Sending command to GPS device using gpsd python library - gps

I use the gpsd python library in order to read and parse the NMEA string recieved from the gps device. I would like to send some command to gps in order to fine tune the measurement rate, report rate and so on.
It is possible using the gpsd library or I must send the command with in other way?

According to 'gpsd' manual:
To send a binary control string to a specified device, write to the
control socket a '&', followed by the device name, followed by '=',
followed by the control string in paired hex digits.
So if you have gpsd service running as gpsd -F /var/run/gpsd.sock you can use the following code to send commands to the gps device:
import socket
import sys
# Create a socket
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
# Connect the socket to the port where the GPSD is listening
gpsd_address = '/var/run/gpsd.sock'
# #BSSL 0x01<CR><LF> - Set NMEA Output Sentence (GGA only)
# cmd = '#BSSL 0x01' + '\r\n'
# #RST<CR><LF> - RST - Reset
cmd = '#RST' + '\r\n'
message = '&/dev/ttyUSB1='
cmd_hex = cmd.encode('utf-8').hex()
print ('cmd_hex {}'.format(cmd_hex))
# cmd_hex 405253540d0a
message += cmd_hex
bin_message = message.encode('utf-8')
print ("bin message {}".format(bin_message))
# bin message b'&/dev/ttyUSB1=405253540d0a'
data = sock.recv(16)
print ('received {}'.format(data))
# received b'OK\n'
In my case I am sending #RST command followed by CR, LF symbols.


Universal Robot TCP/IP communication: cannot send crlf ("\r\n")

I'm trying to get our UR5e to talk to query another machine via TCP/IP.
This machine requires each received command to end with "\r\n" (I cannot change this).
This is the problem.
I cannot get the UR to append "\r\n" to the command because the backslashes are escaped automatically.
This is what I've tried so far:
socket_send_string("command\r\n") # results in "command\\r\\n"
socket_send_byte(10) # results in "command\r"
socket_send_line("command") # results in "command\n"
Any help appreciated.

Multiple channels in a single SSH session

I am debugging OpenSSH code where it seems multiple channels have been allocated on single SSH session (single connected child server).
My queries could be naive here:
Under what conditions can multiple channels be opened?
What are the SSH message flows which lead to multiple channels? A message flow chart will be very helpful.
Is it correct to free channels[0] in the case below?
(gdb) p channels[0]
$1 = (Channel *) 0xb0f33e20
(gdb) p channels[0]->rfd
$2 = 0xd
(gdb) p channels[0]->efd
$3 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[0]->wfd
$4 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[1]->wfd
$5 = 0x9
(gdb) p channels[1]->efd
$6 = 0xffffffff
(gdb) p channels[1]->rfd
$7 = 0x9
Under what conditions can multiple channels be opened?
Every channel is either X11 forwarding, TCP port forwarding (there might be more types), UNIX domain socket forwarding (or ssh-agent socket) or MUX proxy. Consulting source code describing the types is a good start. They are opened, if the client requests them using command-line options (-X, -L, -R, -D, -A, ...) which are described in the manual page for ssh.
What are the SSH message flows which lead to multiple channels? A message flow chart will be very helpful.
If you will run the OpenSSH client and/or server in debug mode (LogLevel DEBUG3), you will get a lot of useful information what messages are being exchanged for various use cases.
Is it correct to free channels[0] in the case below?
Most probably not, but it is not clear what you ask here and what is the context. That is obviously valid channel with read file descriptor pointing to FD 0x0D so you might expect there will be something to read at some point.

From Node Red to Pure Data with UDP

I want to send UDP from Node Red to Pure Data. In NR, I have a UDP output node set to and a Pd netreceive object set to 3001 1 (the 1 sets the object to UDP rather than TCP). No message is received in the Pd patch.
To thicken the plot, a Node Red UDP output node set to does successfully send to Node Red UDP input node set to 1881. Also, a TCP object set to does connect with d netreceive object set to 3000, reported by the Pd console as "EOF on socket 12".
As the Node Red UDP output node is sending within the flow and Pd can report a TCP connection, I suspect there's something I have to do to format the message for PD. Any ideas?
netreceive expects messages to be FUDI-formatted. Basically, this means messages are terminated with a semicolon. Until a ';' is received, [netreceive] won't output anything.
Read more here:
Please check out my git repo for a solution.
Node Red was used to receive MQTT on particular topics.
I route the topics to the appropriate shell command that runs the locally installed pdsend executable.
I take the MQTT payload and pipe '|' two strings to the pdsend executable.
Left 3 is relieved by the execution of pdsend
The puredata patch receives and routes the 'Left 3' message
Node-Red is running on a raspberry pi, along side the mqtt broker.
I am testing with a MQTT client written in python.
See the github for the code and pure data patch, and maybe the node-red flow if that can be exported.
What is lacking is more complex messages, json encoded strings, and larger hierarchy topics, /pi/sensor1.

New line character within at*smsm2m message string

I'm trying to send a multiline sms from an application I am creating to my phone via telnet to a GSM modem. I would like the message to be output to my phone as shown below but cannot figure out how to add new lines within the message string so that the message is output to my phone as below. I cannot find much documentation on this either and the few character codes (\r\n) I tried either terminated the telnet command were they were displayed in my code or were showing in the SMS received on my phone.
Does anybody know what character code that would give me a new line without terminating the telnet command within the message string?
at*smsm2m= “441234567891
Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64<br>
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64<br>
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64<br>
Reply from bytes=32 time=1ms TTL=64
Ping statistics for
Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
The server side of Telnet is typically just a regular shell so you can do the same things you'd do for embedded newlines as if you were typing at a command line. Try this:
echo -e "this\nhas\nmultiple\nlines" | program
(you may need to look up flags for the echo command on the server if it's not a GNU machine)

Is it possible to ack nagios alerts from the terminal?

I have nagios alerts set up to come through jabber with an http link to ack.
Is is possible there is a script I can run from a terminal on a remote workstation that takes the hostname as a parameter and acks the alert?
./ack hostname
The benefit, while seemingly mundane, is threefold. First, take http load off nagios. Secondly, nagios http pages can take up to 10-20 seconds to load, so I want to save time there. Thirdly, avoiding slower use of mouse + web interface + firefox/other annoyingly slow browser.
Ideally, I would like a script bound to a keyboard shortcut that simply acks the most recent alert. Finally, I want to take the inputs from a joystick, buttons and whatnot, and connect one to a big red button bound to the script so I can just ack the most recent nagios alert by hitting the button lol. (It would be rad too if the button had a screen on the enclosure that showed the text of the alert getting acked lol)
Make fun of me all you want, but this is actually something that would be useful to me. If I can save five seconds per alert, and I get 200 alerts per day I need to ack, that's saving me 15 minutes a day. And isn't the whole point of the sysadmin to automate what can be automated?
Yes, it's possible to ack nagios by parsing /var/lib/nagios3/retention.dat file.
See :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf8 -*-
# vim:ts=4:sw=4
import sys
file = "/var/lib/nagios3/retention.dat"
print("Usage:\n"+sys.argv[0]+" <HOST>\n")
f = open(file, "r")
line = f.readline()
name = {}
state = {}
host = {}
while line:
if "service_description=" in line:
name[c] = line.split("=", 2)[1]
elif "current_state=" in line:
state[c] = line.split("=", 2)[1]
elif "host_name=" in line:
host[c] = line.split("=", 2)[1]
elif "}" in line:
line = f.readline()
for i in name:
num = int(state[i])
if num > 0 and sys.argv[1] == host[i].strip():
You simply have to put the host as parameter, and the script will displays the broken services.