Is there a way of shuffling partition data on Apache Ignite? - ignite

I've got a question that is related to data repartitioning.
Suppose there's a cache with a pre-defined affinity key. Assume I need to repartition data with a new affinity key. I'm wondering whether there is a way of shuffling partition data across all nodes by a new affinity key?

You need to repopulate the data in that case.
First, it's a static configuration and can't be changed on the fly.
The second, most likely you will need to clear meta-information for that particular type, i.e. clean work/binary_meta folder.
The last one - once you changed it, you won't be able to locate the data since most likely it will be stored in a different partition.
In other words, say, you had a cache key with two fields A and B: K(A,B) where A is your affinity key. Say, your Key(1,2) was mapped to a partition 5. In that case, to locate the value, Ignite will search for this partition 5 depending on which node hold the primary copy of it. Later you wanted to have B as the affinity key and re-configure the cache accordingly. In that case, Key(1,2) might now be mapped to a partition 780, meaning that Ignite will never search for a partition 5 and won't be able to locate the previous data.


Best practice to do join in Apache Ignite

I have two large tables A and B, and I want to join these two tables on two columns, say, project_id and customer_id.
When I do the join in Apache Ignite, I find that the performance is very bad. After investigating, I think the problem lies in that the data recide in different nodes randomly.
When the join happens, there are data transfer between nodes to make the same project_id and customer_id from A and B into same node.
For my case,
Load data into the Ignite cluster based on A and B's project_id and customer_id, so that, there is no data transfer when doing the join. The solution can work but not flexible.
Use only one node to hold all the data. This solution can work but there is memory limit for a single node(Not too much data can be held by one node)
I would ask which solution would be a better choice, thanks!
The former (1.) is recommended. You should load the data in the fashion so that data for the same project_id and customer_id is on the same node in both tables.
This is called affinity collocation and it is paramount to get right to have good performance of Ignite queries (and sometimes for them to work at all).
Ignite will take care of affinity collocation for you if you setup it correctly, but there are a few caveats right away:
Affinity key has to be a part of primary key (not a value field)
Affinity key has to be single (so you have to choose between project_id and customer_id) or a composite type (a nested POJO with its own implications) or a synthetic value maybe?
There is possibility of uneven partition distribution. Imagine you have a single large customer (or project). When processing this customer, all nodes but a single one will be idle and unused.

Did anyone write custom Affinity function?

I want all nodes in a cluster to have equal number data load. With
default Affinity function it is not happening.
As of now, we have 3 nodes. We use group ID as affinity key, and we have 3
group IDs (1, 2 and 3). And we limit cache partitions to group IDs. Overall
nodes=group IDs=cache partitions. So that each node have equal number of
Will it be okay to write custom Affinity function? And
what will we lose doing so? Did anyone write custom Affinity function?
The affinity function doesn't guarantee an even distribution across all nodes. It's statistical... and three values isn't really enough to make sure the data is "fairly" distributed.
So, yes, writing a new affinity function would work. The downsides being you need to make it fast (it's called a lot) and you'd be hard-coding it to your current node topology. What happens when you choose to add a new node? What happens when a node fails? Also, you'd be potentially putting all your data into three partitions which make it harder to scale out (one of the main advantages of Ignite's architecture).
As an alternative, I'd look at your data model. Splitting your data into three chunks is too coarse for things to work automatically.

Out of Process in memory database table that supports queries for high speed caching

