Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/simple - vue.js

This error shows when I try to run a vue init webpack command.
vue-cli ยท Failed to download repo vuejs-templates/simple: unable to verify the first certificate
Pls help! I want to proceed and learn vue.
Thanks in advance!

You can also try to clone the git repo and then initiate project offline
git clone ~/.vue-templates/simple
vue init simple my-project --offline
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev

The problem here seems to be the environment where you are tying to download the template, Are you through a proxy?. One solution is forking the template you want, and then init vue in that template, but i can't tell if this works for all cases.
Fork the desired template, in your case webpack from
And then just init it by using vue init yourGithubUsername/webpack

Someone encountered the same problem as yours, referencing on this issue, it is very likely you are behind VPN, try running this instead:
npm config set npm_config_strict_ssl=false
vue init webpack my-project


Cannot run Vue.js application because of the error

I'm doing a project that requires me to use MongoDB, Express and Vue.js.
I have set up the mongo and it's working. However, I'm having issues with Vue.js.
How can I solve the issue? Nothing works when I run npm run start
That is not issue with Vue, there is already command to start project, use npm run serve instead.
For the future, read more about NPM and Vue CLI
You need to check OFFICIAL documentation NPM from here
You have not a VUE error.
use npm run serve to start a dev server
and npm run build to build for deployment.
follow this guide to learn more about vue-cli
Vue Cli Guide Page

Why do i get vue-cli errors while setting up a new project

I have npm installed v6.9.0 ,node v10.16.0 & yarn v1.16.0 on my Ubuntu 18.04LTS.
I'm following this tutorial.tutorial link
While I'm initially setting up the Vue app in my directory vuetest and bootstrapping the app using vue-cli, i ran these commands:
yarn global add vue-cli
vue init webpack <webpack_name>
Vue init hanged at project description and this was a issue in github where they posted a temporary solution.
temporary solution link
In the solution they said to run these commands: "$(dirname $(which vue))/node_modules/#vue/cli-init"
2.npm i inquirer#~6.3.1
When i ran the first command i get error:
bash: cd: /home/nishanthr/.yarn/bin/node_modules/#vue/cli-init: No such file or directory
Output of which vue is:
Can someone tell me what's wrong and what's happening here ?
You should use the new version yarn global add #vue/cli
Vue Cli

Cannot find module 'vuetify-loader/lib/plugin'

When I load vuetify via the vue-cli3, I get an error when i do npm run serve, saying there is a missing loader.
Docs etc and searches have come up blank.
This is a fresh project, no code loaded. Just following the instructions from the vuetify site.
Can anyone help?
I've got the same issues while creating new Vuetify app by official guide.
After adding vuetify: vue add vuetify
The missing step was installing new npm dependencies with: npm install
Later I run npm run serve and it started succesfully.
There is an issue in the documentation!
Try to manually install the package:
npm install vuetify-loader -D
you should check the vue-loader plugin path. in my case it is:
Run npm cache clean --force. It should clear your npm cache.
For reference:
I had the same problem. This whole thing worked out for me.
vue create your-app
cd your-app
npm i --save-dev --no-optional vuetify-loader vue-cli-plugin sass node-sass sass-loader
npm i
vue add vuetify
I know this looks redundant but it worked.
I got the same error when I cloned a repository and I installed the dependencies only on the master branch. When I switched to a different branch (git checkout different_branch) I forgot to install the dependencies there. So make sure you installed the dependencies before you launch the server.
Just had the same problem. In my case it was caused by placing the file vue.config.js in the top-level-folder (next to package.json) instead of in the 'src' folder.
Obviously there might be many reasons for this error, but maybe it helps someone...
do a npm install after adding vuetify as vue add vuetify then start server by
npm run serve
In your package.json: move #nuxtjs/vuetify from devDependencies to dependencies
just install the pacakge to devDependencies:
npm i --save-dev vue-loader-v16
After installing the dev dependency
npm run serve

How To Get Started With React Admin On Windows

It is difficult to get started or setup this entire repo in Windows?
Can you please give step by step approach to set this up in Windows or a short video tutorial?
I just ran into this issue. My fix was to:
Delete the react-admin directory if you already have a clone from the repo
Update Node and Yarn
-- After update I am currently running Node v10.13.0 && Yarn v1.12.3
Grab a fresh clone of the repo
Then from the react-admin directory run:
Once that completes:
yarn build
And finally once that completes:
yarn run-demo
lmk if this works for you :-)
There isn't much. Until we add a Windows section in the README, here's how you can get started:
run yarn to install all dependencies
run yarn run-simple to start the playground app and test your changes
There are more scripts in the root package.json file to run tests, demos, etc.
If you need help with something more specific, please precise it in your question

Vue.js Bundling to a single file

I have an application that was developed using Vue.js . can any one suggest me how to bundle it to a single file component like bundlejs
Step 1. Install yarn.
Step 2. cd to the project directory.
Step 3. run command yarn wps run localhost:80
There are a lot of solutions to bundling. My personal favorite is webpack though:
Use vue-cli with webpack template (
vue init webpack my-project