QuickBooks Online API - Sales tax: trying to override automatic sales tax, but it's not respecting my inputs - api

QBOnline API: Problems with overriding Sales Tax - passed in values not respected on Invoice (AST seems to override my override)
Hi all,
Yes, I'm new to the API. Diving in head first! :)
I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem with my app. It's submitting new Invoices to the QBOnline API, and passing in all the line item information. We aren't trying to use the AST system - so I was trying to set the override values. (Documentation: https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbo/docs/workflows/manage-sales-tax-for-us-locales#specifying-sales-tax)
I think that I am providing the values correctly, but the system is still calculating it's own sales tax amount.
Target API URL:
Here's an example of the object we are passing in (edited for privacy, expanded for human readability):
"BillAddr": {
"City": "AnywhereVille",
"Country": "USA",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "CA",
"Line1": "",
"Line2": "Customer Name LLP",
"Line3": "45 E. Pacific Coast Highway",
"Line4": "",
"PostalCode": "90804"
"CustomField": [{
"DefinitionId": "1",
"Name": "P.O. Number",
"StringValue": "",
"Type": "StringType"
}, {
"DefinitionId": "2",
"Name": "Sales Rep",
"StringValue": "TY",
"Type": "StringType"
"CustomerMemo": {
"value": "Pay your invoice online at: ..."
"CustomerRef": {
"value": "60"
"DocNumber": "11111",
"DueDate": "2022-08-01",
"Line": [{
"Amount": 576,
"Description": "",
"DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
"LineNum": 1,
"SalesItemLineDetail": {
"ClassRef": {
"name": "3 Studios",
"value": "1111111111111"
"ItemRef": {
"name": "16GBUSBFLASH",
"value": "21"
"Qty": 48,
"TaxCodeRef": {
"value": "TAX"
"UnitPrice": 12
}, {
"Amount": 168,
"Description": "",
"DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
"LineNum": 4,
"SalesItemLineDetail": {
"ClassRef": {
"name": "3 Studios",
"value": "1111111111111"
"ItemRef": {
"name": "DVDMEDIA",
"value": "23"
"Qty": 12,
"TaxCodeRef": {
"value": "TAX"
"UnitPrice": 14
}, {
"Amount": 600,
"Description": "",
"DetailType": "SalesItemLineDetail",
"LineNum": 6,
"SalesItemLineDetail": {
"ClassRef": {
"name": "3 Studios",
"value": "1111111111111"
"ItemRef": {
"name": "DIGITALDEL30",
"value": "25"
"Qty": 12,
"TaxCodeRef": {
"value": "TAX"
"UnitPrice": 50
"SalesTermRef": {
"value": "8"
"TxnDate": "2022-08-01",
"TxnTaxDetail": {
"TaxLine": [{
"Amount": 130.98,
"DetailType": "TaxLineDetail",
"TaxLineDetail": {
"NetAmountTaxable": 576,
"PercentBased": true,
"TaxPercent": 0.0925,
"TaxRateRef": {
"value": "4"
"TotalTax": 130.98,
"TxnTaxCodeRef": {
"value": "4"


When using the Quickbooks API explorer, read a vendor endpoint returns additional fields. How do I get these fields in actual API results?

Response from API via API explorer(by Intuit)
"Vendor": {
"BillAddr": {
"Id": "9",
"Line1": "31/2-34/2B, G01, Ground Floor (P V Enclave, V-Step Road)",
"Line2": "Kempapura",
"City": "Bangalore",
"Country": "India",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "karnataka",
"PostalCode": "560037"
"BusinessNumber": "ABPFA3772K",
"Balance": 12960,
"BillRate": 0,
"Vendor1099": false,
"CurrencyRef": {
"value": "INR",
"name": "Indian Rupee"
"TDSEnabled": true,
"TDSEntityTypeId": 2,
"TDSSectionTypeId": 20,
"TDSOverrideThreshold": false,
"GSTIN": "29ABPFA3772K1ZT",
"GSTRegistrationType": "GST_REG_REG",
"CostRate": 0,
"domain": "QBO",
"sparse": false,
"Id": "5",
"SyncToken": "3",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "2021-11-29T04:13:02-08:00",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-06-19T11:18:01-07:00"
"CompanyName": "Asyncauto",
"DisplayName": "Asyncauto",
"PrintOnCheckName": "Asyncauto",
"Active": true,
"V4IDPseudonym": "002085e0c7fca007484293913d58943f84b215",
"PrimaryPhone": {
"FreeFormNumber": "1231231234"
"PrimaryEmailAddr": {
"Address": "123123#mralbert.in"
"time": "2022-06-19T19:00:23.349-07:00"
Response from the actual API endpoint (quickbooks.api.intuit.com)
"Vendor": {
"BillAddr": {
"Id": "9",
"Line1": "31/2-34/2B, G01, Ground Floor (P V Enclave, V-Step Road)",
"Line2": "Kempapura",
"City": "Bangalore",
"Country": "India",
"CountrySubDivisionCode": "karnataka",
"PostalCode": "560037"
"BusinessNumber": "ABPFA3772K",
"Balance": 12960.00,
"Vendor1099": false,
"CurrencyRef": {
"value": "INR",
"name": "Indian Rupee"
"domain": "QBO",
"sparse": false,
"Id": "5",
"SyncToken": "3",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "2021-11-29T04:13:02-08:00",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2022-06-19T11:18:01-07:00"
"CompanyName": "Asyncauto",
"DisplayName": "Asyncauto",
"PrintOnCheckName": "Asyncauto",
"Active": true,
"PrimaryPhone": {
"FreeFormNumber": "1231231234"
"PrimaryEmailAddr": {
"Address": "123123#mralbert.in"
"time": "2022-06-19T19:04:59.703-07:00"
Notice that in the second case these fields - "TDSEnabled","TDSEntityTypeId","TDSSectionTypeId","TDSOverrideThreshold","GSTIN","GSTRegistrationType", are missing.
How do I get these fields in the regular production endpoint?
Try using Postman and see if issue persist then you need to talk with quickbooks support.
I have found that in indian edition of quickbooks still has many issue open.

