when go to route (login) after deploy on heroku i get this message Vite manifest not found at: /app/public/build/manifest.json - laravel-9

Vite manifest not found at: /app/public/build/manifest.json (View: /app/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php) (View: /app/resources/views/layouts/app.blade.php)

not sure if you've made it but I came across your post, so just wanted to share what I did.
I ran
npm i
npm run build
in .gitignore, I deleted
then push it to master.
Hope this helps.


NPM package doesn't apear in search in npmjs after upload

Several days ago I published a package to npmjs, https://www.npmjs.com/package/pluralize-ru-ts the package is public, i'm pretty sure that the package.json is correct, when i try to npm i pluralize-ru-ts package installs fine, i get no errors.
But the package still doesn't apears in npmjs search in npmjs.org and in npm search pluralize-ru-ts(returns No matches found for "pluralize-ru-ts")
Any ideas, what am i doing wrong?
Just tried npm search pluralize-ru-ts and successfully found you package.
If you are still facing this problem, maybe there are some caching issues.

ERROR: Could not find plugin "proposal-private-methods". Ensure there is an entry in ./available-plugins.js for it

When trying to run yarn dev and I am getting the following error:
Error: [BABEL] C:\Users\User\OtherFolders\src\index.js: Could not find plugin "proposal-private-methods". Ensure there is an entry in ./available-plugins.js for it.
I have "#babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods": "7.8.3" as a dependency on my package.json file. Also, the #babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods folder is present in the node_modules folder.
I had tried the following to no luck:
Adding a resolution: "#babel/compat-data": "7.10.1" to the package file
I remove the node_module folder, yarn-lock, and package-lock files before attempting to run yarn install. yarn install runs without issues
I also try $ npm i #babel/plugin-proposal-private-methods
Any ideas on what the error could be or potential solutions? Thanks in advance for any help!
Kudos to the Babel Project GitHub team to help to solve the issue. The issue solution is to change the version of #babel/preset-env from 7.8.6 to 7.8.7 or higher. The response to this ticket in GitHub is in this link.

Nuxt deployment error: server resources are not available

To deploy our nuxt website in ssr mode we first build and unit test website in the bitbucket pipeline and if tests are green we copy build files from bitbucket servers to our production server and trigger start.
The problem is that Nuxt documentation says nothing about which exact files are required on the server.
currently we are using:
Sometimes after adding functionality to the website, deployed version throws an error:
Error: Server resources are not available!
At the same time local version works fine.
Also running production server locally on the project works.
Error kinda hints that some paths picked up incorrectly by nuxt.. but the directory structure is completely the same.
Any ideas why this happens and how to fix that?
If errors also mentions, Please check "file path"/.nuxt/dist/server existence.
Then on the terminal
cd .nuxt
check if 'dist' folder exists. If it does not exists,
go back and npm run build. this will generate the 'dist' folder for use.
If Still facing the issue, try,
npm install --save nuxt
npm install --save vue-server-renderer
Try adding: dev: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'DEV' to nuxt.config.js

Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/simple

This error shows when I try to run a vue init webpack command.
vue-cli ยท Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/simple: unable to verify the first certificate
Pls help! I want to proceed and learn vue.
Thanks in advance!
You can also try to clone the git repo and then initiate project offline
git clone https://github.com/vuejs-templates/simple ~/.vue-templates/simple
vue init simple my-project --offline
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev
credits https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/issues/258#issuecomment-325021153
The problem here seems to be the environment where you are tying to download the template, Are you through a proxy?. One solution is forking the template you want, and then init vue in that template, but i can't tell if this works for all cases.
Fork the desired template, in your case webpack from https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack
And then just init it by using vue init yourGithubUsername/webpack
Someone encountered the same problem as yours, referencing on this issue, it is very likely you are behind VPN, try running this instead:
npm config set npm_config_strict_ssl=false
vue init webpack my-project

npm publish failing with 'User not found <package-name>'

I'm pretty stuck trying to publish a package -- I've tried it both from local file system and github repos url - same issue.
I've created a detailed issue on the github npm repo here, but I'm getting crickets.
Wonder if someone here might scan the issue and help me out?
Per comment from Ibis Liven (github NPM issue #19404), I created an account on the NPM website and then the publish worked from the command line as expected.
Seems the adduser command is broken.