA upon File|Export Settings. The file has a certain structure, namely a 'colors' subdirectory with .icls files inside it. The IDE doesn't scan for other places where the files might reside.
If you create a plug-in, your users simply install it as a regular plugin, not importing any schemes. The difference is that these schemes become bundled. It means when a user makes changes to them, he can always revert to original color settings.

Webpack sometimes fails to detect changes saved with Intellij Idea

I'm developing a JavaScript/React application in Intellij Idea and I'm using webpack-dev-server to incrementally build my files. That means that the dev server is watching the files and if a file gets changes, webpack rebuilds it. Pretty standard scenario.
Unfortunately, webpack sometimes decides to ignore certain files. I can change them all I want but webpack does nothing. I have not been able to determine any pattern on which files get ignored. It's arbitrary. Sometimes I just create a new file and webpack ignores it.
What is interesting though is that it only happens when I perform the save using Intellij Idea. If I open the file in another editor (for example vim) and save it, the file gets correctly rebuilt. Actually, simple touch file.js is enough to trigger rebuilding.
I guess there is something wrong in how Intellij Idea saves files. Any ideas?
This is due to an IDE feature known as "safe write". When enabled, the IDE will write the changes to a temporary file over the real one. This means webpack's file watching mechanism cannot pick up the changes. Disable this feature to fix the problem. Reference.
For me this did not work, I'm posting this in case anyone has the same scenario. After each save, webpack watch script builds the new bundles and I'm reloading all files from disk (CTRL + ALT + Y). Only after that the changes are visible.
There is an open issue "Background" changes by external tool not being picked up until VFS refresh happens regarding this behavior: file is saved but one has to reload all from disk in order to see the changes (for example in the browser).

Where is my PHPstorm plugin going wrong

I'm trying to create a basic plugin which basically adds live-templates / snippets to PHPStorm.
When I install it by entering PHPStorm > Settings > Plugins and clicking on "Install plugin from disk". After selecting the jar file I created, it appeared in the plugins list with the correct title, description, change log etc, then it asks me to restart and all appears to have worked well.
The only issue is the live templates are not working at all. What am I doing wrong?
Maybe you are missing this in plugin.xml

Reloading Tapestry layout and other components in development?

How can I make changes to tml files - like for layout and other components - quickly visible via F5 in the browser? At the moment I keep those files under the src/main/-folder next to the java class. I already tried to 'repackage' the file but it isn't picked up by Tapestry - it only works for tmls under /webapps.
PS: Using IntelliJ with Maven
Heureka! I found an answer deep in the IntelliJ forum:
Try to add .tml pattern to Settings /
Compiler / Resource patterns, similar
to patterns already provided there.
IntelliJ didn't actually 'repackage' the tml files when they weren't under webapp/ before (although it did 'say' it - that's just mean!).
I found that rebuilding the project by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + F9 (or manually from the Build->Make Project menu option) and then reload the page in the browser will cause the changes to propagate.
Note: My *.tml files are located in the src/main/resources/company-name/components and src/main/resources/company-name/pages folders, which is the default location if you create your project using the mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog= command.
IntelliJ Idea Ultimate 11.1.1