BigQuery - UNNEST with a multidimensional array

I am needing to unnest a multidimensional array with multiple items.
My data looks like this (two rows):
Each order in this table has a fulfillments column which is a multidimensional array.
fulfilments has multiple line_items. Some orders only have 1 line_items, some orders have multiple line_items.
My goal is to get each product name and the quantity from each line_items and do a running sum/tally.
Here's a JSON export of the fulfillments column data:
"fulfillments": [{
"value": {
"id": "6575674745",
"tracking_number": null,
"line_items": [{
"value": {
"properties": [{
"value": {
"name": "shipping_interval_unit_type",
"value": "Months"
}, {
"value": {
"name": "shipping_interval_frequency",
"value": "1"
}, {
"value": {
"name": "ch_item_id",
"value": "77321530"
"product_id": "4790985097351",
"total_discount_set": {
"shop_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"presentment_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"sku": “10101”,
"name": “Product1”,
"variant_id": "33433213108359",
"quantity": "1",
"taxable": "true",
"total_discount": "0",
"title": "Product1 Title",
"price_set": {
"shop_money": {
"amount": "12.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"presentment_money": {
"amount": "12.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"product_exists": "true"
"service": "manual",
"tracking_urls": []
}, {
"value": {
"tracking_url": null,
"id": "3555531128967",
"tracking_company": null,
"tracking_number": null,
"name": "#3129472402.2",
"tracking_numbers": [],
"line_items": [{
"value": {
"properties": [{
"value": {
"name": "shipping_interval_frequency",
"value": "1"
}, {
"value": {
"name": "shipping_interval_unit_type",
"value": "Months"
}, {
"value": {
"name": "ch_item_id",
"value": "77321529"
"product_id": "5216409780359",
"total_discount_set": {
"shop_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"presentment_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"sku": "9005",
"name": “Product2”,
"quantity": "1",
"title": “Product2 Title”,
"price_set": {
"shop_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"presentment_money": {
"amount": "0.00",
"currency_code": "USD"
"product_exists": "true"
"service": "manual",
"tracking_urls": []
fulfillments[ safe_OFFSET (0)].value.line_items[ safe_OFFSET (0)].value.name AS name,
fulfillments[ safe_OFFSET (0)].value.line_items[ safe_OFFSET (0)].value.quantity AS quantity
isn't ideal in the event the order has more than one array in line_items
How can I unnest a multidimensional array when I don't know how large each array is?
UNNEST(fulfillments) as a
Only gives me another array to flatten
Given your scenario, you may try to use this query to unnest line_items with product name and the quantity:
from `mydatabase`,
unnest(fulfillments) fulfillments,
unnest(fulfillments.value.line_items) line_items

