The console has been disconnected. Close this window and re-launch the console to reconnect - virtual-machine

I am having an issue when trying to open to any VMs using "Launch Web Console" option via the vcsa 6.7 . I was wondering if someone could please point me in the right direction?
My environment currently looks like this:
1) vcsa 6.7
2) Three Esxi (6.7) Hosts & multiple vms are running (including windows & Linux)
Whenever I try to connect to the console, I get the following error:
The console has been disconnected. Close this window and re-launch the console to reconnect.

Console access is given through a connection to the ESXi host.
Often times I receive this message when connected to the console of a VM which has vMotioned to another host. However, I can close and re-open the console just fine.
You may also want to verify that you can access port 902 (TCP & UDP) for each of your three hosts. Example of this requirement:

I had the same exact problem and unfortunately, the solutions I found on the internet did not solve my problem. I had to re-check my settings and found out that the problem was the proxy setting was ticked on. which it won't allow you to connect to any others services as well if you are out of range of that proxy. The Solutions "FOR MAC USERS" as follows:
1-Go to your network settings.
2-From the menu down to the right-click more options. in my picture say (Weitere Optionen) "German".
3-From the menu on the left side make sure that the proxy option is 'unticked' (not chosen).
Then click on to confirm and enjoy using your VM service. Hope this would solve your problem as well as it did to mine.
See pictures!


Setting display resolution for Selenium tests on virtual machine as Jenkins Slave

I'm having trouble running some Selenium tests on a Jenkins Slave. To be specific, the display resolution that is used to run the tests is too small, causing some of the tests to fail.
To check the display resolution, we log the display height and width to the console, using:
System.out.println("Window height: " + driver.manage().window().getSize().getHeight());
System.out.println("Window width: " + driver.manage().window().getSize().getWidth());
This returns:
Window height: 784
Window width: 1040
which seems like a very strange resolution to me. The desired resolution is 1920 x 1080.
The server that is used as a slave is a virtual machine (Windows Server 2012 R2). The Jenkins Slave is Connected via JNLP agent. The slave has the service running with Log On As "Local System" with the "Allow service to interact with desktop" option enabled.
So far we've tried a number of things like:
Connecting to slave VM using RDP and disconnecting to leave session open with desired display resolution
Using powershell to set the display resolution
Setting the default display resolution in the VM configuration
Setting the window dimensions using Selenium
And more...
All of these didn't resolve the issues. Suggestions are very welcome!
Finally managed to fix these issues after realizing that Jenkins does not necessarily need to run the slaves as a windows service. To start the slave, the JNLP agent can be downloaded from Jenkins and copied to the server. When running the JNLP file, you can select for the option to install the slave agent as a service.
Previously we had this option selected, that's why the slave was running as a service. After stopping and removing the service, we ran the JNLP file again and made sure to not select the option.
The solutions suggested that included disconnecting the remote desktop session and leaving the session open with a large resolution didn't work when running the slave as a service. They do work however when running the slave in the default way.
Make sure that the remote desktop session is not ended after a certain period of time:
Hope this helps someone!
Based on my experience with this you can't solve this problem programmatically. Your tests will run on the resolution which was used last time when you physically accessed this VM's display. For example, if I open VM on my big screen monitor and maximize it, tests will run on that resolution. But if I open it on my laptop screen and close RDP connection, tests will run on that smaller screen size.
I know it sounds strange, but I really couldn't find better solution. :D So now I must be careful to maximize VM display on my bigger screen before I close VM. You will probably dislike this answer, but remember it when you find yourself out of other solutions. ;)
Solution that worked for me is to run Chrome in a 'headless' mode (without GUI). It works with Jenkins Agent running as a service, when GUI is not available.
Here is the code sample of the web driver initialization:
var options = new ChromeOptions();
options.BinaryLocation = #"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe";
driver = new ChromeDriver(#"<path>\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.37.0\driver\win32", options);
I've been experienced the same issue. My seleniumn tests run under jenkins slave installed as windows service, using "Local System" account with "Allow service to interact with desktop" option enabled in windows 7. Some test cases were always failed due to incorrect display resolution.
I logged in to the console of the windows VM (EXSI Server + VMware Fusion), changed the resolution to 1400x900, and restart the windwos VM. Everything works well now.

