I saw the topics about the same problem, but my requirments are different here.
I have this line:
offsets = tf.gather_nd(offsets, kpt_inds, batch_dims=1)
While offsets is a torch tensor of (1,1,320,256,2) sizes, and kpt_inds is a tensor of (1,k,2) and k is a variable.
I want to change that operation with a set of torch operators that will produce the same output.
The operation have to choose the offsets in the specific k indices (that specified in kpt_inds).
I have already tried:
offsets = offsets[:, :, keypoints[:, :, 0], keypoints[:, :, 1], :]
It works fine, but I have a problem with it, and I must change the whole operation solely using torch operators (without python shortcuts). The reason is the underministic behaviour of tensorrt when I use this shortcuts.
You can try the .index_select method:
from einops import rearrange # or use torch.unsqueeze instead
kpt_x = torch.ByteTensor(rearrange(keypoints[:, :, 0], '... -> 1 ...'))
kpt_y = torch.ByteTensor(rearrange(keypoints[:, :, 1], '... -> 1 1 ...'))
offsets = offsets.index_select(kpt_x)
offsets = offsets.index_select(kpt_y)
Given I have the number of axes, can I specify the number of axes to the type hint npt.NDArray (from import numpy.typing as npt)
i.e. if I know it is a 3D array, how can I do npt.NDArray[3, np.float64]
On Python 3.9 and 3.10 the following does the job for me:
data = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
arr: np.ndarray[Tuple[Literal[2], Literal[3]], np.dtype[np.int_]] = np.array(data)
It is a bit cumbersome, but you might follow numpy issue #16544 for future development on easier specification.
In particular, for now you must declare the full shape and can't only declare the rank of the array.
In the future something like ndarray[Shape[:, :, :], dtype] should be available.
I'm building a primitive neural network to emulate AND gate. The loss-fucntion is MSE:
def mse(predicted, desired):
return np.square(np.subtract(predicted, desired)).mean()
In the following there are a prediction, and the desired outputs (a.k.a. labels):
predicted = np.array
([[0.5000, 0.5000], # 0 AND 0
[0.4721, 0.5279], # 0 AND 1
[0.3049, 0.6951], # 1 AND 0
[0.3345, 0.6655]]) # 1 AND 1
desired = np.array
([[1, 0], # False
[1, 0], # False
[1, 0], # False
[0, 1]]) # True
Each row (in both of the above matrices) indicates a single case. I want to keep all the cases to be held together like this, rather than splitting them into vectors. The catch is, I need to treat each row individually.
I'm trying to get the following result, but yet I couldn't:
returned output =
[0.2500, # 1st CASE ERROR
0.2786, # 2nd CASE ERROR
0.4831, # 3rd CASE ERROR
0.1118] # 4th CASE ERROR
I tried the following function...
np.apply_along_axis(mse, 1, predicted, desired)
but it didn't work because "desire" is being passed as the whole matrix, rather than a row at a time. So, is there any way to achieve that without changing "mse function" implementation or loops?
Because all your data is in nicely formed ndarrays you can make NumPy do all the heavy lifting. In this case you can convert your for loop into a reduction along one of the array dimensions.
np.square(np.subtract(predicted, desired)).mean(1)
which is more readable IMO.
I am reading the documentation of the Simplex Algorithm provided in the Scipy package of python, but the example shown in the last at this documentation page is solving a minimization problem. Whereas I want to do a maximization. How would you alter the parameters in order to perform a maximization if we can do maximization using this package?
Every maximization problem can be transformed into a minimization problem by multiplying the c-vector by -1: Say you have the 2-variable problem from the documentation, but want to maximize c=[-1,4]
from scipy.optimize import linprog
import numpy
c = numpy.array([-1, 4]) # your original c for maximization
c *= -1 # negate the objective coefficients
A = [[-3, 1], [1, 2]]
b = [6, 4]
x0_bnds = (None, None)
x1_bnds = (-3, None)
res = linprog(c, A, b, bounds=(x0_bnds, x1_bnds))
print("Objective = {}".format(res.get('fun') * -1)) # don't forget to retransform your objective back!
>>> Objective = 11.4285714286
I want to normalize the pixel values of an image to the range [0, 1] for each channel (R, G, B).
Minimal Example
#!/usr/bin/env python
import numpy as np
import scipy
from sklearn import preprocessing
original = scipy.misc.imread('Crocodylus-johnsoni-3.jpg')
transformed = np.zeros(original.shape, dtype=np.float64)
scaler = preprocessing.MinMaxScaler()
for channel in range(3):
transformed[:, :, channel] = scaler.fit_transform(original[:, :, channel])
scipy.misc.imsave("transformed.jpg", transformed)
What happens
Taking https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crocodylus-johnsoni-3.jpg,
I get the following "normalized" result:
As you can see there are lines from top to bottom at the right side. What happened there? It seems to me that the normalization went wrong. If so: How do I fix it?
In scikit-learn, a two-dimensional array with shape (m, n) is usually interpreted as a collection of m samples, with each sample having n features.
MinMaxScaler.fit_transform() transforms each feature, so each column of your array is transformed independently of the others. That results in the vertical "stripes" in the image.
