Vote How to use react native firebase in Expo app - react-native

I have a React Native/Expo app where I am trying to use Firebase Cloud Messaging on an Android Device. I am stuck on implementing a successful Firebase Cloud Messaging initialization on Android.
I am completely stuck on this React Native Firebase error: you attempted to use a firebase module that's not installed on your Android project by calling ""


react native expo-google-sign-in error missing googleservice-info.plist

Do I have to use firebase in my application that I developed with expo?
Error:Missing GoogleSerivce-info.plist

Using Expo SecureStore in React Native

I have created an app with React Native CLI.
Now, I would like to store sensitive data and SecureStore provides an API for securing data on mobile phones.
As I mentioned, the app has been created with React Native CLI. Do I have to do additional configuration to use SecureStore on the app or just npm i expo-secure-store and it is going to work.
If I would use EXPO, there is no additional configuration necessary.
AFAIK if you are using a none expo project you have to install unimodules first.

How to set Constants.installationId for react native expo?

Iam new to react native and expo, while using an expo API in react-native project I got a warning "Constants.installationId has been deprecated in favor of generating and storing your own ID. Implement it using expo-application's androidId on Android and a storage API such as expo-secure-store on iOS
and localStorage on the web. This API will be removed in SDK 44."
And I got a solution for this from expo forum
But I can't figure out how to apply this solution to my project.

Check Google Play Services version in React Native app

How can I programmatically check which version of Google Play Services is installed in a React Native app?

LIbrary for Zendesk or Freshdesk in React Native?

Is there any library for installing Zendesk or Freshdesk in React Native ? Or if there is another provider who provide their React Native SDK ?
You can install this plugin:
Or you can refer to WebView with this SDK for integration:
The mobile SDKs will not work in a React Native app. You could look at building a custom experience via a webview using the Web SDK: