Is there a way to filter a list of union types in Elm without explict case/pattern matching? - elm

I've got a list of things and I want to filter based on a Union type. simplified, it might be something like this:
type Groceries =
| Cheese
| Widgets
shoppingList = [Apples, Cheese, Cheese, Widgets, Apples]
is there a nice syntax for filtering all the elements that match a particular subtype?
# idk, eg
fruit = shoppingList |> List.filter =Apple?
I know i can use a lambda with a case statement but it seems so verbose!

You can do:
fruit = shoppingList |> List.filter ((==) Apples)
(==) takes the infix equals operator and treats it as an ordinary function. Then, applying Apples to it will return a partially applied function that compares whatever is applied to it to Apples.
However, this will only work on simple variants that can be directly compared.


PromQL If condition and or operator

in PromQL, I want to write
If metric_a>=bool 3:
return metric_b
return 1
I am thinking to write as
(metric_b and metric_a>=3) or metric_a<bool 3
but I found that when I switch the metric order, like A or B, B or A, the query result would change, also am not sure if what I have means my if-else
why the or/and operator would give inconsist result? also what is a best way to present the if-else statement in here?
I checked your proposed solution:
(metric_b and metric_a>=3) or metric_a<bool 3
and it worked like expected, returning the value of metric_b when metric_a is >= 3, and 1 otherwise.
It's important to note that "VECTOR1 and VECTOR2" it's not necessarily equals to "VECTOR2 and VECTOR1". Take a look at the Prometheus documentation about this:
vector1 and vector2 results in a vector consisting of the elements of
vector1 for which there are elements in vector2 with exactly matching
label sets. Other elements are dropped.
The results are always from the first vector of the "and" clause.
For example, the following query:
Gives a different result of the following one:

django: filtering with multiple criteria without losing other fields?

My model looks like so: Each Bottle has an attribute name, and a relationship to Brand.
In one of my views, I want to show a user all distinct bottles, and their counts.
A distinct bottle is a bottle that has the same name attribute, and the same Brand relationship.
So this table:
Should display 2 lines instead of 3, with the proper quantities (1 for Eitan, 2 for Almon).
The following line in my
object = Bottle.objects.filter('name').annotate(Count('brand'))
Produces this when I print object:
<QuerySet [{'name': 'Almon', 'brand__count': 2}, {'name': 'Eitan', 'brand__count': 1}]>
Which seems to be the right direction, but it has two problems:
I lose all other fields (vintage, capacity) except name and brand__count. I can of course explicitly add them to values, but that seems a) upythonic b) that it will group_by these items as well!
My pug template complains: Need 2 values to unpack in for loop; got 1 (this is because I'm iterating through them as a list, and using its index for numbering)
Any help is appreciated!
object = Bottle.objects.filter('name','vintage','capacity').annotate(Count('brand'))
unless you mention the fields to filter as you are mentioning name then how will the query set pass it to you? then do this, like not mentioning any name in the values
object = Bottle.objects.filter('brand'))
both of this will give you all the fields in Bottle table

What is the difference between `::` and `.` in pig?

