Trying to program a simple vscode extension that shows the debug console when the mouse goes out of vscode windows (e.g. over an emulator) and hide it once back I however would like to keep it open when it's manually open.
I just miss something there **** but what ?
const vscode = require("vscode");
function activate(context) {
let disposer = vscode.window.onDidChangeWindowState((e) => {
if (!e.focused && /*****?*****/) {
let disposerOut = vscode.window.onDidChangeWindowState((e) => {
if (e.focused) {
exports.activate = activate;
I am using element ui el-image. And I want to preview my image when clicked with (:preview-src-list). But When I click first time it doesnt preview anything. just add's my downloaded image. So I need to click 2 times. But I want to click 1 time.
Here is my template code:
<el-image :src="src"
ts code:
src = null;
srcList = [];
product = 'shoe1';
imgClick() {
prevImg(product).then(resp => {
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([]));
this.srclist = [url];
changed(value) {
getProductImage(value).then(resp => {
const url = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([]));
this.src = url;
}).catc(e => {
mounted() {
I think these things happen because when you click on that image it will trigger clickHandler:
clickHandler() {
// don't show viewer when preview is false
if (!this.preview) {
From source
And the preview is the computed property:
preview() {
const { previewSrcList } = this;
return Array.isArray(previewSrcList) && previewSrcList.length > 0;
From source
So nothing happened in the first click but after that you set preview-src-list and click it again then it works.
If you code is synchronous you can use event like mousedown which will trigger before click event.
But if you code is asynchronous you can use refs and call clickHandler after that.
// fetch something
this.$nextTick(() => {
I'm trying to find a way to simulate a "change" event when doing E2E testing (with selenium or cypress) and slate.js
In our UI, when the user clicks on a word, we pop-up a modal (related to that word). I've been unable to make this happen as I can't get the change event to trigger
The Cypress input commands (e.g. cy.type() and cy.clear()) work by dispatching input and change events - in the case of cy.type(), one per character. This mimics the behavior of a real browser as a user types on their keyboard and is enough to trigger the behavior of most application JavaScript.
However, Slate relies almost exclusively on the beforeinput event (see here which is a new browser technology and an event which the Cypress input commands don’t simulate. Hopefully the Cypress team will update their input commands to dispatch the beforeinput event, but until they do I’ve created a couple of simple custom commands which will trigger Slate’s input event listeners and make it respond.
// commands.js
Cypress.Commands.add('getEditor', (selector) => {
return cy.get(selector)
Cypress.Commands.add('typeInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, text) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'insertText', data: text }));
return subject;
Cypress.Commands.add('clearInSlate', { prevSubject: true }, (subject) => {
return cy.wrap(subject)
.then(subject => {
subject[0].dispatchEvent(new InputEvent('beforeinput', { inputType: 'deleteHardLineBackward' }))
return subject;
// slateEditor.spec.js
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor1] [contenteditable]')
.typeInSlate('Some input text ');
cy.getEditor('[data-testid=slateEditor2] [contenteditable]')
If you need to support other inputTypes, all of the inputTypes supported by Slate are listed in the source code for editable.tsx
Found a solution:
1) Add a ref to the Editor
2) Add a document listener for a custom event
componentDidMount() {
document.addEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
componentWillUnmount() {
document.removeEventListener("Test_SelectWord", this.onTestSelectWord)
3) Create a handler that creates a custom select event
onTestSelectWord(val: any) {
let slateEditor = val.detail.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement
// Events are special, can't use spread or Object.keys
let selectEvent: any = {}
for (let key in val) {
if (key === 'currentTarget') {
selectEvent['currentTarget'] = slateEditor
else if (key === 'type') {
selectEvent['type'] = "select"
else {
selectEvent[key] = val[key]
// Make selection
let selection = window.getSelection();
let range = document.createRange();
// Fire select event
this.editor.current.onEvent("onSelect", selectEvent)
4) User the following in your test code:
arr = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".cl-token-node"))
text = arr.filter(element => element.children[0].innerText === "*WORD_YOU_ARE_SELECTING*")[0].children[0].children[0]
var event = new CustomEvent("Test_SelectWord", {detail: text})
document.dispatchEvent(event, text)
Cypress can explicitly trigger events:
This may work for you:
I am working with Angular5 , I have a big issue (please see the below code)
In simple words it is a asynchronous execution issue, how to reduce this
let confirmData = {
dlgHeader: 'Add',
msgTxt: 'Are you sure to Add Language!!',
eventName: 'locationmanagement_languages_assign'
this.confirmService.confirmData = confirmData;
(1) this.confirmationService.setShowConfirm(true);
(2) this.confirmAnchor.createConfirmation(ConfirmationComponent);
suc => {
if (suc.eventName == 'locationmanagement_languages_assign') {
in above (1) line of code is responsible to create confirmation.(i have created custom confirmation component)
inside custom confirmation user can click CONFIRM/CANCEL buttons.
