complex layout jetpack compose - kotlin

Hello everyone I want to develop a ui that is similar to the attached one
Attached image
I have an item that contains tow texts and icon and I have to show undefined number of these items
as shown in in the Image there are small lines that are coming out of the upper icon and go in the lower icon .
my question that is there any way to know how many lines I should place under each icon
or what is the best way to achieve this design?


Displaying overlayed QGraphicsItems

I have developed an application in PyQt5 that displays an image and allows the user to pan the image using the mouse and zoom using the mouse wheel. I now need to add the functionality to show popup text associated to specific parts of the displayed image. While painting the text directly on to the QGraphicsScene is a possibility, the range of zooms that are commonly used means that the text will be much too small when zoomed out, or much too large when zoomed in.
I would like to achieve a way of placing the QGraphicsTextItem widgets at a static location that is not affected by the pan and zoom. This way, they can be statically located around the perimiter of the QGrapicsView, and I can draw a line from the text box to the position in the scene. My problem is that I cannot find a way to place the text items so they are independant of the QGraphicsScene. I am thinking that I should have the text items external to the scene, and place the QGraphicsView and any text boxes in a parent QObject. I cannot figure out if this is the best method, and have had limited success with trying to connect a line from QGraphicsElipsesItem that marks the position on the image, to a QLabel in the parent QObject.
I hope I have made this clear enough. Please comment if it needs more clarification.

How to build below screen in titanium?

below i attached an app help guide screen. I am understanding how to build this screen.
If any body have idea please share here
View with semi transparent background color (backgroundColor:"rgba(0,0,0,0.5)";) and some images on top of it.
So, using images is bad. You'll need images for translations and if you do this as one image you'll need to ensure all devices are covered so your arrows point to the right element.
Minimise images == smaller app.
First thing you'll need to do is a create a blocker view -- so that's a view that will fill the screen and have a black background with opacity.
You can't apply that to the window as everything in it will be semi-transparent so:
Create a transparent Window that fills the screen.
Add to that window a view that fills the window and has opacity say 0.5 and black background
Add to the Window (not the view you just created) the other elements and button -- ideally, these should be individual graphics of the arrows, sized in such a way that you can position them based on the host element (the item they are pointing to / referring to). Use real text so you can handle translations / reduce file size.
So you'll need a way to associate each tip with a control they are anchored too, and that will ensure that regardless of the screen size, the tip will appear in the correct place.
First of all, always give a try before putting questions anywhere because it makes you learn things on your own for long time.
The easiest step for you to do this is to ask your designer to create a complete image just like that & you just have to show it on top.
If you have to show that image in different translations, then you can ask your designer to provide you required translations images.

How to layout the UIlabel object according to design spec in iOS

I have some difficult time in creating iOS screen to match with visual design provided by design team.
The design team has provided the spacing info for each screen which shows how much space each text needs to be apart from other UI element on the screen. This is attached for your reference. You can see here that the two text labels "Activate Your Account" and "A Verification link...." are placed apart by 25px.
The same thing I am trying to achieve in the storyboard. I am attaching the storyboard screen snapshot for reference.
From this you can see that I cannot keep exactly 25px b/w the two text labels because for the following issue
The text font is custom font and I cannot load the same in storyboard. I have added the font file in the project, but when I try to open it in storyboard for UILabel, it doesn't list out. I am not sure why xcode doesn't show up. This makes me hard to resize the label's frame. If I try to decrease the empty space in the label (upper and lower part of the text), this will make label height less, but when I set the font programmatically, it doesn't fit in this small space.
When I try to increase the height of the label, the text inside the label starts displaying at the center leaving space at the top and bottom of the label frame.
So I want to know how to solve this problem. If anyone had this issues and sorted out, please let me know how to fix this.
Many Thanks
Your designers aren't speccing their designs correctly :) Show them how iOS renders text and have them spec their designs in the same way. This is what we do on the Facebook design team. I mocked up an example for you (each square is 4dp/8px).

Custom button in Windows 8.1 app

I have a requirement to create a button in a Windows 8.1 app which has an icon and a text label. The icon will be a symbol from Segoe UI Symbols and the text label will be Segoe UI Semibold at a smaller text size.
I want to be able to reuse the button in different places within the app, using different icons and text labels.
How show I go about this? I could create a button and then edit the ContentPresenter to have a horizontally oriented stack panel with two TextBlocks, but then how could I reuse this? And how could I change the text in the two different text blocks?
Should I create a separate custom control with separate dependency properties for each of the textblock strings? I'm interested in hearing what you would do.
Create a simple Style. To make it easy, I would base it off the standardized AppBarButton style. You can format it to whatever size you want (I have done something similar to make a larger button or one with text on the side).
Have the main icon simply be a ContentPresenter which binds to the Content using a TemplateBinding. Make sure to set the FontFamily to Segoe UI Symbol. Have the text label pull from AutomationProperties.Name, similar to how the AppBarButton style does.
Then, whenever you want to use this just do:
<Button Style="{StaticResource MyCustomButtonStyle}"
Content="" // Where "000" is replaced by the number of the icon you wish to use.
AutomationProperties.Name="Text Label"/>
This should be extensible and easily reproducible to whatever location you need. When copying over the AppBarButton style, I suggest removing the artificial size limits (specifically the width of the main content Grid). I do suggest either giving the Text Label a fixed size or having it pull its size from the specified parent Width, so that it will Wrap correctly.
Hope this helps and happy coding!
Are you desiring to create something like for an AppBar? Take a look at AppBarButton and the style/types it supports. In Windows 8.1 we added some things around SymbolIcon specifically. Since you basically want two pieces of 'content' for your style you'll have to re-purpose one property (unless you create a custom control which doesn't sound needed for this scenario). Using AutiomationProperties.Name for the visible label is a good idea because it will also help with accessibility by default for those users.
Investigate the style for AppBarButton to get you started.

Content wider than page which scrolls horizontally in WinRT App

How could I achieve a page layout in which I could scroll horizontally to the right, to display a content on the page that is wider than the page itself? Something very similar to the "Store" App...
Tried scrollviewer encasing stackpanel, grids or others and no result. I looked at the samples that are generated from the Store project templates but those are also different. I guess it shouldn't be so hard but can't figure it out...
I'm trying to obtain something like this :
I want to display a content, divided into columns, which continues from a column to another. Tried also with WrapGrid, but no success... Any ideas or suggestions are greatly appreciated, thank you.
If you are going implement something similar to Article view, please read this page News apps on MSDN. It gives you information about what should you use to build apps like News apps, check the Your app's article view part:
For more info about best practices for fonts, such as size, color, and
weight, see Guidelines and checklist for text and typography
(JavaScript) or Displaying and editing text (C#/VB/C++). In Windows
Store apps written using XAML, you can use the RichTextBlock and
RichTextBlockOverflow controls to manage text overflow. For an
example, see XAML text display sample.