How to parse a JSON with missing property name into a db table

I am trying to convert JSON into an SQL table. The source is the response from a REST API. I do not have the opportunity to change the response.
The response contains data on several projects. Projects are returned as individual members of a global projects object.
As the projectid is not at the same level with the other data and also does not have a name
fails to parse it properly. I end up with one row for projects and the json object as the value. Also without the proper way to refer to the elements I could not figure out a way to use JSON_VALUE.
Below is a sample structure. Actual data has much more properties and variations between the projects. I prefer to solve this in SQL. But any way to sort out the JSON will be appreciated. This is my first exposure to JSON. I want to ask if I am missing something very obvious...
"projects": {
"project1id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Cust1",
"name": "Project Name 1"
"projectType": "type0"
"project2id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Customer 2",
"name": "Name 2",
"projectManager": "Man Ager"
"projectType": "type2"
"Project3id": {
"data": {
"customer": "Another Customer",
"name": "Another Project"
"projectType": "type1"
Expected Result
Project Name
Project Type
Project Manager
Project Name 1
Cust 1
Customer 2
Man Ager
Another Project
Another Customer
Excerpt from original Json:
"projects": {
"10000eumbvqn76": {
"data": {
"inquiryNumber": "34635",
"customer": "C AS",
"name": "E W ",
"orderNumber": "1000",
"seller": "M A",
"projectManager": "B O V",
"phase": "fulfillment",
"exchange": {
"deadline": {
"time": [
"timezone": [
"settings": {
"client": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 21,
"consumer": 21
"clientForInformation": {
"cycles": {
"producer": 21
"supplier": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 14,
"consumer": 14
"supplierIsProducer": {
"supplierRole": "producer"
"supplierIsConsumer": {
"supplierRole": "consumer"
"sequences": {
"$salesPurchase": {
"label": "Client RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsProducer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesPurchaseSupplier": {
"label": "Supplier RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesClient": null,
"$salesClientFrom": null,
"$client": {
"label": "To client",
"group": "order-fulfillment",
"order": [
"stages": {
"IFR": {
"label": "Issued for Review",
"phase": "forApproval",
"settings": "client"
"IFI": {
"label": "Issued for Information",
"phase": "forInformation",
"settings": "clientForInformation"
"interpret": {
"type": "unordered"
"$supplier": {
"label": "From supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplier"
"$supplierTo": {
"label": "To supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer"
"$internal": null
"officialMailIdFormat": "M-1000-0001",
"transmittalMailIdFormat": "TR-1000-0001",
"commercialMailIdFormat": "Bid-34635-0001",
"officialMailIdFormats": [
"label": "Official",
"format": "M-1000-0001"
"label": "Commercial",
"format": "Bid-34635-0001"
"projectType": "commercial"
"1000hf30ua": {
"data": {
"inquiryNumber": "100",
"customer": "S M I Y P L",
"name": "1000 FSPO ",
"seller": "L H",
"projectManager": "L H",
"phase": "inquiry",
"exchange": {
"deadline": {
"time": [
"timezone": [
"settings": {
"client": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 21,
"consumer": 21
"clientForInformation": {
"cycles": {
"producer": 21
"supplier": {
"codes": [
"id": "1",
"label": "Code 1"
"id": "4",
"label": "Code 4"
"id": "5",
"label": "Code 5"
"id": "2",
"label": "Code 2"
"id": "3",
"label": "Code 3"
"approvedCodes": [
"cycles": {
"producer": 14,
"consumer": 14
"supplierIsProducer": {
"supplierRole": "producer"
"supplierIsConsumer": {
"supplierRole": "consumer"
"sequences": {
"$salesPurchase": {
"label": "Client RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsProducer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesPurchaseSupplier": {
"label": "Supplier RFQ to OC",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer",
"group": "inquiry"
"$salesClient": null,
"$salesClientFrom": null,
"$client": {
"label": "To client",
"group": "order-fulfillment",
"order": [
"stages": {
"IFR": {
"label": "Issued for Review",
"phase": "forApproval",
"settings": "client"
"IFI": {
"label": "Issued for Information",
"phase": "forInformation",
"settings": "clientForInformation"
"interpret": {
"type": "unordered"
"$supplier": {
"label": "From supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplier"
"$supplierTo": {
"label": "To supplier",
"group": "order-fulfillment-supplier",
"settings": "supplierIsConsumer"
"$internal": null
"officialMailIdFormat": "M-100-0001",
"transmittalMailIdFormat": "TR-100-0001",
"commercialMailIdFormat": "Bid-100-0001",
"officialMailIdFormats": [
"label": "Official",
"format": "M-100-0001"
"label": "Commercial",
"format": "Bid-100-0001"
"orderNumber": "100"
"projectType": "commercial"
Possible options are: 1) Using OPENJSON() twice (with default and explicit schema) and an additional APPLY operator or 2) Using OPENJSON() (with default schema) and JSON_VALUE():
DECLARE #json nvarchar(max) = N'{
"name":"Project Name 1"
"customer":"Customer 2",
"name":"Name 2",
"projectManager":"Man Ager"
"customer":"Another Customer",
"name":"Another Project"
Statement with OPENJSON() and APPLY operator:
SELECT j1.[key] AS projectId, j2.*
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.projects') j1
CROSS APPLY OPENJSON(j1.[value], '$') WITH (
name nvarchar(100) '$.data.name',
customer nvarchar(100) '$.data.customer',
projectType nvarchar(100) '$.projectType',
projectManager nvarchar(100) '$.data.projectManager'
) j2
Statement with OPENJSON() and JSON_VALUE():
projectId = [key],
name = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.name'),
customer = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.customer'),
projectType = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.projectType'),
projectManager = JSON_VALUE([value], '$.data.projectManager')
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.projects')

Quickbooks API: How to generate purchase order against the orders placed by guest in quickbooks using api?