I have a SQL table that is accessed continually but changes very rarely.
The Table is partitioned by UserID and each user has many records in the table.
I want to save database resources and move this table closer to the application in some kind of memory cache.
In process caching is too memory intensive so it needs to be external to the application.
Key Value stores like Redis are proving inefficient due to the overhead of serializing and deserializing the table to and from Redis.
I am looking for something that can store this table (or partitions of data) in memory, but let me query only the information I need without serializing and deserializing large blocks of data for each read.
Is there anything that would provide Out of Process in memory database table that supports queries for high speed caching?
Searching has shown that Apache Ignite might be a possible option, but I am looking for more informed suggestions.
Since it's out-of-process, it has to do serialization and deserialization. The problem you concern is how to reduce the serialization/deserizliation work. If you use Redis' STRING type, you CANNOT reduce these work.
However, You can use HASH to solve the problem: mapping your SQL table to a HASH.
Suppose you have the following table: person: id(varchar), name(varchar), age(int), you can take person id as key, and take name and age as fields. When you want to search someone's name, you only need to get the name field (HGET person-id name), other fields won't be deserialzed.
Ignite is indeed a possible solution for you since you may optimize serialization/deserialization overhead by using internal binary representation for accessing objects' fields. You may refer to this documentation page for more information:
Also access overhead may be optimized by disabling copy-on-read option
Data collocation by user id is also possible with Ignite:
As the #for_stack said, Hash will be very suitable for your case.
you said that Each user has many rows in db indexed by the user_id and tag_id . So It is that (user_id, tag_id) uniquely specify one row. Every row is functional depends on this tuple, you could use the tuple as the HASH KEY.
For example, if you want save the row (user_id, tag_id, username, age) which values are ("123456", "FDSA", "gsz", 20) into redis, You could do this:
HMSET 123456:FDSA username "gsz" age 30
When you want to query the username with the user_id and tag_id, you could do like this:
HGET 123456:FDSA username
So Every Hash Key will be a combination of user_id and tag_id, if you want the key to be more human readable, you could add a prefix string such as "USERINFO". e.g. : USERINFO:123456:FDSA .
BUT If you want to query with only a user_id and get all rows with this user_id, this method above will be not enough.
And you could build the secondary indexes in redis for you HASH.
as the above said, we use the user_id:tag_id as the HASH key. Because it can unique points to one row. If we want to query all the rows about one user_id.
We could use sorted set to build a secondary indexing to index which Hashes store the info about this user_id.
We could add this in SortedSet:
ZADD user_index 0 123456:FDSA
As above, we set the member to the string of HASH key, and set the score to 0. And the rule is that we should set all score in this zset to 0 and then we could use the lexicographical order to do range query. refer zrangebylex.
E.g. We want to get the all rows about user_id 123456,
ZRANGEBYLEX user_index [123456 (123457
It will return all the HASH key whose prefix are 123456, and then we use this string as HASH key and hget or hmget to retrieve infomation what we want.
[ means inclusive, and ( means exclusive. and why we use 123457? it is obvious. So when we want to get all rows with a user_id, we shoud specify the upper bound to make the user_id string's leftmost char's ascii value plus 1.
More about lex index you could refer the article I mentioned above.
You can try apache mnemonic started by intel. Link - It supports serdeless features
For a read-dominant workload MySQL MEMORY engine should work fine (writing DMLs lock whole table). This way you don't need to change you data retrieval logic.
Alternatively, if you're okay with changing data retrieval logic, then Redis is also an option. To add to what #GuangshengZuo has described, there's ReJSON Redis dynamically loadable module (for Redis 4+) which implements document-store on top of Redis. It can further relax requirements for marshalling big structures back and forth over the network.
With just 6 principles (which I collected here), it is very easy for a SQL minded person to adapt herself to Redis approach. Briefly they are:
The most important thing is that, don't be afraid to generate lots of key-value pairs. So feel free to store each row of the table in a different key.
Use Redis' hash map data type
Form key name from primary key values of the table by a separator (such as ":")
Store the remaining fields as a hash
When you want to query a single row, directly form the key and retrieve its results
When you want to query a range, use wild char "*" towards your key. But please be aware, scanning keys interrupt other Redis processes. So use this method if you really have to.
The link just gives a simple table example and how to model it in Redis. Following those 6 principles you can continue to think like you do for normal tables. (Of course without some not-so-relevant concepts as CRUD, constraints, relations, etc.)
using Memcache and REDIS combination on top of MYSQL comes to Mind.

