how to run pyrogram client as an event listener - event-loop

I'm trying to run some functions alongside the pyrogram client as an event listener application. I tried the following code, but the handler was never invoked. I guess it is because the event loop does not dispatch the while loop, so the thread was never released back to run the handler. but is there a way to properly do this?
async def run_tele():
app.add_handler(MessageHandler(handle, filters=filters.text))
await app.start()
while True:
# do something here
await app.stop()
if __name__ == '__main__':

You're starting the client (app.start()), but never actually give it an opportunity to listen for events. Call pyrogram.idle() so that Pyrogram keeps the Client alive and listens for updates from Telegram.
Alternatively you can also use, which will start(), idle(), and stop() for you.


Is it possible to make an asynchronous call in JXA Objective-C bridge

I'm trying to use Objective-C Bridge in a Javascript for Automation script to access the Event Store. Here's my code:
var store = $.EKEventStore.alloc.initWithAccessToEntityTypes($.EKEntityMaskReminder);
var predicate = store.predicateForRemindersInCalendars($.Nil);
store.fetchRemindersMatchingPredicateCompletion(predicate, function(reminders){
However the script completes, presumably before the function is called- nothing appears in the log.
Is there a way to make this work, such as to make it run synchronously instead, or to make the script wait until the completion handler finishes?

pygtk statusBar will not update from signal handler

So I have been pulling my hair out all day at this, and I am out of patience.
Basically I have a pygtk program that is built from glade. At the bottom of the main window, there is a status bar that I use to display usage errors, and status messages about the connected hardware and they use the functions below. So all of the calls to displayError come from within my object based on user interaction, and they all seem to work. In testing I tried making calls to displayCurrent and it works as well. The problem comes when the hardware process tries to use displayCurrent. The way the system works is that one of the members of my main window class is an interface object to the hardware. This has a separate process, using multiprocessing.Process, which sends a signal every time it gets data with the data being the message to output. Does anyone have any ideas? I'll be happy to explain anything in more depth if needed, it's just a LOT of code to post to get all the details.
def displayCurrent(self, message):
print message
if self.lastMess:
self.statusBar.remove(self.normalID, self.lastMess)
self.lastMess = self.statusBar.push(self.normalID, message)
def displayError(self, message, timeout = 5):
Function that takes an error message and raises it to the user via the statusbar
timeout seconds later.
print message
mess = self.statusBar.push(self.urgentID, message)
# clear statusbar
gobject.timeout_add_seconds(timeout, self.clearStatus, self.urgentID, mess)
def clearStatus(self, cID, mID):
self.statusBar.remove(cID, mID)
#print self.statusBar.remove_all(self.urgentID)
print 'popped'
return False
Post the whole code.
In general, this won't work if you are in a separate process. GTK (and everything else) has been forked. You need to use some form of interprocess communication. Multiprocessing module handles it for you. There are also hacks you can do in GTK such as using a window title (like Vim) or perhaps a plug and socket to communicate; don't be tempted by these.

NSRunLoop only to run untill all the events are finished

There are method in NSRunLoop and CFRunLoop, To run to particular time
CFRunLoopInMode and NSRunLoop - runUntillDateT
These methods specify a time to run until.
But, I wanted process all the messages in the runLoop and exit if it is done and idle.
Because some of the runLoop sources can have indefinite time to process. So, I cannot mention the time.
You can use CFRunLoopRunInMode to run the event loop for one pass, and it tells you whether it handled any sources. So you can try something like this:
while (CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0, 1) == kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource) {
// nothing
Another approach you could try is to create a CFRunLoopObserver with an activities argument of kCFRunLoopBeforeWaiting. This observer will be called just before the run loop goes to sleep waiting for a source or timer to fire. In the observer's callout, you can simply call CFRunLoopStop(CFRunLoopGetCurrent()).