It looks like you intended to scale each color channel independently. To do that using MinMaxScaler, reshape the input so that each channel becomes one column. That is, if the original image has shape (m, n, 3), reshape it to (m*n, 3) before passing it to the fit_transform() method, and then restore the shape of the result to create the transformed array.
For example,
ascolumns = original.reshape(-1, 3)
t = scaler.fit_transform(ascolumns)
transformed = t.reshape(original.shape)
With this, transformed looks like this:
The image looks exactly like the original, because it turns out that in the array original, the minimum and maximum are 0 and 255, respectively, in each channel:
In [41]: original.min(axis=(0, 1))
Out[41]: array([0, 0, 0], dtype=uint8)
In [42]: original.max(axis=(0, 1))
Out[42]: array([255, 255, 255], dtype=uint8)
So all fit_transform does in this case is transform all the input values to the floating point range [0.0, 1.0] uniformly. If the minimum or maximum was different in one of the channels, the transformed image would look different.
By the way, it is not difficult to perform the transform using pure numpy. (I'm using Python 3, so in the following, the division automatically casts the result to floating point. If you are using Python 2, you'll need to convert one of the argument to floating point, or use from __future__ import division.)
In [58]: omin = original.min(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
In [59]: omax = original.max(axis=(0, 1), keepdims=True)
In [60]: xformed = (original - omin)/(omax - omin)
In [61]: np.allclose(xformed, transformed)
Out[61]: True
(One potential problem with that method is that it will generate an error if one of the channels is constant, because then one of the values in omax - omin will be 0.)
Is there any way to make a Tensorflow Variable larger? Like, let's say I wanted to add a neuron to a layer of a neural network in the middle of training. How would I go about doing that? An answer in This question told me how to change the shape of the variable, to expand it to fit another row of weights, but I don't know how to initialize those new weights.
I figure another way of going about this might involve combining variables, as in initializing the weights first in a second variable and then adding that in as a new row or column of the first variable, but I can't find anything that lets me do that either.
There are various ways you could accomplish this.
1) The second answer in that post (https://stackoverflow.com/a/33662680/5548115) explains how you can change the shape of a variable by calling 'assign' with validate_shape=False. For example, you could do something like
# Assume var is [m, n]
# Add the new 'data' of shape [1, n] with new values
new_neuron = tf.constant(...)
# If concatenating to add a row, concat on the first dimension.
# If new_neuron was [m, 1], you would concat on the second dimension.
new_variable_data = tf.concat(0, [var, new_neuron]) # [m+1, n]
resize_var = tf.assign(var, new_variable_data, validate_shape=False)
Then when you run resize_var, the data pointed to by 'var' will now have the updated data.
2) You could also create a large initial variable, and call tf.slice on different regions of the variable as training progresses, since you can dynamically change the 'begin' and 'size' attributes of slice.
Simply using tf.concat for expand a Tensorflow Variable,you can see the api_docs
for detail.
v1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5,3]),dtype=tf.float32)
v2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1,3]),dtype=tf.float32)
v3 = tf.concat(0,[v1, v2])
Figured it out. It's kind of a roundabout process, but it's the only one I can tell that actually functions. You need to first unpack the variables, then append the new variable to the end, then pack them back together.
If you're expanding along the first dimension, it's rather short: only 7 lines of actual code.
#the first variable is 5x3
v1 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5, 3], dtype=tf.float32), "1")
#the second variable is 1x3
v2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1, 3], dtype=tf.float32), "2")
#unpack the first variable into a list of size 3 tensors
#there should be 5 tensors in the list
change_shape = tf.unpack(v1)
#unpack the second variable into a list of size 3 tensors
#there should be 1 tensor in this list
change_shape_2 = tf.unpack(v2)
#for each tensor in the second list, append it to the first list
for i in range(len(change_shape_2)):
#repack the list of tensors into a single tensor
#the shape of this resultant tensor should be [6, 3]
final = tf.pack(change_shape)
If you want to expand along the second dimension, it gets somewhat longer.
#First variable, 5x3
v3 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5, 3], dtype=tf.float32))
#second variable, 5x1
v4 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([5, 1], dtype=tf.float32))
#unpack tensors into lists of size 3 tensors and size 1 tensors, respectively
#both lists will hold 5 tensors
change = tf.unpack(v3)
change2 = tf.unpack(v4)
#for each tensor in the first list, unpack it into its own list
#this should make a 2d array of size 1 tensors, array will be 5x3
changestep2 = []
for i in range(len(change)):
#do the same thing for the second tensor
#2d array of size 1 tensors, array will be 5x1
change2step2 = []
for i in range(len(change2)):
#for each tensor in the array, append it onto the corresponding array in the first list
for j in range(len(change2step2[i])):
#pack the lists in the array back into tensors
changestep2[i] = tf.pack(changestep2[i])
#pack the list of tensors into a single tensor
#the shape of this resultant tensor should be [5, 4]
final2 = tf.pack(changestep2)
I don't know if there's a more efficient way of doing this, but this works, as far as it goes. Changing further dimensions would require more layers of lists, as necessary.