Validation Rule that depends on success of group of independent rules using Fluent Validation - fluentvalidation

I'm trying to come up with the right syntax for this scenario:
Both above are independent
Rule C - will run only when BOTH RuleA and RuleB passed the validation.
UserIdExists (RuleA)
OrderIdExists (RuleB)
OrderId belongs to UserId - dependent rule on both above rules success
Code example (which is not working as the OrderBelongsToUser being called even if one of UserIdExists or OrderIdExists failing the validation):
RuleFor(request => request).NotNull().DependentRules(() =>
RuleFor(request => request).CustomAsync(UserIdExists)
RuleFor(request => request).CustomAsync(OrderIdExists)

Your "UserIdExists" and "OrderIdExists" rules are now only dependent on the request not being null. If you want to only execute the rule "OrderBelongsToUser" if the user and order ID exists you can do the following:
RuleFor(request => request)
.ChildRules(child =>
child.RuleFor(request => request)
.DependentRules(() =>
RuleFor(request => request).CustomAsync(OrderBelongsToUser);


Laravel Row duplication inserted, with updateOrCreate method with Race-Condition

i have function in my controller that create a forecast :
public function updateOrCreate(Request $request, $subdomain, $uuid)
$fixture = Fixture::where('uuid',$uuid)->firstOrFail();
'local_team_score' => 'integer|min:0',
'visitor_team_score' => 'integer|min:0',
'winner_team_id' => 'integer|nullable'
if ($fixture->status !== "PENDING"){
return response()->json([
'message' => "You can not add or modify a forecast if the fixture is not pending"
], 403);
$winner_team = null;
// local team win
if ($request->local_team_score > $request->visitor_team_score) {
$winner_team = $fixture->localTeam;
}elseif ($request->local_team_score < $request->visitor_team_score){ //visitor win
$winner_team = $fixture->visitorTeam;
}else{ // draw
$winner_team = FixtureTeam::where('team_id',$request->winner_team_id)->first();
$user = auth('api')->user();
$platform = Platform::first();
$forecast = Forecast::updateOrCreate([
'user_id' => $user->id,
'fixture_id' => $fixture->id,
'platform_id' => $platform->id
'local_team_score' => $request->local_team_score,
'visitor_team_score' => $request->visitor_team_score,
'winner_team_id' => is_null($winner_team) ? null : $winner_team->team_id
return new ForecastResource($forecast);
As you can see i use updateOrCreate methods to add or update a forecast.
The problem is when 2 requests from the same user run at the same time (and no forecast is already created) 2 row are inserted.
Do you have a solution ?
I See that the problem is not new but i could not find a solution
updateOrCreate does 2 steps:
tries to fetch the record
depending on the outcome does an update or a create.
This operation is not atomic, meaning that between step 1 and 2 another process could create the record and you would end up with duplicates (your situation).
To solve your problem you need following:
determine what columns would give the uniqueness of the record and add an unique index (probably compound between user_id, fixture_id, platform_id)
you need to let database handle the upsert (ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE in MySQL, ON CONFLICT (...) DO UPDATE SET in Postgres, etc). This can be achieved in Laravel by using the upsert(array $values, $uniqueBy, $update = null) instead of updateOrCreate.

Yii 2 can rewrite WHERE condition from model?

I have some where condition in my model .
Its check is field active or no.
Now I need to write a join relation. But I need to remove where condition. Is it possible?
My model.
public static function find() {
return (new AssetgroupsQuery(get_called_class()))->active();
My relation
public function getAssetgroup(): \app\models\AssetgroupsQuery {
return $this->hasOne(Assetgroups::class, ['asg_id' => 'ass_group'])->andOnCondition(['asg_active' => '1'])
->viaTable('assets', ['ass_id' => 'log_ass_id',]);
I need to got all active assets and join, if asset is empty I need to got null fields, but
model where condition added to my current sql query and remove all fields which assets are null.
I try to add some where Condition to remove old where, but it don't work.
Can you help me?
You can reset existing conditions by using where(null).
On relation level:
public function getAssetgroup(): \app\models\AssetgroupsQuery {
return $this->hasOne(Assetgroups::class, ['asg_id' => 'ass_group'])
->andOnCondition(['asg_active' => '1'])
->viaTable('assets', ['ass_id' => 'log_ass_id',]);
Or directly on join:
$query = MyModel::find()
'assetgroup' => function (ActiveQuery $query) {

