How to export a native class from a dll (namely a protobuf generated class) - c++-cli

I'm trying to write a wrapper dll in C++/CLI to use some native classes in c#.
For Testing I created another C++/CLI Project that consumes the dll.
My Problem is, that I would like to use one of the native classes in the dll project in the test project, but the linker complains that it does not find the symbols for this class members.
I guess it's because the native class is not defined ref public. As the native class code is auto generated by the Google Protobuffers compiler I can not add ref public to it.
Don't misunderstand me, I don't want to use this native class in the future c# project but I want to directly access it in the Test project.

I think you have to follow the typical native c++ way of doing this: export the class from the dll, link against the dll from the test project, and then #include the header file from the test project where you need to use the class.
I don't think there is a "managed way" to reference and use a native class (hopefully others will correct me if I'm wrong).


Warnings while using a plugin and static library in a cocoa project

I have a scenario where I need to use a plugin as well as a static library into my xcode project. The plugin will be dynamically loaded into the system. Now, the static library is also getting used in creation of the plugin.
While executing my project I am getting a warning saying :
Class A is getting referenced from /staticLibraryPath and plugin. One of them will be used.
Please let me know, how to resolve the warning or a better way of implementing the scenario.
The issue is a name class of the two ClassA types found in both plugin and library
I assume you have control over the source of either plugin / library.
.. rename Class A in one instance to make the names not clash -- I don't think there is another way to get rid of the warning/error

Can I include a single ObjC class when compiling Swift code?

In my understanding, it will be possible to work with Obj-C classes from Swift and write test cases much more quickly, and see the results in a playground project.
Does *.playground support including just a single class, like an .m/.h pair?
How does it work? Do I need to compile this class separately, or is it done automatically?
Unfortunately, a pure playground allows to import only Cocoa framework (for now, at least).
If you want to import other modules, you need to create a playground file inside an existing project. That way, the underlying Swift code inside the playground can access your symbols.
Reference: Does swift playground support UIKit?

Type of Class in C++/CLI

I am working on C++/CLI Wrapper for C Static Library.Static Library has 10 function in it.
THis C++/CLI Wrapper will Expose 10 API to C# Application.The Wrapper Will be in the Form of dll.
The Wrapper Will be Used in C# Application.
Now I am trying to add a class in C++/CLi application which will expose function to C# application I am getting Many Option like
C++ Class
CLR Class
a. Component Class
b.Installer Class
c. Windows Form
d. Installer Class
I am bit confused which I need to select out of it as I am new bee in C++/CLI
You need a
CLR Class - Component
since it can be consumed by .NET clients.
CLR class is declared as follows
ref class Wrapper {....}
However in your scenario you could also write a dynamic library and pinvoke the methods from .NET client.
Not sure if your question has been entirely answered, but a Component class creates a class that implements an IComponent interface for remoting/ inter process communication purposes. Didn't seem like what you were looking for.
I think what you were looking for i just a "template" to create a managed class?
In that case all you need to do is select C++ in the wizard and make sure the "Managed" check box on the right hand side is selected.

How to expose templates from a C++ to C# via C++/CLI

I want to expose a C++ library to a C# application and I decided to take the C++/CLI wrapper approach instead of P/Invoke. The problem that I am now facing is how to expose a templated class in the C++ lib to the C# application using generics.
On the C++ side I have:
template <typename T> class Someclass;
And my goal is to be able to expose the following type to the C# app
class Someclass<T> {}
So the question now is how should my C++/CLI wrapper look like. I tried the naive approach and created a templated type in C++/CLI and naturally I wasnt able to instantiate the class in C# with generic parameters. And if I expose the class as a generic class I wont be able to pass it to C++.
Disclaimer: I am a C++ newbie so please be gentle :)
I am familiar with the differences between generics and templates so no need to explain those. I have this bad feeling that what I want isn't doable, but since I am relatively new to C++ I hope I can somehow achieve it.
AFAIK: You'll have to write a C++ generic.
I don't see how the C# application would even understand the template being as that is calculated at compile time, so the C# application wont see templates in the DLL. creating and using namespace

I've googled for creation of namespaces and found some very useful examples, what these examples didn't have is how do I compile and implement my created namespace on my system so I can include it from my various applications.
So for example, if I create a namespace to load a config file from my application path and insert it to an array, Do i need to include the namespace on any project I use or is there a way to make it part of my environment?
You're thinking of Class Library (DLL) projects.
When you start up a new Visual Studio project, select Class Library rather than Windows Form project. This will compile your namespaces as a DLL (exposing your public classes), which can be referenced in other projects.
If you want to include a namespace that you created you have to add a reference to your project first. If you have compiled your code into a .dll file, then simply add the reference to the .dll file to your project and then at the top of your classes put the "Imports [Namespace]". If you haven't compiled your namespace, add the project (with the namespace that you created) to your solution, add the reference to it (under the Projects tab), and then use the Imports statement.
You are confusing the concept of a namespace with the concept of a project, especially of a class library project.
A class exists within a namespace. If no namespace is defined, then the class still exists within the global namespace (the one with no name).
In any case, it's classes that do the work. Namespaces are only so that you can have a class named Book, and I can have a class named Book, and so that TriDat.Book can exist at the same time as JohnSaunders.Book.