When i enable npm Two-Factor Authentication, something unexpected occurred - npm

Something unexpected occurred with diagnostics id: 734bedf92bb700cb_1f7a.
The authenticator and appsix-digit code all right, bug got error with 503 , then click submit button got 500.
why is it?
enter image description here


"The requested operation is invalid. Server Response: Something went wrong" on Custom Page after SubmitForm Issued by InvalidPluginExecution

In my form of CRM i call a custom page by a dialog. On custom page i save a form by SubmitForm but it go in trown by a plugin validation. I want to show a error message of invalidPluginException on my custom page. I try preview on PowerApps and i see correct error message, but on dialog i see The requested operation is invalid. Server Response: Something went wrong" and lose the error message.
Dialog Error
Preview PowerApps Error

Prestashop login error: "Details: Error thrown: [object Object]"

In Prestashop backend login page, when I try to login I get the following message:
Details: Error thrown: [object Object]
Text status: parsererror
Screen Picture:
When the admin login form is submitted an ajax request is sent to the server, please take a look at the response of that ajax request after enabling error debugging, there must be an error shown there. Share the details of that error with us so that we guide you better.
FYI, to enable error debugging in PrestaShop you can follow the steps below.
open file: config/defines.inc.php (using FTP or hosting control panel)
change false-->true:
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', false);
define('_PS_MODE_DEV_', true);

OneDrive JavaScript SDK v7 file picker doesn't work with adfs

When opening the picker, it keeps spinning, and the following is displayed in the console.
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 401 (Unauthorized)
[OneDriveSDK] calling xhr failure callback, status: 401 Array[1]
Uncaught Error: [OneDriveSDK Error] missing windowState from picker response
I tried using the demo picker at https://dev.onedrive.com/sdk/js-v7/js-picker-open.htm - and that doesn't work either!
It seems that ADFS is the root cause. User accounts that use ADFS, doesn't work, but others works like a charm.

status Code 503 message occured. when I tried to login to BlueMix

When I tried to login to BlueMix. then Status Code 503 occured. I'd like to know how can I straighten out the problem.

Prestashop Error sign up user

I'm creating my first e commerce using prestashop but when I try to register one user i obtain the error:
"TECHNICAL ERROR: unable to load form. Details: Error thrown: [object
Object] Text status: parsererror"
Anyone knows how can i fix it?
My website is: http://www.studio10-ecommerce.es/
Thank you so much.
Your JSON object syntax is broken by a PHP error. You can either:
Check your PHP error log;
Add a console.log(data); to the JavaScript file to see the actual response