fix showing DiskPart has encountered an error: The device is not ready. See the System Event Log for more information - crash

I am trying to make a internal hdd as a external hard dive. I have a usb to sata cable. when i try to connect the disk management shows Disk 1 unknown not initialized and a popup massage the device is not ready.


Problem with FT232RL chip on PC and Laptop Not getting detected

I have an FTDI converter from USB to RS485 which uses the FT232RL chip, when I plug it to my computer it gets detected normally and no problems|
When I try to connect it to my laptop it gets powered up, after a bit it gets detected and then after one second it gets disconnected again and it will be detected after a minute or so and will disconnect again and this will keep happening
I have the VCP and the D2XX drivers both on my laptop and on my computer but the problem only exists on my laptop
I have verified that the converter is a genuine FTDI device
I also tried download USBDview and uninstalling the device but the same things keeps happening
What should I do?
Thanks in advance

USB CDC-ACM on STM32 device not registering on Linux

Working with the STM32L062 Cortex-M0 and CubeMX the generated USB CDC-ACM code works fine in Windows. With loopback code running on the STM32 and TerraTerm running on Windows characters typed in the terminal window correctly echo back. However, when this same system is then plugged into a laptop running Ubuntu, the device fails to enumerate. Even worse, the system doesn't appear to respond to the connection whatsoever- no new messages appear via dmesg that even a failed enumeration is going on. Given that the code used is generated by CubeMX wizards it is difficult to know what to start to troubleshoot. Any suggestions?
As an aside, this isn't the first issue presented by CDC-ACM drivers. Implementing a USB CDC-ACM stack for a PIC32MM processor, data can be sent to the host but not received from the host, however, if the driver is switched to plain vanilla CDC then data can be sent both ways no problem. So it seems maybe Ubuntu has some issues with the default USB drivers, but either way, it's very odd that the ST driver gets zero response at all from the system.

How is a device descriptor created and loaded on a new USB device so Windows will recognize it?

I have this device that has a micro usb soldered onto it. When I plug it into my computer, Windows throws the error, "Device descriptor request failed". I believe this is because there is no device descriptor on the device, so the request returns nothing.
My question is:
How can I load a device descriptor onto the device so Windows will be able to enumerate it in the future?

Resetting USB Driver

I have a SOM module working on AM3352 TI processor. It has 2 USB ports. One of the port is connected to a USB hub on-to which a USB camera is connected.
AM3352 USB <---------- USB HUB <----------- USB Camera
On the system I also have another module which runs on 6.3 V. Since my input is only 5V, I am using a DC-DC converter to boost the voltage to 6.3.
What I observe is that, when I turn on the 6.3V module, there is dip in my input voltage for a short duration. The VBUS goes below 4.4V for this time period and I get a VBUS error. The voltage goes back to the previous state after this time but my device gets dropped. I wont be able to use the camera after this
Is there a way to restart the full usb driver so that the camera will get detected and I can use it for the intended purpose?

GPIO device detected on Embedded device When connected, but not able to communicate

I am trying to communicate to my embedded(set-top box) device through this( GPIO. Previously, when i attached this device to my set top box, then in dmesg, it is showing only that new usb device has been attached and by some hook/crook method, i manually created a node with major minor number of recently attached usb device and through my cross compiled c program, i tried to send gpio commands, which throws me the errors of invalid commands. After some more research, i get to know that on my set top box kernel, ACM CDC support is disabled. so i compiled the kernel again with CDC ACM support enabled and USB serial convertor support enabled. after flashing the kernel on BOX, now when i attached the device, in dmesg, it is showing that device is attached, New ACM device detected on ttyACM0, but no node is created in /dev, instead i found the device info in /sys/class/tty/ttyACM0. from here, i get the major and minor number of my device and manually created a node. after that i tried to communicate again, but now, instead of saying invalid command, my program is stuck on the first GPIO command and it is not executing any GPIO commands, but giving me the output of all the printf statements at application layer. please help.
Thanks in advance