What is the difference between :: and . in pig?
When do I use one vs the other?
E.g., I know that :: is need in join when a field exists in both aliases:
A = foreach (join B by (x), C by (y)) generate B::y as b_y, C::y as c_y;
and I need . when accessing group fields:
A = foreach (group B by (x,y)) generate group.x as x, group.y as y, SUM(B?z) as z;
However, do I pass B::z or B.z to SUM above instead of B?z?
In Pig, :: is used as a disambiguation tool after operations which could possibly create naming collisions. Notably, this happens with JOIN, CROSS, and FLATTEN. Consider two relations, A:{(id:int, name:chararray)} and B:{(id:int, location:chararray)}. If you want to associate names with locations, naturally you would do:
C = JOIN A BY id, B BY id;
Without the disambiguation operator, your schema would be
C:{(id:int, name:chararray, id:int, location:chararray)}
Now you can't tell which field id refers to. To avoid this, Pig will instead do
C:{(A::id:int, A::name:chararray, B::id:int, B::location:chararray)}
Likewise, you could FLATTEN two bags whose tuples have fields with the same name, and they would also collide. So the same operator is used in this case as well. When there is no such conflict, you do not need to use the full name: name is unambiguous here. To simplify C, then, you can do this:
D = FOREACH C GENERATE A::id, name, location;
The . operator, by contrast, projects fields from bags and tuples. If you have a bag b with schema {(x:int, y:int, z:int)}, the projection b.y yields a bag with just the specified field: {(y:int)}. You can project multiple fields at once with parentheses: b.(y,z) yields {(y:int, z:int)}.
When used with tuples, the result is a tuple with just the specified fields. If the tuple t has schema (x:int, y:int, z:int), then t.x is the tuple (x:int) and t.(y,z) is the tuple (y:int, z:int).
To your specific question about SUM, note that SUM along with the other summary statistic UDFs, takes a bag as its argument. Therefore, you need to create a bag with just the one field per tuple that you want to sum. Using the projection operator, .: B.z.
IIRC you get :: as a side effect after some statements. You cannot bother about it, unless (as you mentioned) a name exists inside two different prefixes.
The . is different in that you are going inside the structure.
group.x as x, group.y as y is equivalent to FLATTEN(group)
SUM(B?z) - here you should do SUM(B.z), to specify that you need a particular field to SUM.

Multiple aggregate functions in Hibernate Query

I want to have an HQL query which essentially does this :
select quarter, sum(if(a>1, 1, 0)) as res1, sum(if(b>1, 1, 0)) as res2 from foo group by quarter;
I want a List as my output list with Summary Class ->
Class Summary
long res1;
long res2;
int quarter;
How can I achieve this aggregation in HQL? What will be the hibernate mappings for the target Object?
I don't want to use SQL kind of query that would return List<Object[]> and then transform it to List<Summary>
Since Summary is not an entity, you don't need a mapping for it, you can create an appropriate constructor and use an HQL constructor expression instead. Aggregate functions and ifs are also possible, though you need to use case syntax instead of if.
So, if Foo is an entity mapped to the table Foo it would look like this:
select new Summary(
sum(case when f.a > 1 then 1 else 0 end),
sum(case when f.b > 1 then 1 else 0 end)
) from Foo f group by f.quarter
See also:
Chapter 16. HQL: The Hibernate Query Language
It might be possible with a subselect in the mapping. Have a look at More complex association mappings in the hibernate documentation. I've never tried that possibility.
But even the hibernate guys recommend "... but it is more practical to handle these kinds of cases using HQL or a criteria query." That's what I would do: Use the group-by in the HQL statement and work with the List. The extra time for copying this list into a list of suitable objects is negligible compared with the time which the group-by is using in the database. But it seems you don't like this possibility.
A third possibility is to define a view in the database containing your group-by and then create a normal mapping for this view.

Is it possible to cross-join a row in a relation with a tuple in that row in Pig?

I have a set of data that shows users, collections of fruit they like, and home city:
Bob\tApple\tSan Diego
I would like to create a pig query that correlates the number of users that enjoy tyeps of fruits in different cities, where the results from the query for the data above would look like this:
Apple\tSan Diego\t1
The part I can't figure out is how to cross join the split fruit rows with the rest of the data from the same row, so:
I know I can use TOKENIZE to split the string 'Apple:Orange' into the tuple ('Apple', 'Orange'), but I don't know how to get the cross product of that tuple with the rest of the row ('Alice').
One brute-force solution I came up with is to use the streaming to run the input collection through an external program, and handle the "cross join" to produce multiple rows per row there.
This seems like it should be unnecessary though. Are there better ideas?
You should use FLATTEN, which works great with TOKENIZE to do stuff like this.
b = FOREACH a GENERATE name, FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(fruits)) as fruit, city;
FLATTEN takes a bag and "flattens" it out across different rows. TOKENIZE breaks your fruits out into a bag (not a tuple like you said), and then FLATTEN does the cross-like behavior like you are looking for. I point out that it is a bag and not a tuple, because FLATTEN is overloaded and behaves differently with tuples.
I first learned of the FLATTEN/TOKENIZE technique in the canonical word count example, in which is tokenizes a word, then flattens the words out into rows.