How to override Shaka player version using new API released March 31, 2022? - google-cast-sdk

Google released new version CAST SDK March 31, 2022 with ability for overriding Shaka Player version (as release notes said :) ) but it didn't provide documentation how to set the Shaka Player version
That is all what documentation has about cast.framework.PlaybackConfig#shakaConfig
No any information about setting Shaka version at the moment.
Has anybody faced with a topic? Thank you!

The CastReceiverOptions object has an undocumented field shakaVersion. Simply set to e.g. "4.2.2".


How do I setup the Agora API into

I've downloaded the plugin and set up the account on, then linked the account from project management to the interface into Bubble. Once I placed the Agora Connector into the design interface in Bubble and added a few groups and buttons, I have no idea how to set the workflows to get the video conferencing to work.
I've been using the Zeroquode documentation but I have no idea how to get past this point. I tried to copy and pasting the Demo version and editing that but there seem to be problems with my custom states. Any links or documentation would help. Thanks in advance.
I haven't seen people using Bubble with Agora yet. But Agora released the plugin for WordPress and released the code. Maybe you can check it out to get some ideas?

When will OnSend be available for MAC?

OnSend for OWA is already available for over a year and since then the microsoft documentation says 'will be available for other platforms soon'. Since then there has been no updates. Can somebody please give an update about the status; is it in development, when will it be released, etc.
OnSend for Mac is currently under development, but we don't have a release date yet. You can roughly expect it in the next quarter.

YouTube JavaScript Player API deprecated

I found the following link where "YouTube IFrame Player API" and "YouTube JavaScript Player API" are in the list of "YouTube API Subject to the Deprecation Policy".
Does it mean I cannot embed YouTube video on my site via JavaScript?
The deprecation policy explains whether Google will announce changes to the YouTube API and what they might change:
see section I item 7.
It does not mean that the current YouTube Javascript API is obsolete.
Instead, it says that they will keep various APIs working for a year after announcing a need to shut them down, or until April 20, 2015.
Here is a shortened excerpt:
Google will announce if it intends to discontinue or make backwards
incompatible changes to this API or Service. Google will use
commercially reasonable efforts to continue to operate ... until the
later of: (i) one year after the announcement or (ii) April 20, 2015,
unless... The above policy is the "Deprecation Policy."

Facebook 6th June 2012 Changes

Facebook developer roadmap is available at :
This says -
June 6th 2012
"Removal of FBML - FBML apps will no longer work on Platform. All FBML endpoints will be removed."
We have one application, which is of canvas type "IFrame". In this app, we are using Ajax.FBML and setInnerFBML methods.So, will these be affected because of 6th June 2012 change?
Also, our app uses "fb:profile-pic" tag at many places to show the user photos from Facebook.Will that get affected because of the FBML changes?
Yes, you're using FBML therefore you'll be affected when FBML is removed - you should change your app ASAP to use iframes, and use the API to retrieve any user data you need instead of having Facebook render it for you

Can I revert to my previous version app in iTunes Connect?

I have app in App Store, I submitted version 1.1, after Apple reviewed, approved and published it, I noticed there is a clear major bug, so I had to suspend my app from App Store.
I submitted a new version 1.2, you know it would take 5-7 days to be reviewed and published, can I revert to my previous version app (1.0) while the new version is released?
Actually there is just one way :
Set the availability date for buggy version to far future, then submit new version and ask for a expedited review.
After these you should have new version reviewed under 48 hours, depending on weekday.
Open the app in iTunes Connect and click "Rights and Pricing" top right. You get a message like this: "You have selected an Available Date in the future. This will remove your currently live version from the App Store until the new date. Changing Available Date affects all versions of the application, both Ready For Sale and In Review."
Also you can request a faster review for your next update:
No sadly you cannot according to Apple, here's an excerpt from the iTunes Connect FAQ :
Question: The new version of my app on the App Store has a bug. Can I use a previous version to replace it?
No. You cannot revert to a previous version on the App Store. You must submit a new version.
Source : iTunes Connect FAQ
So, It is quite clear that we can't revert to the previous version on the App Store and the only solution is to submit a new version to the store. But We can fasten up the reviewing process by requesting the Expedited reviews. please go to the link(Expedited Review Form) and Fill up the form.