The requested resource /Services/serviceSSID/VerificationCheck was not found is the eroor showing in the console
my code is
otpLogin:async (req,res)=>{
try {
const isOTP = await{
return res.status(200).json({message:" mobile number verified"})
} catch (error) {
return res.status(500).json({message:"something went wrong"})
Twilio developer evangelist here.
From the documentation:
Twilio deletes the verification SID once it’s:
expired (10 minutes)
when the max attempts to check a code have been reached
If any of these occur, verification checks will return a 404 not found error like this:
Unable to create record: The requested resource /Services/VAXXXXXXXXXXXXX/VerificationCheck was not found
If you’d like to double check what happened with a given verification - please use the logs found in the Twilio Console under your Verification Service:
I've found that if you submit a form twice by clicking a submit button twice quickly, that the verification is successfully checked and then because it was a success deleted, then the second check fails with a 404 like this and that is the error result you see. To avoid this, you should stop users from being able to submit the form twice by disabling the submit button after the first attempt.
I can confirm that philnash 2nd statement is correct. However wouldn't it have been handled way better if instead we just get a response from that the 2nd (and so on checks) failed??
I'm setting up a (headless) web server that lets people build their own custom time-lapse movies.
Several people want to upload the time-lapse videos they make to YouTube.
Rather than download the video to that person's laptop,
and the that person manually uploads it to YouTube,
is there a way I can write some software on my web server to take that video file on my web server and upload it directly to that user's account on YouTube?
I've been told that asking my users for their YouTube handle and password is the Wrong Thing To Do, and I should be using the YouTube V3 API with Oauth.
I tried the techniques listed at
" I want to upload a video from my web page to youtube by using javascript youtube API ",
which seems to "work", but every time I had to download the video to that person's laptop and then uploading from the laptop to YouTube. Is there a way to tweak that system to upload directly from my server to YouTube?
I found some python code that (after I set up my client_secrets.json) lets me upload videos directly from my server directly to someone's YouTube account after that person did the Oauth authentication.
But the first time some new person tries to upload a video to some new YouTube account that my server has never dealt with before, it either
(a) pops open a web browser on my server, and then if I VNC to the server and type in a YouTube handle and password into that web browser, it gets authenticated -- but I'd rather not do that for every user.
(b) with the "--noauth_local_webserver" option, spits out a URL on the command line and waits. Then if I manually copy that URL and paste it into a web browser, log in to YouTube, copy-and-paste the token back into this application that is still waiting for input on the command line, that person gets authenticated. But I'd rather not do that for every user. I guess that would be OK if I could capture that URL in my cgi-bin script and stick it in a web page, and then later somehow get the authentication response and cram it back into this program, but how? I don't even see that print statement or the raw_input statement in this code.
# which is identical to the code sample at
import httplib
import httplib2
import os
import random
import sys
import time
from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.errors import HttpError
from apiclient.http import MediaFileUpload
from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage
from import argparser, run_flow
# Explicitly tell the underlying HTTP transport library not to retry, since
# we are handling retry logic ourselves.
httplib2.RETRIES = 1
# Maximum number of times to retry before giving up.
# Always retry when these exceptions are raised.
RETRIABLE_EXCEPTIONS = (httplib2.HttpLib2Error, IOError, httplib.NotConnected,
httplib.IncompleteRead, httplib.ImproperConnectionState,
httplib.CannotSendRequest, httplib.CannotSendHeader,
httplib.ResponseNotReady, httplib.BadStatusLine)
# Always retry when an apiclient.errors.HttpError with one of these status
# codes is raised.
RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504]
# The CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE variable specifies the name of a file that contains
# the OAuth 2.0 information for this application, including its client_id and
# client_secret. You can acquire an OAuth 2.0 client ID and client secret from
# the Google Developers Console at
# Please ensure that you have enabled the YouTube Data API for your project.
# For more information about using OAuth2 to access the YouTube Data API, see:
# For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, see:
CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "client_secrets.json"
# This OAuth 2.0 access scope allows an application to upload files to the
# authenticated user's YouTube channel, but doesn't allow other types of access.
# This variable defines a message to display if the CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE is
# missing.
WARNING: Please configure OAuth 2.0
To make this sample run you will need to populate the client_secrets.json file
found at:
with information from the Developers Console
For more information about the client_secrets.json file format, please visit:
""" % os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
VALID_PRIVACY_STATUSES = ("public", "private", "unlisted")
def get_authenticated_service(args):
flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE,
storage = Storage("%s-oauth2.json" % sys.argv[0])
credentials = storage.get()
if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
credentials = run_flow(flow, storage, args)
def initialize_upload(youtube, options):
tags = None
if options.keywords:
tags = options.keywords.split(",")
# Call the API's videos.insert method to create and upload the video.
insert_request = youtube.videos().insert(
# The chunksize parameter specifies the size of each chunk of data, in
# bytes, that will be uploaded at a time. Set a higher value for
# reliable connections as fewer chunks lead to faster uploads. Set a lower
# value for better recovery on less reliable connections.
# Setting "chunksize" equal to -1 in the code below means that the entire
# file will be uploaded in a single HTTP request. (If the upload fails,
# it will still be retried where it left off.) This is usually a best
# practice, but if you're using Python older than 2.6 or if you're
# running on App Engine, you should set the chunksize to something like
# 1024 * 1024 (1 megabyte).
media_body=MediaFileUpload(options.file, chunksize=-1, resumable=True)
# This method implements an exponential backoff strategy to resume a
# failed upload.
def resumable_upload(insert_request):
response = None
error = None
retry = 0
while response is None:
print "Uploading file..."
