Pactnet 4.1.0: Not able to reference MessagePact.V3 - pact-net

When I try to reference V3 static method of MessagePact class, it's not able access it.
Note: The library is included in the dependencies. Appreciate the help.
My project dependencies


Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.OwinContextExtensions doesn't seem to work

I am creating a custom provider in a separate assembly in order to use it from two different web api 2 projects.
I took the default vs2013 template for a web api project as a guide and so far I have implement the required classes.
In the separate assembly I am using a user manager class derived from Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.UserManager(Of T) class.
Public Class EzeUserManager
Inherits UserManager(Of EzeIdentityUser)
Now I want to implement the create shared function in order to use as a callback in the CreatePerOwinContext function. According to the template, I am declaring it like this:
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity
Imports Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin
Imports Microsoft.Owin
Public Class EzeUserManager
Inherits UserManager(Of EzeIdentityUser)
... Class Implementation ...
Public Shared Function Create(options As IdentityFactoryOptions(Of EzeUserManager), context As IOwinContext)
Dim Result As New EzeUserManager(New EzeIdentityUserStore(context.Get(Of EzeLDAPContext)()))
The problem is that
context.Get(Of EzeLDAPContext)()
fails because it requires a key.
From the template I can see that the get method which doesn't require a key is an extension defined in Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Owin.OwinContextExtensions which I have already installed and referenced through nuget and imported it in the class.
But it doesn't work.
I found that the key is actually the type name of the class so probably I can overcome this problem, however I didn't try it yet because I really want to make the extensions to work.
The question is: Am I missing something here?
Notes: The project in question is a Class Library targeting .NET 4.5.1 with the following references:
As I explained in the question, I was using the template generated by VS as a guide. During the implementation process of my project, I had update the nuget packages several times but only in my project not in the template project (same solution) since I was going to deleted it afterwards. This resulted the two projects to reference two different versions of the required assemblies.
I don't know how exactly and why this "multi" reference caused this problem but once I updated the template project's nuget packages the problem was resolved.
I hope this helps someone with a similar issue.

Warnings while using a plugin and static library in a cocoa project

I have a scenario where I need to use a plugin as well as a static library into my xcode project. The plugin will be dynamically loaded into the system. Now, the static library is also getting used in creation of the plugin.
While executing my project I am getting a warning saying :
Class A is getting referenced from /staticLibraryPath and plugin. One of them will be used.
Please let me know, how to resolve the warning or a better way of implementing the scenario.
The issue is a name class of the two ClassA types found in both plugin and library
I assume you have control over the source of either plugin / library.
.. rename Class A in one instance to make the names not clash -- I don't think there is another way to get rid of the warning/error

isMemberOfClass with static library linked twice

I'm working on few plugins for Quartz Composer, that all link to the same custom static library copied for each of them in the bundles frameworks folder. The plugins could be used separately, so I have to distribute the library in each plugin.
Everything goes well, apart from the isMemberOfClass and isKindOfClass methods. I read here that importing twice the same classes could be the origin of the problem.
I have no error at compilation.
Let's say that I have 2 plugins (NSBundles) that contains the lib XCode project and compile it before linking to it.
They both copy the lib in their resources folder.
Then, they both instantiate a custom hOzPolygon2D class from that library.
The first plugin return true to the test of the hOzPolygon2D object with isMemberOfClass method.
The second return false.
isKindOfCLass method returns the same "error".
I can't imagine a solution in my case. I'm really not a compilation professional and would really appreciate some help.
You should distribute the static library separately (possibly as its own framework). From the question title I assume you're seeing duplicate symbol errors from the linker. If you statically link the same static library into multiple other libraries and then try to link an application to more than one of those libraries you're bound to see these duplicate symbol issues. I haven't actually tried this with frameworks, but I know of this issue from linking iOS apps against interdependent static libraries.
You shouldn't worry about the fact that the modules can be used separately. Just make sure your users can also get the base library. This is a normal situation. For example AppKit and UIKit depend on Foundation, but neither of them actually contains a copy of Foundation.

How to export a native class from a dll (namely a protobuf generated class)

I'm trying to write a wrapper dll in C++/CLI to use some native classes in c#.
For Testing I created another C++/CLI Project that consumes the dll.
My Problem is, that I would like to use one of the native classes in the dll project in the test project, but the linker complains that it does not find the symbols for this class members.
I guess it's because the native class is not defined ref public. As the native class code is auto generated by the Google Protobuffers compiler I can not add ref public to it.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't want to use this native class in the future c# project but I want to directly access it in the Test project.
I think you have to follow the typical native c++ way of doing this: export the class from the dll, link against the dll from the test project, and then #include the header file from the test project where you need to use the class.
I don't think there is a "managed way" to reference and use a native class (hopefully others will correct me if I'm wrong).

Create frameworks for iOS bundled with unity data and its library

This is regarding creating the framework in iOS, as I have a bundle of unity which I want to create a framework, with data with-holding and linking library from Unity as libiPhone-lib.a. So without adding any library in the bundle target, the compilation works fine, if I include libiPhone-lib.a file, it generates a warning as:
warning: implicit declaration of function 'UnitySendMessage'
The UnitySendMessage is a function which is being called from the dedicated libiPhone-lib.a framework.
Any suggestions regarding this concern will be really appreciated.
This error means that, in the file where it occurred, UnitySendMessage was called without the compiler having seen a declaration for the function. You need to edit the file and #import the header that contains UnitySendMessage (or #include if it is a .c file)
The Unity folks seem to have neglected to include a header declaring this function. You can either declare it yourself, or just ignore the warning.