Add spacing between numbers after some specific digits in React Native - react-native

I need to show dashes as hints and need to have equal spacing after some digits in Text Input similar to the picture attached .
Do I need to use separate text inputs for these or is it possible to achieve this in a single input text field? The user should be able to enter the number in a single go.

If you know phone number format you can do it manually in one input. You are saving it as a real number, but displaying it with spaces. If you can have various formats, from various countries you can use this package

The best way to achieve that is by using mask input you can use react-native-mask-input library to do it you can check the library from here.


VB expressions to help search through scraped data in UiPath

I have made a process that reads PDFs and scrapes their text in UiPath. I am struggling to come up with a regular expression that I can use to search for a PO Number. The text that comes from the scrape is fairly unstructured so my best bet is to search for a set of numbers that starts with a 'PO' with no space. For example, "PO1234567890". I will be setting a variable so the system knows that no PO number was found if the string doesn't come up with anything. Any reference material would be welcome as I am a beginner to VB. Thanks!
I have researched and cannot find a way to do the type of search I would like to do.
I expect to be able to search for a "PO1234567890" and no let something like "PO" save. So I somehow need to be able to search for "PO - two digits" and any numbers following without whitespace.
Just try the following:
Dim Regex As System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex
Regex = New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("PO[0-9]+")
The regex string PO[0-9]+ means:
PO followed by at least one number
if you want more digits for example 3... just use PO[0-9]{3}[0-9]* that means:
PO followed by three numbers and as numbers as it can match.
If you need help using regex matches just ask.
Hope it helps!

Harfbuzz - Text to Glyph to Text

Recently, I came across Harfbuzz for text shaping, specifically for Indic texts. In my previous experience, I used ArabicShaping for shaping Arabic characters. In this case, the input is the pre-shaped text and the output is the shaped one.
In Harfbuzz, however, I can see the shape method shapes the text and returns the glyphs and the clusters instead. My objective is to convert the pre-shaped text to a shaped one. I don't want to draw/view the text. I just want a char[] which will contain the shaped one (just like in case of ArabicShaping).
Is there any way the above can be achieved using Harfbuzz? If not, is there any workaround?
Am I using Harfbuzz for solving the correct problem? Is there any other library that I can use to achieve this?
ArabicShaping must have confused you. There's no such thing as "pre-shaped text" in general. What do you mean "convert the pre-shaped text to a shaped one"? Shaping, what HarfBuzz does, converts from characters to glyphs. The reverse is a non-deterministic process that HarfBuzz does NOT provide.

How to code html table to format telephone numbers?

How do I code HTML table form to format the phone number field with a dash or space? Example: 000-000-0000
So that user can just enter string of numbers.
You could try this library that let's you define the pattern you need and formats it
You should use regular expressions validation. In here you can find regex patterns for different phone patterns.

AngularJs: How to Format Data in an Input?

I need to format an input field visually in order to help the user know what they should type as a phone number. For example, I want to accept a phone number as being a 3 digit area code, 3 digit prefix and 4 digit suffix: (207) 555-1212. I want to:
provide the helper formatting to the input field -- those parentheses and the hyphen
I don't want the 'helper' characters to be included in the actual data I store in my model.
As the user types, I want the parentheses to magically appear, then have the hyphen also appear at the right point.
What's the best way to do it?
Note: This is not for displaying of a number -- I could use a filter for that. This is for formatting data within an input field.
Thanks for your help!
If you are looking for a simple solution, you could give AngularUI a try,
This is the example from the "Mask" section of that page:
<input ng-model="maskDemo" ui-mask="'99-99-9999'">
The "9"'s are numbers, and other stuff is just a mask / placeholders. It should only submit the actual values. You would edit the mask to include parentheses and anything else you may need.

extract the structure of a letter

Say I have the letter 'a'. My objective is to redraw the letter using 'little colored flowers'. How do I extract the path/structure/blueprint of a letter in order to use it as a path for my custom draw?
See this article: Low-level text rendering. The long second listing outlines the use of the CTFontCreatePathForGlyph() function. You probably don't need to include all the setup that takes place in that listing if you just want to convert a single glyph rather than multiple lines of text.