status, response = insert_request.next_chunk()
if 'id' in response:
print "Video id '%s' was successfully uploaded." % response['id']
exit("The upload failed with an unexpected response: %s" % response)
except HttpError, e:
if e.resp.status in RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES:
error = "A retriable HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status,
error = "A retriable error occurred: %s" % e
if error is not None:
print error
retry += 1
if retry > MAX_RETRIES:
exit("No longer attempting to retry.")
max_sleep = 2 ** retry
sleep_seconds = random.random() * max_sleep
print "Sleeping %f seconds and then retrying..." % sleep_seconds
if __name__ == '__main__':
argparser.add_argument("--file", required=True, help="Video file to upload")
argparser.add_argument("--title", help="Video title", default="Test Title")
argparser.add_argument("--description", help="Video description",
default="Test Description")
argparser.add_argument("--category", default="22",
help="Numeric video category. " +
argparser.add_argument("--keywords", help="Video keywords, comma separated",
argparser.add_argument("--privacyStatus", choices=VALID_PRIVACY_STATUSES,
default=VALID_PRIVACY_STATUSES[0], help="Video privacy status.")
args = argparser.parse_args()
if not os.path.exists(args.file):
exit("Please specify a valid file using the --file= parameter.")
youtube = get_authenticated_service(args)
initialize_upload(youtube, args)
except HttpError, e:
print "An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status, e.content)
use "client_secrets.json"
configure credentials to generate it
Very useful step-by-step guide about how to get access and fresh tokens and save them for future use using YouTube OAuth API v3. PHP server-side YouTube V3 OAuth API video upload guide.
I'm currently having difficulty writing a test that enters text into an alert prior to accepting/dismissing said alert.
I'm able to accept an alert with:
However, when I attempt to use the following to enter text into the alert with:
I get the following error:
Failure/Error: page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.text("test")
wrong number of arguments (1 for 0)
Does anyone happen to have any experience with this workflow?
Update that works:
prompt = page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert
So i've been experimenting with NW and have found it is KISS(Keep It Stupid Simple)! I have ran into one problem though.
I am a freelance QA tester that has focused primarily on manual testing, however i'm branching out to automation to help speed up tasks at work.
The site i am currently testing has "2" steps when you navigate to it. The structure is as follows:
1: Navigate to URL
2: "subscribe page" displays containing a box to enter your email
3: Once email is enter, box changes to have user to enter their zipcode
When users are on the email section, if the email is not syntactically valid, it will contain a little X icon, if its valid, it contains a checkmark
The same is true for the zipcode section.
What am I testing:
Both the invalid and valid icons for both the email and zip code display when they should.
I've broken my tests up into two segments. 1 for testing the email address icons, and 1 for testing the zip icons.
I've gotten the email address tests written and they run perfectly, however the zip address keeps failing out for me.
Here is a block of code that i'm using for the zip code.
When running, i'm seeing:
✔ Element <#two_step_div> was present after 985 milliseconds.
✔ Testing if the page title equals "WEBSITE TITLE HERE".
✔ Element <#postal_code> was present after 14 milliseconds.s
✖ Timed out while waiting for element <input[class="js-zip js-success"]> to be present for 10000 milliseconds. - expected "visible" but got: not found
'This is checking valid zip icon is present': function (browser) {
.waitForElementPresent("#two_step_div", 8000)
.assert.title('WEBSITE TITLE HERE')
.setValue('input[type=text]', ['', browser.Keys.ENTER])
.waitForElementPresent("#postal_code", 10000)
.setValue('input[type=text]', '12345')
.waitForElementVisible('input[class="js-zip js-success"]', 10000)
It seems like its just skipping over the .setValue line as it doesn't even seem like its adding the "12345" zipcode that i'm specifyings.
Any ideas?
'This is checking valid zip icon is present': function (browser) {
.waitForElementPresent("#two_step_div", 8000)
.assert.title('WEBSITE TITLE HERE')
.setValue('input[type=text]', ['', browser.Keys.ENTER])
.waitForElementPresent("#postal_code", 10000)
.setValue('#postal_code', '12345')
.waitForElementVisible('input[class="js-zip js-success"]', 10000)
I've read the suggestions for making your own data handler, for example:
web_view.connect('resource-request-starting', resource_cb)
def resource_cb(view, frame, resource, request, response):
print request.get_uri()
#get data using urllib with different user-agent...
will let you download using custom header/useragent. However, sometimes it will complain if set_uri is given string with null-char, or it will give an error like "** Message: console message: (http://url) #linenumber: SECURITY_ERR: DOM Exception 18: An attempt was made to break through the security policy of the user agent."
Is there a better way to set a browser useragent for pygtk code? This says you can add/remove/replace headers using SoupMessage, however that documentation is missing...
This code sets a special user-agent:
webkit.WebSettings() allows user-agent switching, and a few other settings, but it seems it doesn't have the option to add other headers.