Synergy cannot reset on Mac

A really simple but dragged me many days that I cannot figure out how:
I've setup synergy on my Mac as a client, using Ubuntu as the server.
But now I wanted to switch to use Mac as server and Ubuntu as client.
The question now I'm facing is that synergy settings page never show up, each time I try to open it, it just appears in less than 0.1 second, then it disappeared.
Because I've set it up already and I don't need the reconfigure the Ip addresses etc.
This is convenient.
But now I wanted to switch server/client roles, I need to reconfigure it, however the settings page of synergy never shows up to let me configure it, does anyone have the same issue?
I tried to uninstall synergy on my Mac, but when I reinstall it back, it automatically configures itself again and quickly disappears and runs in the background.
It's been a pain for me.
You can't start the Server on Yosemite, because you need to grant access to the process (Synergy) to control your computer:
doing that with Synergy should work.

ssh between boxes?

Has anyone else had luck trying to ssh between two boxes? For example:
Box 1: Hosting mongo & rails server
Box 2: AngularJS app that talks to rails API
I'd like to be able to ssh from Box 2 to Box 1r so I can tail the logs over there.
You may ask, why would I do such a thing? Basically my main dev laptop is having memory issues so I've been using a chromebook. Its actually not bad at all except for the lack of a proper terminal.
I've added the public key from Box 2 to Box 1. But it won't let me connect. Has anyone had any luck with this?
Currently you can SSH into a Nitrous box, but establishing an SSH connection from a Nitrous box to another is not supported. You may want to look into using WebSockets instead.

telnet windows 7 not working

I have a Windows 7 computer, and I'm trying to work with telnet.
I installed/enabled telnet (via control panel, since telnet isn't enabled by default), restarted the terminal, restarted my computer, etc.
But telnet still doesn't work. I'm getting the error : 'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command...
I tried editing the PATH environment variable as well, but that hasn't worked either.
I would greatly appreciate any advice.
Thank you very much!
Looks like your telnet is not installed. Simply execute the below command in your command prompt and wait till the mouse progress icon disappears. It works on windows 7. I am not sure on other machines
pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"
I was having the same issue. Fixed it by running CMD as an admin.
If your Windows 7 machine is a member of an AD, or if you have UAC enabled, or both, telnet must be run as an admin. The easiest way to do this is to create a shortcut that calls cdm, and then go to the shortcut's properties and click on the Advanced button and check the "Run as an administrator" checkbox, and you're all set. Scratched my head and rebooted numerous times before finding this out...

IE10 in Win RT can not connect server on local network

When I browse the web with IE10 in win8's Metro part there is no problem but when I try to view page that is located on server in my local network(the same subnet) it displays this message:
This page can't be displayed
•Make sure the web address is correct.
•Look for the page with your search engine.
•Refresh the page in a few minutes.
If following these suggestions didn't work, resetting your connection might help.
Reset connection [<-a button here]
Get more help with connection problems
Now the funny part is that there is an option in metro version of ie10 to open page on desktop (in regular IE10) and than it works with no problem.
I can't find or think of any security setting that would restrict browsing websites inside your own local network.
(this is Windows 8 32Bit Release Preview build 8400)
Any ideas?
This is related to EPM (Enhanced Protected Mode) in IE10. It's hard to summarize in an answer here, but Eric Lawrence (a PM on the IE team) has an excellent post detailing everything about EPM:
In particular, read the "Loopback-blocked" and "Private Network resources" sections.
In your case, you might try one of these approaches:
Try aliasing the dotted hostname ( via a custom DNS entry (e.g. http://myservice)
Change the Trusted Zones settings
See if your network connection was established as sharing or non-sharing, which would trigger private vs. public mode.
Again, see Eric's post for the details of each of these.