Find all Google+ user profiles - google-plus

Using the Google+ API (people, search method), is it possible to iterate through all Google+ user profiles, i.e., is there a query string that matches all profiles?

There is not a method of getting a list of Google+ profiles. There are hundreds of millions of profiles so it would be a very resource intensive activity. All of that data would likely be abused to data mine personal information and spam users as well.
These are the supported methods of interacting with Google+ people and pages.


Linkedin APIs for authentication, connection invitations and user search

I wrote this same question to #Linkedin support service and I was redirected to this link where they indicate to ask questions in Stackoverflow.
We are developing a mobile App for the Polytechnic University of Madrid and we plan to expand to other Universities in the future. This aplication will need in a first instance OAuth via Linkedin. It will also need to allow the authenticated user to send connection invitations to other users contained in a list. For creating that list of users, it will be useful if the admin of the system could search in a bar similar to the one which Linkedin has, write a user name and select it, retrieving its user ID or what is needed to identify the invitation destination.
Summing up, the App needs:
Connection request API
User search API
I have read on the web that some of Linkedin's APIs suffered some modifications in which most of them where limited to allowed users or apps. So the aim of this post is knowing:
Do the APIs my mobile application needs exist?
What do I need to do to obtain the access to those APIs in case they exist?
User search API
For this feature you could use something like Algolia Instant Search
LinkedIn has changed many things related to user data. If you need access to its data then you must follow the given guidelines.
Basically you have to create a LinkedIn App and then the users have to grant permissions to your app by installing it in their device(s) and then only you can collect their data.

After Google+ People API list endpoint is deprecated. It is possible to get the visible friends list in circle?

Using "" api, we are getting the access to a list of people in the user's circles in addition to their name and profile information. After api deprecation, we using people.connections.list api "" as per documentation but we get list contacts only, not friends list in google+. please help us to retrieve the friends list in google-plus. Thank you
This is probably only telling you what you already know or have guessed.
From the deprecated People API page: "... calls to the API return empty circle data for those new sign-ins." and "In place of the social connection data from the Google+ People API, you can get rich contacts data from the new Google People API."
It seems that there will no longer be a public API for getting a Google+ friends list. Consider supporting an alternate social media platform for your app or utilizing Google Contacts.
It sounds like the People API will actually be more powerful than the G+ people.list method. The G+ API only listed people that the user had circled--that isn't the same as being a friend or close contact. The people API likely better reflects closer connections between individuals as well as exposing a broad number of contacts to apps. I think for most apps, this is an improvement.

Is there a way to get four square users twitter id using foursquare API

Is there a way to get four square users twitter id using foursquare API
I have checked the gnip API, i have contacted them but the said it only supports enterprises
I need the users twitter id who checkin to specific locations using Foursquare so i can allow my users to communicate with them on my website
I need Anonymous users data and specifically not my friends data
Have a look at the Four Square API's documentation for a good place to start... It appears that this information is potentially available, however it might be dependent on you being "friends" with them or not:
If the user is a friend, contact information, Facebook ID, and Twitter handle and the user's last checkin may also be present.
The users endpoint will return a user object: This is available in their Compact and Complete objects, but not their "Mini" object.
contact: An object containing none, some, or all of twitter, facebook, email, and phone. Both are strings.

Reverse lookup of a phone number on Google+ (number -> name mapping)

Android Kitkat has a new smart callerid feature which I believe looks up the incoming phone call against your google+ contacts and also against google+ business pages / google business listings. It's pretty smart and would be a good way to lookup phone numbers in general.
I've looked through the google+ API documentation and had a hunt for any other APIs, but I can't immediately see a way to do this via the google+ API (or even on the google+ website or main google website) - does anyone know if it's possible?
The Contacts API might be your best bet, you can map contacts to Google+ IDs by looking at the profile URLs for a given contact. While people can add phone numbers to their Google+ profiles, the Google+ API in the Person resource does not expose that information even if it is public.

How to get the social networking profile information through Email Id?

I am working on iphone application.I wanted to get the social networking (facebook,twitter, etc) profile details by giving email id as query. Is there any method to get the profile ?
For Facebook you can try this answer:
For twitter this this not possible. You can use oAuth to authenticate the user and get the profile.
For LinkedIn I believe it's also not possible. LinkedIn doesn't communicate the emailaddress anywhere in their API.
See this forum post:
I'm assuming that you're wanting to just add the social profile links to a user's profile inside your app...correct? (If you want to actually allow your users to post to their various social media accounts, your best bet is to go ahead and let users sign into each individual account via OAuth.)
If you're looking to get public social info via email address, your free options for a simple solution are pretty limited. Each different social network has its own method, so you'd need to build out a different process to query each social network you want to support. Without more info on which networks you want to support, there are any number of different answers to this question - so I'll just say your best bet is to check out the developer docs of whichever social networks you want to use.
If you're looking for a paid solution, you might try FullContact (full disclosure - I work for them). The Person API pretty much does exactly what you're looking for - pulling all public social media profiles associated with a particular email ID. API docs are here.
However, it is a paid solution, which may not be what you're after.