Partitioning with key in kafka connect s3 sink - amazon-s3

Can we partition our output in s3 sink connector with key?
How can we set in connector config to just hold latest 10 record of each key or just hold data of 10 minutes ago? or partitioning with key and time period.

You'd need to set store.kafka.keys=true for the S3 sink to store keys, by default, but those will be written to unique files separately from the value, and within whatever partitioner you've configured.
Otherwise, the FieldPartitioner only uses the value of the record, Therefore, you'd need an SMT to move the record key into the value in order to partition on it.
Last I checked, there is still an open PR on Github for a Field and Time partitioner.
The S3 sink doesn't window/compact any data, it'll dump and store everything. You'll need an external process such as a Lambda function to cleanup data over time


Google Dataflow store to specific Partition using BigQuery Storage Write API

I want to store data to BigQuery by using specific partitions. The partitions are ingestion-time based. I want to use a range of partitions spanning over two years. I use the partition alias destination project-id:data-set.table-id$partition-date.
I get failures since it does recognise the destination as an alias but as an actual table.
Is it supported?
When you ingest data into BigQuery, it will land automatically in the corresponding partition. If you choose a daily ingestion time as partition column, that means that every new day will be a new partition. To be able to "backfill" partitions, you need to choose some other column for the partition (e.g. a column in the table with the ingestion date). When you write data from Dataflow (from anywhere actually), the data will be stored in the partition corresponding to the value of that column for each record.
Direct writes to partitions by ingestion time is not supported using the Write API.
Also using the stream api is not supported if a window of 31 days has passed
From the documentation:
When streaming using a partition decorator, you can stream to partitions within the last 31 days in the past and 16 days in the future relative to the current date, based on current UTC time.
The solution that works is to use BigQuery load jobs to insert data. This can handle this scenario.
Because this operation has lot's of IO involved (files getting created on GCS), it can be lengthy, costly and resource intensive depending on the data.
A approach can be to create table shards and split the Big Table to small ones so the Storage Read and the Write api can be used. Then load jobs can be used from the sharded tables towards the partitioned table would require less resources, and the problem is already divided.

Is there a way of shuffling partition data on Apache Ignite?

I've got a question that is related to data repartitioning.
Suppose there's a cache with a pre-defined affinity key. Assume I need to repartition data with a new affinity key. I'm wondering whether there is a way of shuffling partition data across all nodes by a new affinity key?
You need to repopulate the data in that case.
First, it's a static configuration and can't be changed on the fly.
The second, most likely you will need to clear meta-information for that particular type, i.e. clean work/binary_meta folder.
The last one - once you changed it, you won't be able to locate the data since most likely it will be stored in a different partition.
In other words, say, you had a cache key with two fields A and B: K(A,B) where A is your affinity key. Say, your Key(1,2) was mapped to a partition 5. In that case, to locate the value, Ignite will search for this partition 5 depending on which node hold the primary copy of it. Later you wanted to have B as the affinity key and re-configure the cache accordingly. In that case, Key(1,2) might now be mapped to a partition 780, meaning that Ignite will never search for a partition 5 and won't be able to locate the previous data.

Table without date and Primary Key

I have 9M records. We needed to do the following operations:-
daily we receive the entire file of 9M records with 150GB of file size
It is truncate and loads in Snowflake. Daily deleting the entire 9B records and loading
We would want to send only incremental file load to Snowflake. Meaning that:
For example, out of 9Million records, we would only have an update in 0.5Million records(0.1 M Inserts,0.3 Deletes, and 0.2 Updates). How we will be able to compare the file and extract only delta file and load to the snowflake. How to do it cost-effectively and fast way in AWS native tools and load to S3.
P.s data doesn't have any date column. It is a pretty old concept written in 2012. We need to optimize this. The file format is fixed width. Attaching sample RAW data.
Sample Data:
In a nutshell, I want to extract only Insert, Updates, and Deletes into a File. How do you classify this best and cost-efficient way.
Your tags and the question content does not match, but I am guessing that you are trying to load data from Oracle to Snowflake. You want to do an incremental load from Oracle but you do not have an incremental key in the table to identify the incremental rows. You have two options.
Work with your data owners and put the effort to identify the incremental key. There needs to be one. People are sometimes lazy to put this effort. This will be the most optimal option
If you cannot, then look for a CDC(change data capture) solution like golden gate
CDC stage comes by default in DataStage.
Using CDC stage in combination of Transformer stage, is best approach to identify new rows, changed rows and rows for deletion.
You need to identify column(s) which makes row unique, doing CDC with all columns is not recommended, DataStage job with CDC stage consumes more resources if you add more change columns in CDC stage.
Work with your BA to identifying column(s) which makes row unique in the data.
I had the similar problem what you have. In my case, there are no Primary key and there is no date column to identify the difference. So what I did is actually, I used AWS Athena (presto managed) to calculate the difference between source and the destination. Below is the process:
Copy the source data to s3.
Create Source Table in athena pointing the data copied from source.
Create Destination table in athena pointing to the destination data.
Now use, SQL in athena to find out the difference. As I did not have the both primary key and date column, I used the below script:
select * from table_destination
select * from table_source;
If you have primary key, you can use that to find the difference as well and create the result table with the column which says "update/insert/delete"
This option is aws native and then it will be cheaper as well, as it costs 5$ per TB in athena. Also, in this method, do not forget to write file rotation scripts, to cut down your s3 costs.