Elasticsearch Autocomplete Issues

I am trying to create an Autocompletion using, but i keep getting an Invalid response.
But cant figure out why?
My Request looks like this
var descriptor = new SearchDescriptor<EmployeeDocument>()
.Index("employees").Type("employee").From(page - 1).Size(pageSize)
s => s.Completion(
c => c
.Field(f1 => f1.Description)
.Field(f1 => f1.empfirstname)
queriesDescriptor => queriesDescriptor.Context(
queryDescriptor => queryDescriptor.Prefix(true).Context(query)))));
var response3 = await this.client.SearchAsync<EmployeeDocument>(descriptor);
the error i am getting is
Invalid NEST response built from a unsuccessful low level call on POST: /employees/employee/_search
Audit trail of this API call:
- [1] BadResponse: Node: Took: 00:00:00.3543244
ServerError: ServerError: 400Type: search_phase_execution_exception Reason: "all shards failed"
This is how i am calling the method
var results1 = await service.SearchAsync("brenda", page, pageSize);
var results8 = await service.SearchAsync("something else", page, pageSize);
My model is also very straightforward. I left out some properties
[ElasticsearchType(Name = "employee")]
public class EmployeeDocument
//[Text(Name = "pkempid")]
public long pkempid { get; set; }
//[Text(Name = "empfirstname")]
public string empfirstname { get; set; }
Description and empfirstname need to be mapped as completion field data types. The CompletionField type in NEST can be used for the property type, which will be mapped as a completion data type through automapping.
Additionally, a completion suggester can only specify one field, so chaining multiple calls to .Field() will not work as expected (the last call will be the field used). You can however specify multiple suggesters in one request targeting different fields. It's more usual though, rather than having multiple completion fields in a mapping, to specify multiple input values to a single completion field.
The use case for the completion suggester is to provide fast "search as you type" autocompletion functionality, trading off the power of more complex analysis chains that can be performed with text field data types.
Ok, so I figured out how to do autocomplete, I ended up using Edge NGram Tokenizer First thing I needed to do was setup my indexes with the correct filters.
var response = this.client.CreateIndex(
index => index.Mappings(
ms => ms.Map<EmployeeDocument>(
m => m.Properties(
p => p
.Text(t => t.Name(n => n.EmpFirstName).Analyzer("auto-complete").Fields(ff => ff.Keyword(k => k.Name("keyword"))))
.Text(t => t.Name(n => n.pkEmpID).Analyzer("auto-complete-id").Fields(ff => ff.Keyword(k => k.Name("keyword"))))
.Text(t => t.Name(n => n.Description).Analyzer("auto-complete").Fields(ff => ff.Keyword(k => k.Name("keyword")))))))
.Settings(f => f.Analysis(
analysis => analysis
analyzers => analyzers
.Custom("auto-complete", a => a.Tokenizer("standard").Filters("lowercase", "auto-complete-filter"))
.Custom("auto-complete-id", a => a.Tokenizer("standard").Filters("lowercase", "auto-complete-id-filter")))
.TokenFilters(tokenFilter => tokenFilter
.EdgeNGram("auto-complete-filter", t => t.MinGram(3).MaxGram(5))
.EdgeNGram("auto-complete-id-filter", t => t.MinGram(1).MaxGram(5))))));
Then for the actual search
var response = await this.client.SearchAsync<EmployeeDocument>(
x => x.Index("default-index").Type("employee").From(page - 1).Size(pageSize)
.Query(q => q
.MultiMatch(m => m
.Fields(f => f
.Field(_ => _.EmpFirstName)
.Field(_ => _.pkEmpID)
.Field(_ => _.Description))))
h => h.PreTags("<mark>").PostTags("</mark>").Fields(
f => f.Field(p => p.EmpFirstName),
f => f.Field(p => p.pkEmpID),
f => f.Field(p => p.Description))));

