How to I run sandbox on my windows laptop? - smartcontracts

I've been trying to learn about algorand from last few days.
I tried following tutorial on youtube, but I'm unable to set it up on my laptop.
Nor I'm able to run docker & algorand daemons.
how do i set it up for windows?

Oh yeah i was facing same problem earlier.
if you're finding it hard to Install & run sandbox.
Here's what you exactly need to do....
Make sure you've DockerDesktop Installed
If not watch this video from Algorand youtube playlist to install it.
Here's link to official playlist by algorand
Make sure you've got UBUNTU WSL (AKA Windows Subsystem Linux) Installed
if not go to windows store & search ubuntu wsl > Install it.
once you've both docker & ubuntu WSL installed
you can simply open ubuntu in terminal
Now you'll need to clone sandbox.
Clone sandbox from github.
once you've cloned sandbox.
you can run it by using following command
./sandbox up
and Violla it works.


Install Phalcon on RHEL 7

I'm trying to install Phalcon on my RHEL 7 VM. I downloaded files and folders from GitHub and place them on my VM via WinSCP in /opt/ (using remi repo or git clone from VM is blocked)
When I move into /opt/phalcon/build/ and try to sudo ./install, I got a notice that PHP 5 is no longer supported, currently on my Red Hat, I have PHP 7.3.11 version running (checked using php -v and config page).
I installed things like php-devel or gcc.
I have rh-php73-php installed and running on my VM
Maybe someone can help me, because I have no idea how to fix it.
I have rh-php73-php installed and running on my VM
Sorry, but phalcon extension package doesn't exist for this PHP stack.
Using the full php stack from "remi-php73" repository or php73 SCL from "remi-safe" will give you "php-phalcon4" package with latest version of this extension.
using remi repo or git clone from VM is blocked
Use a proxy, or download packages and install them manually.
Tips: test installation from another computer, connected to internet, to get the full package list. You can even retrieve them later from /var/cache/yum (using keepcache=1 in yum.conf)
For memory, for a proper installation, follow the Wizard instructions

GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected?

I have followed these steps while installing the gnome extension of chromium in Ubuntu 20.04.
Installed the GNOME Shell integration extension on chromium.
As per their documentation ran a command to install chrome-gnome-shell
sudo apt-get install chrome-gnome-shell
Still while loading the gnome-extensions page, it is showing error that "Although GNOME Shell integration extension is running, native host connector is not detected. Refer documentation for instructions about installing connector."
Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue in steps?
FYI: starting from Ubuntu 21.10 Firefox comes as a default browser and as a snap, as well as Chromium. And has the same problem: GNOME Shell integration shows the same error.
Other ways to install the extensions are:
gnome-extensions install --force
unzip ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/
Probably this is because you are running Chromium as a Snap. There is an open bug in Launchpad about this, that appears to still be happening in Ubuntu 20.04 (still happening in Ubuntu 22.04):
The easiest solution would probably be to use another web browser, not in a Snap.
I experienced this issue when upgrading from Ubuntu 21.04 to Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish), where Firefox was installed via snap - supposedly the sandboxing made it unable to detect.
My resolution (which brought back gnome extensions connector being seen) was to install firefox manually by debian package via the directions in . You may also be able to install the direct tarball following directions in
Another option is to use a native extension manager as suggested in
I solved using Chrome and not more Firefox for extensions.gnome.
(I use Chrome just for manage this extension)
If you still got problems, you could simply do this:
sudo apt-get reinstall chrome-gnome-shell
For me it did work after all, but just by using another browser - Firefox
I'm using Ubuntu 20.10 and I also had this issue. I was using Chromium but I found that Chromium dropped support for this, therefore I installed Firefox from the software. This did not work either.
The fix was to uninstall Firefox from software and install Firefox from ubuntu software with the source: ubuntu-groovy-updates-main
I installed the browser extension on there and it worked perfectly.
Aevin J He gave the answer if you're on ubuntu 21.10. it really matters whom you install it from. don't use the default one, use the one with most reviews

Ubuntu (store version) - path for console emulators

I've currently moved from old WSL which was called Bash to Ubuntu from windows store. I'm using it along with ConEmu terminal emulator. To configure this two together, I need to specify ubuntu.exe path in conemu, but I can't find it, do you know where's it installed ? For instance, before it was C:\Windows\system32\bash.exe
Execute where ubuntu command in cmd to find correct path.
for example:

Installing chrome OS on an iMac
According this tutorial, I should remove all HDDs I do not want to install chromium OS to during install. I wanted to try this guide on my imac using an external SSD for chromeos. Obviously, removing the HDD isn't an option. Will the chromiumOS installer format my mac drive too, if I don't remove it?
AS the writer of that tutorial I can hopefully help you. When you install Chromium OS to begin with you can specify where to install to if you know your unix commands well enough. and then from there you can update to Chrome OS once you have your external working for you.
To find out what your hard drive is when connected, open a terminal (you may need to use a developer terminal) and use the command "fdisk -l" This will list your hard drives. for example /dev/sda1 etc...
Your install command would be "Install /Dev/sda1" but replace the dev part with whatever your hard drive was listed as. If you need further help email me at

Can I use Kinect on a Mac?

Studying vision, I would like to play with the Microsoft Kinect.
Can I use it on my Mac?
I have not found any Library for Mac and fear virtualization on my laptop to use Linux.
I've accessed Kinect data on OSX using openframeworks and the ofxKinect addon (which uses libfreenect and libusb).
It's not the only option, just I've used and worked 'out of the box'.
Try downloading the Zigfu Dev Bundle for mac ( - that should get you up to speed with kinect development on mac.
Using Kinect on Mac is as easy as ordering Latte.
But there is also a lot of confusion on the Internet and sites that seem to be old and give you the wrong advice such as installing a separate sensor library in addition to OpenNI. Just go to the basic website and download SDK for your MAC:
You might need to have prerequsities though I assume you have already installed them, such as:
sudo port install libtool
sudo port install doxygen
restart comp
sudo port install libusb-devel +universal
"sudo rm -f /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib"
"sudo port clean libusb"
"sudo port install libusb +universal"
No need to compile anything. You should be able to run ./Samples/Bin/SimpleViewer right away after you run sudo ./ PROBLEM might be that you have already tried to run it unsuccessfully and put a camera in the wrong state. I have seen errors such as USB intercase cannot be set etc. as a side effect.
Running your code in Eclipse is a different story and may require a few extra steps and changing your Ubuntu code (using openni namespace, different includes, etc.)