status Code 503 message occured. when I tried to login to BlueMix - authentication

When I tried to login to BlueMix. then Status Code 503 occured. I'd like to know how can I straighten out the problem.


When i enable npm Two-Factor Authentication, something unexpected occurred

Something unexpected occurred with diagnostics id: 734bedf92bb700cb_1f7a.
The authenticator and appsix-digit code all right, bug got error with 503 , then click submit button got 500.
why is it?
enter image description here

STS server said it started, but got 404 error message

I ran localhost sever and sts seems to have no problem, says server started
enter image description here
but when I try GET request via postman, I get 404 error messages as follows
enter image description here

GET request to opensea API giving 403 error

I'm trying to retrieve the asset info from a specific collection using the asset endpoint.
Now, if you open that on your browser, it works flawlessly, but on your app or postman it just gives a 403 error by CloudFlare.
This is not a 401 error and we shouldn't need an API key for this.
So what is going on and how do I fix this? Any ideas?

Http error 502 when hitting API from PyCharm

I am using Apache Tomcat 9 to run documentum rest APIs from Windows server but whenever I am hitting the API from PyCharm it is giving the 502 error (http response code) and the text is:
**The server you are requesting is not responding. This is not a proxy issue. To solve the problem contact server administrator. Your sending address on the internet is Ip address.
The same APIs are running fine from POSTMAN.
API: http://localhost:8080/dctm-rest/repositories
Please help and suggest how to resolve this http error of 502 when hitting API from PyCharm.

What could be the reason for Okta Log Api giving internal Server Error 500 through code but giving result when run from Postman

I have a windows service which hits Okta Event Api
Now I have changed code to hit Okta Log Api
Problem : While Log api Get request works fine from postman tool it gives "Internal Server Error 500" when i run it from Code. The previous Event Api works perfectly fine from code and postman both.
This is what I get in response:
{"errorCode":"E0000009","errorSummary":"Sorry, there's been an error. We aren't sure what caused it, but we've logged this and will work to address it. Please try your request again.","errorId":"7f997bbe-7a31-4431-9f42-ae40db5200ac"}
What could be a possible reason for this?