yii cache dependency referrer

I'm building a small webshop. This shop has categories and products. 1 product can have multiple categories.
At the productpage a breadcrumb-path shows the referring category-name (via urlReferrer).
Im trying to get Yii to cache by page with OutputCache, depending on the referrer (the category, since this would change the breadcrump-trail).
Here is my non-working filter:
public function filters() {
return array(
'duration' => 3600,
'varyByExpression' => array($this->getReferringCategory()),
'varyByParam' => array('id','slug'),
'dependency' => array(
'class' => 'CDbCacheDependency',
'sql' => 'SELECT MAX(date_updated) FROM product WHERE product_id = '.Yii::app()->request->getParam('id'),
Does anybody have a good approach for this?
Best regards, thanks!
'varyByExpression' param should be a PHP expression (it would be evaluated by eval) or PHP callback (would be evaluated by call_user_func_array())
if you use php >=5.4.0, try something like this:
'varyByExpression' => function(){return $this->getReferringCategory();},
Or like this, for older versions:
'varyByExpression' => '$this->getReferringCategory()',

Is this the right way of using ThenFetch() to load multiple collections?

I'm trying to load all the collections eagerly, using NHibernate 3 alpha 1. I'm wondering if this the right way of using ThenFetch()?
Properties with plural names are collections. The others are just a single object.
IQueryable<T> milestoneInstances = Db.Find<T, IQueryable<T>>(db =>
from mi in db
where mi.RunDate == runDate
select mi).Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone)
.ThenFetch(m => m.PrimaryOwners)
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone)
.ThenFetch(m => m.SecondaryOwners)
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone)
.ThenFetch(m => m.Predecessors)
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone)
.ThenFetch(m => m.Function)
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone)
.ThenFetchMany(m => m.Jobs)
.ThenFetch(j => j.Source)
I thought of asking this in the NHibernate forums but unfortunately access to google groups is forbidden from where I am. I know Fabio is here, so maybe the guys from the NHibernate team can shed some light on this?
Apparently, there's no "right" way to use ThenFetch in such a case. Your example works fine but SQL produced contains many joins to Milestone, which isn't that right.
Using IQueryOver instead of IQueryable allows you to use complex syntax in Fetch:
Fetch(p => p.B)
Fetch(p => p.B.C) // if B is not a collection ... or
Fetch(p => p.B[0].C) // if B is a collection ... or
Fetch(p => p.B.First().C) // if B is an IEnumerable (using .First() extension method)
So in your case it would be:
query // = session.QueryOver<X>()
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.PrimaryOwners).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.SecondaryOwners).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.Predecessors).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.Function).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.Jobs).Eager
.Fetch(mi => mi.Milestone.Jobs.First().Source).Eager
The one thing you are missing is that you should use FetchMany() and ThenFetchMany() is the child property is a collection.
IQueryable<T> milestoneInstances = Db.Find<T, IQueryable<T>>(db =>
from mi in db
where mi.RunDate == runDate
select mi);
var fetch = milestoneInstances.Fetch(f => f.Milestone);
fetch.ThenFetch(f => f.PrimaryOwners);
fetch.ThenFetch(f => f.SecondaryOwners);
As leora said, make sure when fetching children collections that you use
A new Fetch, should pick up from the root, but this does not always happen. Sometimes you need to create them as separate queries or use Criteria Futures to batch up a multiple fetch.