How long does bigquery steaming buffer persist

I am migrating data from a sql server database systme to bigquery at the moment, and I have encountered a problem when trying to delete records from a bigquery table with active streaming buffer, can you confirm how long does a streaming buffer persist before it is removed so the delete operation can run against it? I find this has caused unnecessary inconvenience during development.
Many thanks for your help and I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
According to official documentation
Data can take up to 90 minutes to become available for copy and export operations. Also, when streaming to a partitioned table, data in the streaming buffer has a NULL value for the _PARTITIONTIME pseudo column. To see whether data is available for copy and export, check the tables.get response for a section named streamingBuffer. If that section is absent, your data should be available for copy or export, and should have a non-null value for the _PARTITIONTIME pseudo column. Additionally, the streamingBuffer.oldestEntryTime field can be leveraged to identify the age of records in the streaming buffer.
Streaming into partitioned tables
When the data is streamed, data between 7 days in the past and 3 days in the future is placed in the streaming buffer, and then it is extracted to the corresponding partitions. Data outside of this window (but inside the 1 year, 6 month range) is placed in streaming buffer, and then it is extracted to the UNPARTITIONED partition. When there's enough unpartitioned data, it is loaded to the corresponding partitions.
We overcomed your situation by delaying the delete requests, or do once in 24 hours. You could script now the query for delete to use the streamingBuffer.oldestEntryTime as a param, and attempt to delete anything older than that.

Real time analytic processing system design

I am designing a system that should analyze large number of user transactions and produce aggregated measures (such as trends and etc).
The system should work fast, be robust and scalable.
System is java based (on Linux).
The data arrives from a system that generate log files (CSV based) of user transactions.
The system generates a file every minute and each file contains the transactions of different users (sorted by time), each file may contain thousands of users.
A sample data structure for a CSV file:
10:30:01,user 1,...
10:30:01,user 1,...
10:30:02,user 78,...
10:30:02,user 2,...
10:30:03,user 1,...
10:30:04,user 2,...
The system I am planning should process the files and perform some analysis in real-time.
It has to gather the input, send it to several algorithms and other systems and store computed results in a database. The database does not hold the actual input records but only high level aggregated analysis about the transactions. For example trends and etc.
The first algorithm I am planning to use requires for best operation at least 10 user records, if it can not find 10 records after 5 minutes, it should use what ever data available.
I would like to use Storm for the implementation, but I would prefer to leave this discussion in the design level as much as possible.
A list of system components:
A task that monitors incoming files every minute.
A task that read the file, parse it and make it available for other system components and algorithms.
A component to buffer 10 records for a user (no longer than 5 minutes), when 10 records are gathered, or 5 minute have passed, it is time to send the data to the algorithm for further processing.
Since the requirement is to supply at least 10 records for the algorithm, I thought of using Storm Field Grouping (which means the same task gets called for the same user) and track the collection of 10 user's records inside the task, of course I plan to have several of these tasks, each handles a portion of the users.
There are other components that work on a single transaction, for them I plan on creating other tasks that receive each transaction as it gets parsed (in parallel to other tasks).
I need your help with #3.
What are the best practice for designing such a component?
It is obvious that it needs to maintain the data for 10 records per users.
A key value map may help, Is it better to have the map managed in the task itself or using a distributed cache?
For example Redis a key value store (I never used it before).
Thanks for your help
I had worked with redis quite a bit. So, I'll comment on your thought of using redis
#3 has 3 requirements
Buffer per user
Buffer for 10 Tasks
Should Expire every 5 min
1. Buffer Per User:
Redis is just a key value store. Although it supports wide variety of datatypes, they are always values mapped to a STRING key. So, You should decide how to identify a user uniquely incase you need have per user buffer. Because In redis you will never get an error when you override a key new value. One solution might be check the existence before write.
2. Buffer for 10 Tasks: You obviously can implement a queue in redis. But restricting its size is left to you. Ex: Using LPUSH and LTRIM or Using LLEN to check the length and decide whether to trigger your process. The key associated with this queue should be the one you decided in part 1.
3. Buffer Expires in 5 min: This is a toughest task. In redis every key irrespective of underlying datatype it value has, can have an expiry. But the expiry process is silent. You won't get notified on expiry of any key. So, you will silently lose your buffer if you use this property. One work around for this is, having an index. Means, the index will map a timestamp to the keys who are all need to be expired at that timestamp value. Then in background you can read the index every minute and manually delete the key [after reading] out of redis and call your desired process with the buffer data. To have such an index you can look at Sorted Sets. Where timestamp will be your score and set member will be the keys [unique key per user decided in part 1 which maps to a queue] you wish to delete at that timestamp. You can do zrangebyscore to read all set members with specified timestamp
Use Redis List to implement a queue.
Use LLEN to make sure you are not exceeding your 10 limit.
Whenever you create a new list make an entry into index [Sorted Set] with Score as Current Timestamp + 5 min and Value as the list's key.
When LLEN reaches 10, remember to read then remove the key from the index [sorted set] and from the db [delete the key->list]. Then trigger your process with data.
For every one min, generate current timestamp, read the index and for every key, read data then remove the key from db and trigger your process.
This might be my way to implement it. There might be some other better way to model your data in redis
For your requirements 1 & 2: [Apache Flume or Kafka]
For your requirement #3: [Esper Bolt inside Storm. In Redis for accomplishing this you will have to rewrite the Esper Logic.]