I want to stop (2) line code execution until user click CONFIRM/CANCEL buttons in custom confirmation component.
Now i am using as below in language.component.ts ,, but i am calling the getReturnValue() in ngOnInit().
I dont want to use ngOnInit() to get action from custom confirmation component either it is CONFIRM/CANCEL action
ngOnInit() {
assignLanguageEvent() {
this.requestedData = [];
for (let data of this.selectedAssignLanguages) {
set_value: data.value.setValue
console.log('Requested Data::', this.requestedData);
let confirmData = {
dlgHeader: 'Add',
msgTxt: 'Are you sure to Add Language!!',
eventName: 'locationmanagement_languages_assign'
this.confirmService.confirmData = confirmData;
getReturnValueEvent() {
this.subscription1 = this.confirmService.getReturnValue()
suc => {
if (suc.eventName == 'locationmanagement_languages_assign') {
It's simple to set checkbox or text input value. But how can I set value to input with color type using protractor? I tried to do this:
but it triggers this error:
Failed: : Failed to read the 'sessionStorage' property from
'Window': Storage is disabled inside 'data:' URLs.
Is it possible to interact with color picker window somehow?
full test:
describe('Panel Editor app', function() {
function addToplevel() {
var elem = element(by.css(".widget-list-item-toplevel"));
var target = element('droparea'));
function addToToplevel(selector) {
var elem = element(by.css(selector));
var target = element(by.css('.toplevel'));
beforeEach(function() {
afterEach(function() {
it('should check all widgets in toplevel', function() {
element.all(by.css(".builder-rows > div")).then(function(rows) {
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length-1; i < l; i++) {
rows[i].getCssValue("border-color").then(function(val) {
expect(val == "rgb(221, 221, 221)").toBe(true);
// Color picker shows.
element.all(by.css(".builder-rows > div")).then(function(rows) {
for (var i = 0, l = rows.length-1; i < l; i++) {
rows[i].getCssValue("border-color").then(function(val) {
expect(val == "rgb(221, 221, 0)").toBe(true);
I temporarily solved this problem by using executeScript method and setting value directly from js:
browser.executeScript("$('#prop_border-color').val('#FF0000'); $('#prop_border-color').change();");
But still looking for better solution
I suspect the backspaces are not sent to the color input, but instead make the browser go back in the browser history which leads to a blank page and a local storage access error.
Instead, resolve the click promise explicitly, use clear() to clear the input field and send the keys:
var colorInput = element("prop_border-color")); () {
Another approach to try would be to replace browser.driver with browser when calling the actions().
In my ExtJS 4.0.7 app I have some 3rd party javascripts that I need to dynamically load to render certain panel contents (some fancy charting/visualization widgets).
I run in to the age-old problem that the script doesn't finish loading before I try to use it. I thought ExtJS might have an elegant solution for this (much like the class loader: Ext.Loader).
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither seem to provide what I'm looking for. Do I have to just "roll my own" and setup a timer to wait for a marker variable to exist?
Here's an example of how it's done in ExtJS 4.1.x:
url: '...', // URL of script
scope: this, // scope of callbacks
onLoad: function() { // callback fn when script is loaded
// ...
onError: function() { // callback fn if load fails
// ...
I've looked at both Ext.Loader and Ext.ComponentLoader, but neither
seem to provide what I'm looking for
Really looks like it's true. The only thing that can help you here, I think, is Loader's injectScriptElement method (which, however, is private):
var onError = function() {
// run this code on error
var onLoad = function() {
// run this code when script is loaded
Ext.Loader.injectScriptElement('/path/to/file.js', onLoad, onError);
Seems like this method would do what you want (here is example). But the only problem is that , ... you know, the method is marked as private.
This is exactly what newest Ext.Loader.loadScript from Ext.4-1 can be used for.
For all you googlers out there, I ended up rolling my own by borrowing some Ext code:
var injectScriptElement = function(id, url, onLoad, onError, scope) {
var script = document.createElement('script'),
documentHead = typeof document !== 'undefined' && (document.head || document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]),
cleanupScriptElement = function(script) { = id;
script.onload = null;
script.onreadystatechange = null;
script.onerror = null;
return this;
onLoadFn = function() {
onErrorFn = function() {
// if the script is already loaded, don't load it again
if (document.getElementById(id) !== null) {
script.type = 'text/javascript';
script.src = url;
script.onload = onLoadFn;
script.onerror = onErrorFn;
script.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 'loaded' || this.readyState === 'complete') {
return script;
var error = function() {
console.log('error occurred');
var init = function() {
console.log('should not get run till the script is fully loaded');
injectScriptElement('myScriptElem', '', init, error, this);
From looking at the source it seems to me that you could do it in a bit of a hackish way. Try using Ext.Loader.setPath() to map a bogus namespace to your third party javascript files, and then use Ext.Loader.require() to try to load them. It doesn't look like ExtJS actually checks if required class is defined in the file included.