Understanding Cache Keys, Index, Partition and Affinity w.r.t reads and writes

I am new to Apache Ignite and come from a Data Warehousing background.
So pardon me if I try to relate to Ignite through DBMS jargon.
I have gone through forums but I am still unclear about some of the basics.
I also would like specific answers to the scenario I have posted later.
a.) When a cache is declared as partitioned, does the data get equally
partitioned across all nodes by default?
b.) Is there an option to provide a "partition key" based on which the data
would be distributed across the nodes? Is this what we call the Affinity
c.) How is partitioning different from affinity and can a cache have both
partition and affinity key?
2.) Affinity Concept
With an Affinity Key defined, when I load data (using loadCache()) into a partitioned cache, will the source rows be sent to the node they belong to or all the nodes on the cluster?
3.) If I create one index on the cache, does it by default become the partition/
affinity key as well? In such a scenario, how is a partition different from index?
I want to load data from a persistent layer into a Staging Cache (assume ~2B) using loadCache(). The cache resides on a 4 node cluster.
a.) How to load data such that each node has to process only 0.5B records?
Is is by using Partitioned Cache mode and defining an Affinity Key?
Then I want to read transactions from the Staging Cache in TRANSACTIONAL atomicity mode, lookup a Target Cache and do some operations.
b.) When I do the lookup on Target Cache, how can I ensure that the lookup is happening only on the node where the data resides and not do lookup on all the nodes on which Target Cache resides?
Would that be using the AffinityKeyMapper API? If yes, how?
c.) Lets say I wanted to do a lookup on a key other than Affinity Key column, can creating an index on the lookup column help? Would I end up scanning all nodes in that case?
Staging Cache
Target Cache
This is answered on Apache Ignite users forum:
Ignite uses AffinityFunction [1] for data distribution. AF implements two mappings: key->partition and partition->node.
Key->Partition mapping is definitely map entry to partition. It doesn't bother of backups, but data collocation\distribution over partitions.
Usually, entry key (actually it's hashcode) is used to calculate partition entry belongs to.
But you can use AffinityKey [2] that would be use instead to manage data collocation. See also 'org.apache.ignite.cache.affinity.AffinityKey' javadoc.
Partition->Node mapping determines primary and backup nodes for partition. It doesn't bother of data collocation, but backups and partition distribution among nodes
Cache.loadCache just makes all nodes to call localLoadCache method. Which calls CacheStore.loadCache. So, each of grid nodes will load all the data from cache store and then discard data that is not local for the node.
Same data may resides on several nodes if you use a backups. AffinityKey should be a part of entry key and if AffinityKey mapping is configured then AffinityKey will be used instead of entry key for entry->partition mapping
and AffinityKey will be passed to AffinityFunction.
Indexes always resides on same node with the data.
a. To achieve this you should implement CacheStore.loadCache method to load data for certain partitions. E.g. you can store partitionID for each row in database.
However, if you change AF or partitions numbers you should update partitionID for entries in database as well.
The other way. If it is posible, you can load all the data in single node and then add other nodes to the grid. Data will rebalanced over nodes automatically.
b. AffinityKey is always used if it is as it shoud be part of entry key. So, lookup will always be happening on the node where the data resides.
c. I can't understand the question. Would you please clarify if it still is actual?

AWS DynamoDB v2: Do I need secondary index for alternative queries?

I need to create a table that would contain a slice of data produced by a continuously running process. This process generates messages that contain two mandatory components, among other things: a globally unique message UUID, and a message timestamp.
Those messages would be later retrieved by the UUID.
In addition, on a regular basis I would need to delete all messages from that table that are too old, i.e. whose timestamps are more than X away from the current time.
I've been reading the DynamoDB v2 documentation (e.g. Local Secondary Indexes) trying to figure out how to organize my table and whether or not I need a secondary index to perform searches for messages to delete. There might be a simple answer to my question, but I am somehow confused...
So should I just create a table with the UUID as the hash and messageTimestamp as the range key (together with a "message" attribute that would contain the actual message), and then not create any secondary indices? In the examples that I've seen, the hash was something that was not unique (e.g. ForumName under the above link). In my case, the hash would be unique. I am not sure whether than makes any difference.
And if I create the table with hash and range as described, and without a secondary index, then how would I query for all messages that are in a certain timerange regardless of their UUIDs?
DynamoDB introduced Global Secondary Index which would solve this problem.
We've wrestled with this as well. The best solution we've come up with is to create second table for storing the time series data. To do this:
1) Use the date plus "bucket" id for a hash key
You could just use the date, but then I'm guessing today's date would become a "hot" key - one that is written with excessive frequency. This can create a serious bottleneck, as the total throughput for a particular DynamoDB partition is equal to the total provisioned throughput divided by the number of partitions - that means if all your writes are to a single key (today's key) and you have a throughput of 20 writes per second, then with 20 partitions, your total throughput would be 1 write per second. Any requests beyond this would be throttled. Not a good situation.
The bucket can be a random number from 1 to n, where n should be greater than the number of partitions used by the underlying DB. Determining n is a bit tricky of course because Dynamo does not reveal how many partitions it uses. But we are currently working with the upper limit of 200 based on the example found here. The writeup at this link was the basis for our thinking in coming up with this approach.
2) Use the UUID for the range key
3) Query records by issuing queries for each day and bucket.
This may seem tedious, but it is more efficient than a full scan. Another possibility is to use Elastic Map Reduce jobs, but I have not tried that myself yet so cannot say how easy/effective it is to work with.
We are still figuring this out ourselves, so I'm interested to hear others' comments. I also found this presentation very helpful in thinking through how best to use Dynamo:
Falling In and Out Of Love with Dynamo
In short you can not. All DynamoDB queries MUST contain the primary hash index in the query. Optionally, you can also use the range key and/or a local secondary index. With the current DynamoDB functionality you won't be able to use an LSI as an alternative to the primary index. You also are not able to issue a query with only the range key (you can test this out easily in the AWS Console).
A (costly) workaround that I can think of is to issue a scan of the table, adding filters based on the timestamp value in order to find out which fields to delete. Note that filtering will not reduce the used capacity of the query, as it will parse the whole table.