At present, I want to obtain the stories of other ins users. It is better to obtain them through the graph API rather than through the crawler. Is there any good way?
for instance,
I will like to know if its possible to retrieve a list of the most followed users (say top 20 users) on twitter through twitter's api. I cant see how to achieve that through any of the endpoints. How do web apps like this get that kind of data?
Any insights on this will be helpful.
There is no API for this. You would need to take an opinionated view of the high-volume celebrity accounts, and then watch the accounts by polling the user endpoints regularly. You could also use the commercial streaming APIs to watch the most Tweeted accounts and check the user objects on a regular basis.
(note that this is the same answer you were provided on the Twitter developer forums)
I know you must be thinking that its impossible or its been asked already.
But I have 2 queries. The first is that by using Twitter API, using an access token of my own profile, can I get all (more than 100) the retweets of my own tweet? Not someone else's, as all previous questions at stackoverflow have been asked.
Because there's a difference in private and public tweet and getting data related to it.
Secondly, if we cannot get more than 100 retweets, then how does this app Pickaw (formerly Twrench) gets all the retweets even if they're more than 500 and the corresponding data?
Any ideas?
The Twitter API only provides access to up to 100 Retweeters (IDs for users that RT'd a Tweet), regardless of whether this is your owned Tweet, or another one.
As for a specific app, it is only possible to speculate, unless the source code was Open Source and available. I would suggest there are two ways to get all the Retweets:
pay for premium or enterprise search access, and use the advanced PowerTrack rules to find Retweets of a specific Tweet ID;
use the Account Activity API webhooks to track whenever a user's Tweet is Retweeted. Not that this would only work in a real-time tracking case; you wouldn't be able to check historical Tweets.
So I'm making an app where I use foursquare API to get closest venues. I'm also thinking about using the features that require the user to authenticate, like check in endpoint. But as I have explored the foursquare authentication, it seems like that my users would have to create foursquare account to use my app.
My problem with this is that it feels like I'm giving too big part of my app (all the user details) to foursquare's side. Like if I want to create features in my app that don't require foursquare account, isn't the linkage to foursquare's stuff restricting my ability to grow my app (as my users are basically all foursquare's users.)
So is there a way to create my own user database while using the foursquare's features? Or is this even a thing to take into account? Will it cause me problems in the future?
The checkin endpoint requires user authentication because a user is checking into a venue. This is key feature of foursquare. The user has to be a foursquare user because there'd be no other way for foursquare to track them and stats, and comments, etc.
I think what you want to do is create your own app that allows someone to do things similar to Swarm or some of the venue features in Foursquare. You need to create your own database of user information and track everything yourself. If a person wants to use any of foursquare features they need to be a foursquare user. Anything your app keeps track of wont be a part of the foursquare network. One could not checkin with your app and have it show up in foursquare, if you keep things separate.
If you decide to mix and match just remember there are time limits on data caching that foursquare would like you to adhere to.
As for future problems, read the Terms Of Service for the API carefully, and if your app seems like a clone of either Swarm or FourSquare, and you're not using their users, they might ask you to cease and desist
Using the Google+ API (people, search method), is it possible to iterate through all Google+ user profiles, i.e., is there a query string that matches all profiles?
There is not a method of getting a list of Google+ profiles. There are hundreds of millions of profiles so it would be a very resource intensive activity. All of that data would likely be abused to data mine personal information and spam users as well.
These are the supported methods of interacting with Google+ people and pages.
I am starting an application that will need a very rich database of venues within a certain city right on it's start so i thought that scraping foursquare's database would be a great idea, but seems like scraping volumes over 1000 venues is considered forbidden according to it's usage / data retention policy
My Needs:
Basically, what i want to achieve is a way to allow users to search their favorite venues and receive notifications from them, so having all the venues of this city would be perfect for me, allowing me to store the relationship USER XXX FOLLOWS YYY VENUE
Since i can't "copy" / "transfer" all the foursquare venues of a given city to my own database, what can i do to actually "store" the data i need for my own use ?
Is there any workaround for this ? (I don't mean ilegal actions, but some clever use of the API instead).
You can force your users to connect with 4sq (with oauth), then retrieve the data you need using oauth tokenwith 4sq api, which does not violate the rules and put any limits to the amount of data.
You can store user's 4sq id and the venue ids they follow in your own db and retrieve the details as needed. Am I missing sth with this flow?