knex json object WHERE condition - sql

I have sql jsonb column in db named 'car' with structure
[{'brand':'audi', 'year':'2001'}] --> how to filter WHERE brand=audi?
this doesn't seem to be right:
return await db(db_table)
.whereRaw('car->>$.?? = ?', ['brand', 'audi']);

Since your object is an array of objects, your suggested code won't work.
Try something like this:
return await db(db_table)
.whereRaw('car->>$[0].?? = ?', ['brand', 'audi']);
// ----------------^ this selects the first element of the array


How to delete items from an array in Vue

I have a function called updateAnswer with multiple dynamic parameters.
updateAnswer(key, answer, array = false) {
if (array) {
if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) {
//Delete item from array if already element already exists in this.answers.contains array.
} else {
Vue.set(this.answers, key, [...this.answers.contains, answer]);
} else {
Vue.set(this.answers, key, answer);
I'd like to know how delete an item in the array if the value already exists in the array.
You can use method called splice:
Just reference on your array and set values in the brackets the first is referenced on the position, the second is how many datas you want to splice/delete.
The function looks like this:
this.array.splice(value, value)
Lets see on an example - you have array food= [apple, banana, strawberry] than I'm using,1)..
my array looks now like this food = [apple, strawberry] - first value in my brackets are the position, the second one is the amount of "numbers" you want to delete.
Hopefully this helps you out!
I suppose each value in this.answers.contains is unique?
Anyways, if you just want to delete the item if already exists, I suggest filter(). It should look like below:
if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) {
this.answers.contains = this.answers.contains.filter(c => c !== answer)
Also, the if condition if(this.answers.contains.find(element => element === answer)) could also be replaced by if(this.answers.contains.includes(answer))
Hope that could help you.

Remove bracket and quotations in JSON_AGG (Aggregate Functions)

public function fetchdrug(Request $search_drug){
$filter_drug = $search_drug->input('search_drug');
$all_drugs = HmsBbrKnowledgebaseDrug::selectRaw('DISTINCT ON (drug_code)
JSON_AGG(drug_dosage) AS dosage_list')
->GroupBy('drug_code', 'drug_name')
->orderBy('drug_code', 'ASC')
return response()->json([
I am using JSON_AGG to retrieve multiple lines of drug_dosage and combine them into one, but I am getting a bracket and quotation in my output, how do I take it out?
I am getting errors in the examples because I am trying solutions using str_replace and preg_replace. my problem is that the target is in an SQL statement so I am suspecting that has something to do with the error since there is other data in the result
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot use 'in' operator to search for 'length' in
"dosage_list":"[\"<=4 mg\/L\", \"<=3 mg\/L\"]"},
You can try string_agg instead JSON_AGG
public function fetchdrug(Request $search_drug){
$filter_drug = $search_drug->input('search_drug');
$all_drugs = HmsBbrKnowledgebaseDrug::selectRaw('DISTINCT ON (drug_code)
string_agg(drug_dosage, ', ') AS dosage_list')
->GroupBy('drug_code', 'drug_name')
->orderBy('drug_code', 'ASC')
return response()->json([
Because: JSON_AGG returns JSON ARRAY as STRING. After that you returned json encoded result from controller. This adds unwanted characters for make valid json encoding. (nested quotes must be escaped).
Before sending result, you must json_decode for each record's drug_dosage field.
Example code:
public function fetchdrug(Request $search_drug){
$filter_drug = $search_drug->input('search_drug');
$all_drugs = HmsBbrKnowledgebaseDrug::selectRaw('DISTINCT ON (drug_code)
string_agg(drug_dosage, ', ') AS dosage_list')
->GroupBy('drug_code', 'drug_name')
->orderBy('drug_code', 'ASC')
foreach($all_drugs as $drug){
//decode postgresql 'json array like string presentation' to array.
$decoded = json_decode($drug->drug_dosage);
// if you want to remove null/empty values use array_filter
$filtered = array_filter($decoded); // default behavior removes falsy values.
// use same field to hold wanted, structured values
$drug->drug_dosage = $filtered;
// And return as json response like before.
return response()->json([

