What is Agora on-premise recording concurrency? - agora.io

I'm trying to use Agora on-premise recording. Would like to know what is the concurrency for it? Here is Agora on-premise recording related documentation: https://docs.agora.io/en/Recording/recording_integrate_cpp?platform=Linux


Azure webhook triggers a IoT Hub

I want to make a webhook that can be triggered by either get/post and triggers connected IoT devices to a WebSocket.
So, I thought Azure might help to automize this process, instead of writing everything from scratch and run it on a webserver.
I am very new in the Azure world, I found it very complicated to make it working on Azure.
Can you point me to any simple to make it work?
The first thing to do is to decide where you want to connect your devices to. Generally, you'll either use Azure IoT Hub or IoT Central (which uses an IoT Hub anyway). Your question doesn't include any details about your devices, or whether you're developing them yourself, but I'll assume you can connect to either.
If you go for Azure IoT Central, the easiest way to get a webhook going is to create a Logic App and link nodes together to trigger a Command to your device. You can use an HTTP request as the trigger, and use the built-in IoT Central node to trigger your command, example:
If you end up connecting your devices to IoT Hub, you can use Direct Methods, Cloud to Device messages or even Device Twins to communicate with your devices. You can leverage these by creating an Azure Function with an HTTP trigger, and you program the logic to call IoT Hub, which will communicate with your devices. There are a lot of samples on the web that show how to create Functions, or control your device remotely.
There are a lot of ways to go about your scenario, if you need some help from the Microsoft community, you can get a lot of help on Microsoft Q&A.
Update based on the comments:
In this case, the devices are connected to IoT Hub. You can use the Service SDK to run a job that fires a Direct Method to all currently connected devices. This doc describes the process.

How to query the build-in IoT-Hub of Azure Digital Twins?

As far as I understand, every instance of Azure Digital Twins Preview brings its own IoT-Hub. A normal Azure IoT-Hub I could query like this (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/iot-hub/iot-hub-devguide-query-language):
SELECT * FROM devices
How do I query the built in IoT-Hub of Azure Digital Twins?
Or isn't it possible to access this IoT-Hub and I always have to use the Digital Twins REST-API?
The current preview of Azure Digital Twins does not allow you to query the IoT Hub. However, at Microsoft Build, a new version of the preview was announced. This will change the structure of the Digital Twins itself and also allow you to bring your own Azure IoT Hub to integrate with. In the Build Book Of News, it is stated that this preview should come this summer.
As Matthijs van der Veer mentioned, Currently, there is no direct access to the IoT Hub created along with Digital Twins. However, in GA we will have the ability for you to bring your own/directly create & associate your own hub. Yes, you need to use Management API to connect the IotHub.
The new capabilities, which will be available in the summer of 2020, include OPEN Modeling Language, live execution environment, easy integration with Azure IoT Hub and other Azure services, and rich query APIs.
For more updates regarding Azure Digital Twins, please check Azure Updates page.

Stream live audio via gcp in react-native

I want to develop a react-native application which has live audio streamed from one phone to multiple phones. Also this solutions should be hosted on GCP concerning scalability.
I think webRTC is one of the option but not sure how it integrates with GCP.

Azure Iot sdk - upload blob metadata?

It's great that Azure Iot hub and sdk supports blob uploading. However it seems blob metadata uploading is not there. Any plan to add the feature? It's a very handy feature for small projects.
Or it's already supported but I missed something?
That's correct. There is no method (support) for the blob metadata uploading in the Azure IoT Device Client SDK.
However, the following workaround can be used for this feature. It's based on the uploading files with IoT Hub using the REST API calls.
Step 1: The device ask an Azure IoT Hub for upload references
Step 2: Upload blob and metadata
Step3: Complete the device uploading process:
This feature is tracked by https://github.com/Azure/azure-iot-sdk-csharp/issues/165 for the .NET Azure IoT SDK.

IBM Mobile Quality Assurance REST API Available?

Now I am working on the IBM MQA (Mobile Quality Assurance). But I want to get some informations from MQA Service such as device's information , session, bugs, .... The IBM have the rest API to support it ? Can anyone give some suggestion about this problem ?
Thank you.
We are working to improve the MQA filtering features however at this time we don't have a way to filter crashes by devices. We recently announced that MQA in Bluemix now supports integration with the following bug tracking systems: Jira, TFS, HP Quality Center, GitHub, FogBugz.
If you use one of these BTS's, its possible to use their sorting or filtering process, if any however unfortunately at this time there are no MQA APIs available.