How best execute query in background to not freeze application (.NET)

My WinForm apps needs to execute complex query with significant execution time, I have no influence (about 10mins)
When query is executing user sees 'application not responding' in task manager, which is really confusing to user, also not very professional...
I believe that query shall be executed in different thread or so. Have tried some approaches but have difficulties to make it really working (execute query, force main application wait result, return back to main app, possibility to cancel execution etc)
I wonder if you have own / good working solution for that. Code samples would be also very welcome :)
Also I believe there might exist some ready to use utilities / frameworks allowing simple execution of that.
The simplest approach here would be to do that work from a BackgroundWorker. MSDN has examples for this. This then executes on a worker thread, with events for completion/error/etc. It can also support cancel, but your operation needs to be coded to be interruptable.
Another approach is the Task API in 4.0; but if you use this you'll need to get back to the UI thread (afterwards) yourself. With BackgroundWorker this is automatic (the events are raised on the UI thread).
If ExecuteQuery if the method you want to execute, you can do:
void SomeMethod() {
var thread = new Thread(ExecuteQuery);
void ExecuteQuery() {
//Build your query here and execute it.
If ExecuteQuery receives some parameters, like:
void ExecuteQuery(string query) {
You can do:
var threadStarter = () => { ExecuteQuery("SELECT * FROM [Table]"); };
var thread = new Thread(ThreadStarter);
If you want to stop the execution of the background thread, avoid calling thread.Abort() method. That will kill the thread, and you do not want this, because some incosistency could appear in your database.
Instead, you can have a bool variable visible from ExecuteQuery and from outside you can set it to True when you want to stop it. Then all you have to do is check in some parts of the code inside ExecuteQuery if that variable is still True. Otherwise, do some rollback to maintain the database stable.
Be sure you set that bool variable volatile
If you want the UI to wait from the background thread, I usually do:
Start the background thread
Start some progress bar in the UI
Disable some controls (like buttons, etc) to avoid the user to click them while the background thread is working (eg: If you're executing the thread when a user clicks a button, then you should disable that button, otherwise multiple queries will be ocurring at the same time).
After finished the thread, you can stop progress bar and enable controls again.
How to know when the thread finished? You can use Events for that. Just create an event and fire it when it finishes, and do whatever you want inside the event handler...
Be sure you're accessing correctly to UI controls from the background thread, otherwise it will give you an error.
If you are new to threads and task is simple (as it seems), you should try to use standard background worker component.

Async call for WCF service hosted in windows service

I have hosted a WCF service in windows service. I have console app for which I added a WCF service reference and generated Client for it.
I can make Sync call to the service,but Async call doesn't seem to work. If i attach server process it doesn't hit the service at all.
client= new ServiceClient();
client.DoSomething();//Works fine
client.DoSomethingAsync()//Doesnot work
Is this a known problem?
The asynccall will probably be started in a background workerthread. So what could be happening is that your async thread is dieing out because the foreground thread has finished it's processing.
Unless you have some logic after you make this call to wait for the reponse, or continue with some other work on your main thread, the background thread may not have the time to get created before the application exits.
This can be easily tested by adding Thread.Sleep after the async call.
A symptom of this happening is that your service starts / stops unexpectedly and windows throws an error.
When you generated the client, did you tick the box to specify "Generate asynchronous operations"?
From the code posted, i'm assuming you have not set up handlers to deal with the response from the async method. You'll need something like the example at the bottom of this msdn post where you use AddHanlder to handle the response.
Something like the below before you make the async call:
AddHandler client.DoSomethingCompleted, AddressOf DoSomethingCallback
With a method to deal with the outome:
Private Shared Sub DoSomethingCallback(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As DoSomethingCompletedEventArgs)
'Do something with e.Result
MsgBox e.Result
End Sub
If you have a call to
client.DoSomethingAsync()//Doesnot work
then did you specify a handler for the callback completed event??
public event DoSomethingCompletedEventHandler DoSomethingCompleted;
What happens is that the async call goes off, but how would it send you back any results?? You'll need to provide a handler method for that - hook it up to the DoSomethingCompleted event handler! In that method, you'll get the results of the async call and you can do with them whatever you need to do.