Linq2DB can't translate a mapped column in Where clause

I'm working with a legacy Oracle database that has a column on a table which stores boolean values as 'Y' or 'N' characters.
I have mapped/converted this column out like so:
MappingSchema.Default.SetConverter<char, bool>(ConvertToBoolean);
MappingSchema.Default.SetConverter<bool, char>(ConvertToChar);
ConvertToBoolean & ConvertToChar are simply functions that map between the types.
Here's the field:
private char hasDog;
public bool HasDog
get => ConvertToBoolean(hasDog);
set => hasDog = ConvertToChar(value);
This has worked well for simply retrieving data, however, it seems the translation of the following:
var humanQuery = (from human in database.Humans
join vetVisit in database.VetVisits on human.Identifier equals vetVisit.Identifier
select new HumanModel(
// humanQuery is filtered by year here
var query = from vetVisits in database.VetVisits
select new VetPaymentModel(
(humanQuery).Where(q => q.HasDog).Sum(q => q.PaymentDue), -- These 2 lines aren't correctly translated to Y/N
(humanQuery).Where(q => !q.HasDog).Sum(q => q.PaymentDue)
As pointed out above, the .Where clause here doesn't translate the boolean comparison of HasDog being true/false to the relevant Y/N values, but instead a 0/1 and results in the error
ORA-01722: invalid number
Is there any way to handle this case? I'd like the generated SQL to check that HAS_DOG = 'Y' for instance with the specified Where clause :)
I'm not using EntityFramework here, the application module that this query exists in doesn't use EF/EFCore
You can define new mapping schema for your particular DataConnection:
var ms = new MappingSchema();
builder = ms.GetFluentMappingBuilder();
.Property(e => e.HasDog)
.HasConversion(v => v ? 'Y' : 'N', p => p == 'Y');
Create this schema ONCE and use when creating DataConnection

Silverstripe 3 filter ArrayList

How can we filter an ArrayList in Silverstripe 3?
where getVideosfromCategories() returns a merged ArrayList
I need something Like:
$this->getVideosfromCategories()->filter('ID:LessThan', $id)->sort(array('ID' => 'DESC'))->first()
these Filters (filter('ID:LessThan', $id)) only work with DataList ?
How can i filter my ArrayList?
these Filters (filter('ID:LessThan', $id)) only work with DataList ?
Yep, that's correct, search filter modifiers only work on DataList instances.
( It's interesting that the documentation does not mention that, I think it should be updated.
(I opened a PR for it
But you can modify your current code to filter by an array of IDs instead, something like this:
$idsWeWant = [];
if ($id > 0) {
$idsWeWant = range(0, $id - 1); // "$id - 1" because you had "LessThan" modifier.
->filter('ID', $idsWeWant)
->sort(array('ID' => 'DESC'))

how to get last inserted id - zend

I'm trying to get latest inserted id from a table using this code:
$id = $tbl->fetchAll (array('public=1'), 'id desc');
but it's always returning "1"
any ideas?
update: I've just discovered toArray();, which retrieves all the data from fetchAll. The problem is, I only need the ID. My current code looks like this:
$rowsetArray = $id->toArray();
$rowCount = 1;
foreach ($rowsetArray as $rowArray) {
foreach ($rowArray as $column => $value) {
if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;}
Obviously, I've got the if ($column="id") {$myid[$brr] = $value;} thing wrong.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
An aternative would be to filter ID's from fetchAll. Is that possible?
Think you can use:
$id = $tbl->lastInsertId();
Aren't you trying to get last INSERT id from SELECT query?
Use lastInsertId() or the value returned by insert: $id = $db->insert();
Why are you using fetchAll() to retrieve the last inserted ID? fetchAll() will return a rowset of results (multiple records) as an object (not an array, but can be converted into an array using the toArray() method). However, if you are trying to reuse a rowset you already have, and you know the last record is the first record in the rowset, you can do this:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$rows = $table->fetchAll($select);
$firstRow = $rows->current();
$lastId = $firstRow->id;
If you were to use fetchRow(), it would return a single row, so you wouldn't have to call current() on the result:
$select = $table->select()
->where('public = 1')
->order('id DESC');
$row = $table->fetchRow($select);
$lastId = $row->id;
It sounds like it's returning true rather than the actual value. Check the return value for the function fetchAll