VS Code :Enter the debugging host:port - vscode-extensions

I want to debug python file on VS code, and my VS Code is connected to a remote server. When I clicked debug button, it appears the following picture. But I have no idea to enter which host and which port.
VS Code debug


Visual Studio with React project keeps starting multiple copies of the development server

I'm using Visual Studio 2022 with the React template on .NET (core) 6.
When I press f5 to start debugging, it starts a command prompt to start the development proxy server, fires up my deafult browser (chrome), and everything seems to work OK.
However, about every 2 minutes after, regardless of whether I have touched VS or the app, it then starts another copy of the development server, which then gets stuck with a prompt saying Something is already running on port 3000. Left to its own devices it just keeps starting more.
This doesn't stop the previous one working but it's frustrating to have all these windows appearing, especially as they steal focus when prompting with the "port in use".
Something that I suspect is related is a message appearing in the debug output around every 8 seconds saying "Microsoft.AspNetCore.SpaProxy.SpaProxyMiddleware: Information: SPA proxy is not ready. Returning temporary landing page." However as noted above the SPA proxy certainly seems to be running OK.
Has anyone got any ideas what might be happening or any workaround for this?
OK I managed to figure this out by creating another blank project and comparing them.
The port that the development server will listen on is stored in a file called ClientApp\.env.development; the port that visual studio expects it to listen on is in the .csproj file under PropertyGroup/SpaProxyServerUrl. If there is a mismatch you will get this behaviour because VS thinks the server isn't running and keeps on trying to start it.
In my case I had added the .env.development file to the version control ignore list thinking it wasn't important. This was causing the dev server to listen on the default port 3000.

How to run the selenium server in the background using robotframework?

So the concept is like this -
I would like to run the selenium server .jar file on a remote windows machine.
Then connect to it via the default port (:4444), open browser and navigate to a URL of my choosing.
I have everything working except the part of running the selenium server through robot.
This keyword works as far as I can tell (until the open browser keyword) -
Start Selenium Server
&{client} = Return Internal Host
Connect Environment Machine Windows ${client}
start process java -jar ${/}SeleniumServer${/}selenium-server-standalone-3.141.59.jar alias=seleniumserver
process should be running seleniumserver
open browser http://example.com/example.html chrome None
BUT, when I try to connect to the selenium server I get the following error -
"No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it"
It seems like the process either does not run or runs for a short amount of time then closes.
What am I missing here?
If I manually start the server on the client, everything works. It opens the browser and does whatever I need. (manually running the java -jar selenium*.jar on the cmd)
But when I run this Start process keyword, that should keep the process running in the background, I get connection refused. Any Ideas?
Another piece of information that might be useful - The selenium server should throw an error if trying to run it twice on the same machine (because of the used port bind 4444).
When running the keyword shown above, while there is a selenium server up and running on the target machine, the test still passes for some reason. Not sure if it is even running the process as intended but the "process should be running" keyword seems to pass.

The console has been disconnected. Close this window and re-launch the console to reconnect

I am having an issue when trying to open to any VMs using "Launch Web Console" option via the vcsa 6.7 . I was wondering if someone could please point me in the right direction?
My environment currently looks like this:
1) vcsa 6.7
2) Three Esxi (6.7) Hosts & multiple vms are running (including windows & Linux)
Whenever I try to connect to the console, I get the following error:
The console has been disconnected. Close this window and re-launch the console to reconnect.
Console access is given through a connection to the ESXi host.
Often times I receive this message when connected to the console of a VM which has vMotioned to another host. However, I can close and re-open the console just fine.
You may also want to verify that you can access port 902 (TCP & UDP) for each of your three hosts. Example of this requirement: https://docs.vmware.com/en/VMware-vSphere/6.0/com.vmware.vsphere.install.doc/GUID-5071C86E-FF1E-4E54-A424-A20917401160.html
I had the same exact problem and unfortunately, the solutions I found on the internet did not solve my problem. I had to re-check my settings and found out that the problem was the proxy setting was ticked on. which it won't allow you to connect to any others services as well if you are out of range of that proxy. The Solutions "FOR MAC USERS" as follows:
1-Go to your network settings.
2-From the menu down to the right-click more options. in my picture say (Weitere Optionen) "German".
3-From the menu on the left side make sure that the proxy option is 'unticked' (not chosen).
Then click on to confirm and enjoy using your VM service. Hope this would solve your problem as well as it did to mine.
See pictures!

Web app not responding on localhost:5000 when run standalone

I have simple DotNet Core app that runs fine with dotnet run but when I do dotnet publish and then dotnet HelloWorld.dll (in the bin/Debug/netcoreapp1.1 directory; same with bin/Rebug/netcoreapp1.1), on my local machine, the command prompt says "Now listening on: http://localhost:5000" but the service is not responding when I navigate to that address with my browser. Are there any kind of logs to review?
I reproduce the same in Windows 10 and OSX 10.11, both with clean dotnet new -t web projects, without any modifications.
In Windows I ran netstat -noa | find "LISTENING" and can see port 5000 at the bottom of the list. But still no connection when I try.
The browser output is:
The localhost page isn’t working
localhost is currently unable to handle this request.
I run .Net Core 1.1.0 - SDK 1.0.0 Preview 2.1-003177 on both the Windows and Mac machine.
Click on the ^ icon of your toolbar to see hidden icons. If IIS is running, you will be able to see each instance and the port that the instance is listening on
I got the same error. To diagnose the error, I started up the app not in IIS Express but in what I think is a self-hosted option that opens in a console window.
If you look through the log in the console window, you might see an error in that log.
Also, I've noticed that sometimes the browser window pops up and navigates to the URL before the host environment is ready to handle the request. All you have to do when you get this error is wait a second and refresh the page, and the host environment will be ready and the page will load.

connecction of remote debbuging disconnect after few seconds when debbug java applet in intellij

I am trying to debug client side applet with intellij, I have configured remote debugging in the IDE for local host and added the parameters in java console, now when I start the applet from local browser I can connect with the debugger, and even it stop in a breakpoint, but after few seconds (even if I do nothing),I get a message in the IDE console that the connection was disconnected and I can't connect again until I close and open the applet.
what can I do to make this work properly?
i have succeeded , i put those parameters in java console, (not the ones intellij give)
-Djava.compiler=NONE -Xnoagent -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=2502,server=y,suspend=n
and open the browser as administrator, and can debug perfectly