How to code html table to format telephone numbers? - html-table

How do I code HTML table form to format the phone number field with a dash or space? Example: 000-000-0000
So that user can just enter string of numbers.

You could try this library that let's you define the pattern you need and formats it

You should use regular expressions validation. In here you can find regex patterns for different phone patterns.


Add spacing between numbers after some specific digits in React Native

I need to show dashes as hints and need to have equal spacing after some digits in Text Input similar to the picture attached .
Do I need to use separate text inputs for these or is it possible to achieve this in a single input text field? The user should be able to enter the number in a single go.
If you know phone number format you can do it manually in one input. You are saving it as a real number, but displaying it with spaces. If you can have various formats, from various countries you can use this package
The best way to achieve that is by using mask input you can use react-native-mask-input library to do it you can check the library from here.

How to use Regex to lowercase catalogue values without any logic codes

For a loan domain we pass some catalogue values eg. if a customer is primary or secondary customer like that. So i need to check the values irrespective of uppercase, lowercase, camelcase. Software which i am using will accept only regex codes not any Java, js codes (it is different scripting). I am trying to convert only with regexp but still getting error.
If catalogue_value ~"(/A-Z/)" then
Catalogue_value ~"/l"
As i am learning regex as of now still figuring for correct expressions to use.
Kindly please tell me correct format to use regex to change into lowercase / uppercase
If i understood your problem you want to search without worrying about the case, for example the data is Paul, and you want to find this record searching by PAUL, paul, PaUl, etc?
One common to technique to do that is to put both sides all in upper or lower case, without regex, for example, in javascript:
"Paul".toLowerCase() === "paUL".toLowerCase()
select case when LOWER('Paul') = LOWER('paUL') then 1 else 0 end

AngularJs: How to Format Data in an Input?

I need to format an input field visually in order to help the user know what they should type as a phone number. For example, I want to accept a phone number as being a 3 digit area code, 3 digit prefix and 4 digit suffix: (207) 555-1212. I want to:
provide the helper formatting to the input field -- those parentheses and the hyphen
I don't want the 'helper' characters to be included in the actual data I store in my model.
As the user types, I want the parentheses to magically appear, then have the hyphen also appear at the right point.
What's the best way to do it?
Note: This is not for displaying of a number -- I could use a filter for that. This is for formatting data within an input field.
Thanks for your help!
If you are looking for a simple solution, you could give AngularUI a try,
This is the example from the "Mask" section of that page:
<input ng-model="maskDemo" ui-mask="'99-99-9999'">
The "9"'s are numbers, and other stuff is just a mask / placeholders. It should only submit the actual values. You would edit the mask to include parentheses and anything else you may need.

Localized phone number formatting

I've looked into NSFormatter, NSNumberFormatter, and the other formatting classes, but can't find a build into solution. I need to format phone numbers depending on the country code.
For instance, for US, I get a string such as +16313938888 which I need to format to look like +1(631)393-8888. The problem is I need to do this for all formats. Netherlands, I receive a string +31641234567 which will be +31(6)41 23 45 67 (something like that).
Hardcoding for 200+ countries is too tedious and I really don't know all the format rules. Is there something in the docs I'm overlooking or does anyone know of an open source class that manages this?
See for an iOS specific solution.
Try this Google solution -
They have ports for C++, Java, Objective-C and others.
Unfortunately iOS does not have any public APIs for this. You can try to integrate libphonenumber that is a complete implementation for parsing and formatting international phone numbers. It has a C++ version so theoretically you can cross-link with it.
You definitely don't want to hard-code all of the various country formats. There are typically 3-5 formats per country. Instead, use a format database (such as a plist) and write code to format the number based on the given country code.
A good international format property list 'UIPhoneFormats.plist' can be found here:
In that list, '$' allows any character, '#' must be a number, and the '(space) ', '(', ')' and '-' are inserted between numbers. Non-numeric characters typed by the user hint to the desired format.
I've shared my phone number formatter class, inspired by Ahmed Abdelkader's work, at . It is a very small, single-class international phone number formatter that uses the plist just mentioned.
You can try this:
let phoneNumber : CNPhoneNumber
let digits = phoneNumber.performSelector("digits").takeRetainedValue() as! String
It gives you directly the string, without formatting, with the phone number. However if the number is saved with international prefix, you will have it also in the resulted string.

User input text translation

I'm working on a translator that will take English language text (as user input into a UITextView) and (with a button press) replace specific words with alternatives. I have both the English words in scope plus their alternatives in separate Arrays (englishArray and alternativeArray), indexed correspondingly.
My challenge is finding an algorithm that will allow me to identify a word in the input text (a UITextView) ignoring characters like <",.()>, lookup the word in englishArray (case insensitive), locate the corresponding word in alternativeArray and then use that word in place of the original - writing it back to the UITextView.
Any help greatly appreciated.
NB. I have created a Category extending the NSArray functionality with a indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method that ignores case when doing an indexOfObject type lookup if that helps.
I think that using an NSScanner would be best to parse the string into separate words which you could then pass to your indexOfCaseInsensitiveString method. scanCharactersFromSet:intoString: using a set of all the characters you want to ignore, including whitespace and newline characters should get you to the start of a word, and then you could use scanUpToCharactersFromSet:intoString: using the same set to scan to the end of the word. Using scanLocation at the beginning and end of each scan should allow you to get the range of that word, so if you find a match in your array, you will know where in your string to make the replacement.
Thanks for your suggestion. It's working with one exception.
I want to capture all punctuation so I can recreate the original input but with the substituted words. Even though I have a 'space' in my Character Set, the scanner is not putting the spaces into the 'intoString'. Other characters I specify in the Character Set such as '(' and ';' are represented in the 'intoString'.
Net is that when I recreate the input, it's perfect except that I get individual words running into each other.
UPDATE: I fixed that issue by including:
[theScanner setCharactersToBeSkipped:nil];
Thanks again.