How to find prompt by Selenium - selenium

Does anybody know how to find this type of element by Selenium? (to validate its presence or text)?
I tried to catch it as alert (swithToAlert()) but it doesn't work. Any ideas? It is also can not be inspected as element and I can't find it in Elements. Thank you in advance.

This uses HTML5 form validation. This is created by the browser, and does not exist in the DOM. Therefore Selenium cannot see this.
You can access this using JavaScript. Here is a brief code sample:
JavascriptExecutor jsExecutor = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
WebElement field = driver.findElement(By.tagName("input")); // your input box
if (!(Boolean) jsExecutor.executeScript("return arguments[0].validity.valid;", field)) {
return (String) jsExecutor.executeScript("return arguments[0].validationMessage;", field);
The entire API is documented.
Returns true if the element's value has no validity problems; false otherwise.
So this popup is displayed if this returns false, but only after clicking Submit on the form.


How to wait until getAttribute return specific string (text) in selenium

I have a question.
In a page that I am testing their is a field, that include .
I want selenium to wait until
will return a certain text.
is their a way to selenium wait until getAttribute will return a custom text?
this is the dome
this is the screen
I want selenium to wait until BBBOOBP displayed.
you should use Selenium web driver explicit wait conditions to wait till element with text be present in DOM.
Official documentation with the sample in different languages:
Let me know if that doesn't help you.
This is what solved my problem
public void waitForElementAttributeEqualsString(By locator, String expectedString)
WebDriver driver = getWebDriver();
WebElement element = driver.findElement(locator);
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, EXPLICIT_WAITE);
ExpectedCondition<Boolean> elementAttributeEqualsString = arg0 -> element.getAttribute("value").equals

How can i get the value from div class in TestNG selenium?

I am using TestNG and selenium for testing web app.
<div class="infoMessage">The request has been successfully submitted.</div>
In the my TestNG class file, like any other HTML elments for div element also
I have
WebElement resultdiv;
Now that I got the webelement in resultdiv, how can i read the content "The request has been successfully submitted" ?
Just at a quick glance, it seem like you can try use className instead xpath:
WebElement resultdiv;
Use .getText(); to achieve:
String text = resultdiv.getText();
Hi #bnath002 You can use Contains text Xpath, below is the code. this code always work for text.
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(),'The request has been successfully submitted.')]"));
String innerText= element.getText();
System.out.println("Your inner text is: "+innerText);
I'm a little unfamiliar with #FindBy, but i'm assuming you could use getText() as normal. But if everything went as planned and the xpath located your element successfully, you should be able to retrieve the text with the following :)
WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='wrapper']/table/tbody/tr[1]/td/div"));
String innerText= element.getText();
System.out.println("Your inner text is: "+innerText);

How to click on save button in chrome print privew page using selenium Java

I am currently looking for a solution to click on Sava button in chrome print preview window with selenium Java.
Is there any way we can handel chrome print preview page?
I have tried with the Robot class, but it seems not reliable/stable for my application.
Could you please someone help me to achieve this with selenium Java.
I fail to see any "Save" button on print preview page for Chrome browser
Here is how you can click "Cancel" button, I believe you will be able to amend the code to match your requirements:
First of all make sure to wait for the preview page to be available using Explicit Wait
Change the context to the print preview window via WebDriver.switchTo() function
All the elements at the print preview page are hidden in ShadowDom therefore you will need to:
Locate the element which is the first parent of the element you're looking for
Get its ShadowRoot property and cast the result to a WebElement
Use the WebElement.findElement() function to locate the next parent
repeat above steps until you reach the desired button
Example code just in case:
new WebDriverWait(driver, 10).until(ExpectedConditions.numberOfWindowsToBe(2));
WebElement printPreviewApp = driver.findElement(By.tagName("print-preview-app"));
WebElement printPreviewAppConten = expandShadowRoot(printPreviewApp, driver);
WebElement printPreviewSidebar = printPreviewAppConten.findElement(By.tagName("print-preview-sidebar"));
WebElement printPreviewSidebarContent = expandShadowRoot(printPreviewSidebar, driver);
WebElement printPreviewHeader = printPreviewSidebarContent.findElement(By.tagName("print-preview-header"));
WebElement printPreviewHeaderContent = expandShadowRoot(printPreviewHeader, driver);
where expandShadowRoot function looks like:
private WebElement expandShadowRoot(WebElement parent, WebDriver driver) {
return (WebElement) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript("return arguments[0].shadowRoot", parent);
Save button will not work because page is not part of webpage. selenium only support web based application.
But you can use SIKULI to handle above scenario.