I have developed eCommerce website with OpenCart framework where when customer places order purchase order should be created in QuickBooks.
I have referred this documentation https://developer.intuit.com/app/developer/qbo/docs/api/accounting/all-entities/purchaseorder
The api to create a purchase order accepts following json input
"PurchaseOrder": {
"DocNumber": "1005",
"SyncToken": "0",
"domain": "QBO",
"APAccountRef": {
"name": "Accounts Payable (A/P)",
"value": "33"
"CurrencyRef": {
"name": "United States Dollar",
"value": "USD"
"TxnDate": "2015-07-28",
"TotalAmt": 25.0,
"ShipAddr": {
"Line4": "Half Moon Bay, CA 94213",
"Line3": "65 Ocean Dr.",
"Id": "121",
"Line1": "Grace Pariente",
"Line2": "Cool Cars"
"VendorAddr": {
"Line4": "Middlefield, CA 94303",
"Line3": "42 Main St.",
"Id": "120",
"Line1": "Geoff Hicks",
"Line2": "Hicks Hardware"
"POStatus": "Open",
"sparse": false,
"VendorRef": {
"name": "Hicks Hardware",
"value": "41"
"Line": [
"DetailType": "ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail",
"Amount": 25.0,
"Id": "1",
"ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail": {
"ItemRef": {
"name": "Garden Supplies",
"value": "38"
"CustomerRef": {
"name": "Cool Cars",
"value": "3"
"Qty": 1,
"TaxCodeRef": {
"value": "NON"
"BillableStatus": "NotBillable",
"UnitPrice": 25
"CustomField": [
"DefinitionId": "1",
"Type": "StringType",
"Name": "Crew #"
"DefinitionId": "2",
"Type": "StringType",
"Name": "Sales Rep"
"Id": "257",
"MetaData": {
"CreateTime": "2015-07-28T16:01:47-07:00",
"LastUpdatedTime": "2015-07-28T16:01:47-07:00"
"time": "2015-07-28T16:04:49.874-07:00"
My website has a guest checkout so I need to know how to generate purchase order for guests as the above json format expects customer id to be sent. Since it is guest who is placing order I do not have customer id to pass for the api

How to make a payment with square from Dart code in flutter?

I need make payments with square, I used square_in_app_payments plugin but it only give me a nonce string that seems I have to send it to checkout api with items information inside JSON in http request, but I don't understand how to make it.
I only tried from postman make some samples fo square.
POST /v2/locations/{{location_id}}/checkouts HTTP/1.1
Host: connect.squareup.com
Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
cache-control: no-cache
Postman-Token: 5d2c05ae-11d6-42bd-bd1e-47fa44621a98
"idempotency_key": "60f919ba-2042-4402-bc66-e6455ec32349",
"order": {
"reference_id": "reference_id",
"line_items": [
"name": "Printed T Shirt",
"quantity": "2",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 1500,
"currency": "USD"
"discounts": [
"name": "7% off previous season item",
"percentage": "7"
"name": "$3 off Customer Discount",
"amount_money": {
"amount": 300,
"currency": "USD"
"name": "Slim Jeans",
"quantity": "1",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 2500,
"currency": "USD"
"name": "Woven Sweater",
"quantity": "3",
"base_price_money": {
"amount": 3500,
"currency": "USD"
"discounts": [
"name": "$11 off Customer Discount",
"amount_money": {
"amount": 1100,
"currency": "USD"
"taxes": [
"name": "Fair Trade Tax",
"percentage": "5"
"discounts": [
"name": "Father's day 12% OFF",
"percentage": "12"
"name": "Global Sales $55 OFF",
"amount_money": {
"amount": 5500,
"currency": "USD"
"taxes": [
"name": "Sales Tax",
"percentage": "8.5"
"ask_for_shipping_address": true,
"merchant_support_email": "merchant+support#website.com",
"pre_populate_buyer_email": "example#email.com",
"pre_populate_shipping_address": {
"address_line_1": "1455 Market St.",
"address_line_2": "Suite 600",
"locality": "San Francisco",
"administrative_district_level_1": "CA",
"postal_code": "94103",
"country": "US",
"first_name": "Jane",
"last_name": "Doe"
I need to know how to take the nonce string from card form of square_in_app_payments plugin and send it in http request for complete the payment.