Selenium: How to assert that image is displayed under a certain section of a webpage

I am attempting to write a test that is able to do the following:
1. Navigate to a website.
2. Navigate to a page under the menu.
3. Once in that page, assert that the image I want is displayed under a section labeled "SECTION".
Here is my code (approach 1):
public void test1() throws Exception {
WebElement compare_image = driver.findElement(By.linkText("URL link where the image is located"));
driver.get("website URL");
WebElement image = driver.findElement(By.cssSelector("cssSelector for image from FireFox -> inspect element -> copy CSS selector"));
assertEquals(image, compare_image); }
I am very new to Selenium and QA automation, so any detailed help would be appreciated as my google searches so far are coming up short. It is giving me an element not present exception for the findElement call, but I don't know why as I tried all the Bys I could get from inspect element.
Am I approaching this correctly? If not, what can I do differently?
If you want to check image is present or not under a section then you have to create a webelement for that section.
WebElement section= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//img(#class=‘Section')"));
Now create an image element under section element.
WebElement image= section.findElement(By.xpath("//img(#class=‘Test Image')"));
Now check image is exist or not.
boolean imagePresent = image.isDisplayed();
Now assert on boolean result.
assertTrue(imagePresent, “No image is exist”);
Note: Please take care of locators for section and Image as you didn’t provide Html for it. Code will work perfectly.

Selenium Xpath Not Matching Items

I am trying to use Selenium's Xpath ability to be able to find an set of elements. I have used FirePath on FireFox to create and test the Xpath that I have come up with and that is working just fine but when I use the Xpath in my c# test with Selenium nothing is returned.
var MiElements = this._driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[#class='context-menu-item' and descendant::div[text()='Action Selected Jobs']]"));
and the Html looks like this:-
Can Anyone please point me right as everything that I have read the web says to me that this Xpath is correct.
Thanking you all in-advance.
Please post the actual HTML, so we can simply "drop it in" into a HTML file and try it ourselves but I noticed that there is a trailing space at the end of the class name:
<div title="Actions Selected Jobs." class="context-menu-item " .....
So force XPath to strip the trailing spaces first:
var MiElements = this._driver.FindElements(By.XPath("//div[normalize-space(#class)='context-menu-item' and descendant::div[text()='Action Selected Jobs']]"));
Perhaps you don't take into consideration the time that the elements need to load and you look for them when they aren't yet "searchable". UPDATE I skipped examples regarding this issue. See Slanec's comment.
Anyway, Selenium recommends to avoid searching by xpath whenever it is possible, because of being slower and more "fragile".
You could find your element like this:
//see the method code below
WebElement div = findDivByTitle("Action Selected Jobs");
//example of searching for one (first found) element
if (div != null) {
WebElement myElement = div.findElement(By.className("context-menu-item"));
//example of searching for all the elements
if (div != null) {
WebElement myElement = div.findElements(By.className("context-menu-item-inner"));
//try to wrap the code above in convenient method/s with expressive names
//and separate it from test code
WebElement findDivByTitle(final String divTitle) {
List<WebElement> foundDivs = this._driver.findElements(By.tagName("div"));
for (WebElement div : foundDivs) {
if (element.getAttribute("title").equals(divTitle)) {
return element;
return null;
This is approximate code (based on your explanation), you should adapt it better to your purposes. Again, remember to take the load time into account and to separate your utility code from the test code.
Hope it helps.