Resolving assets at run time - vuejs2

I need to resolve the urls at runtime. I have configured it like this
experimental: {
renderBuiltUrl: (filename: string, { hostType, type }) => {
if (hostType === 'js') {
return { runtime: `window.__toDynamicUrl(${JSON.stringify(filename)})` };
return { relative: true }
The problem is when new js files are loaded dynamically (u load some nested route), they are added to index.html file like this i.e. not adding the dynamic path before assets
// index.html
<link rel="modulepreload" as="script" crossorigin="" href="/assets/myComponent.a2adaa03.js">
window.__toDynamicUrl = (file) => `_some_path_/spa/${file}`;

It depends on what problem you are solving...
Q: Do you want to generate a correct HTML file with your build (vite)?
A: Don't need to use realtime
experimental: {
renderBuiltUrl: (filename: string, { hostType, type }) => {
if (hostType === 'js') {
return `_some_path_/spa/${filename}`;
return { relative: true }
Q: Do you want to generate a correct HTML file in the external server?
You can generate a manifest file
// vite.config.js
export default defineConfig({
build: {
// generate manifest.json in outDir
manifest: true, // <- add
rollupOptions: {
// overwrite default .html entry
input: '/path/to/main.js',
and use realtime


Add script into HTML using vite and vue 3

I have one js file which needs to be put in the public directory and needs to add it in the final production build as a text/javascript.
I have checked the options in vite config but couldn't find anything useful. The files I add contain a global JSON object and can be accessed directly.
To achieve this, I tried this solution.
import { fileURLToPath, URL } from "url";
import path from 'path';
// import test from "./src/assets/test.js"
import test from "./public/test.js"
import { defineConfig , loadEnv} from "vite";
import vue from "#vitejs/plugin-vue";
import { loadingScript } from 'vite-plugin-loading-script'
export default defineConfig(({ command, mode }) => {
// Load env file based on `mode` in the current working directory.
// Set the third parameter to '' to load all env regardless of the `VITE_` prefix.
const env = loadEnv(mode, process.cwd(), '')
return {
// vite config
define: {
__APP_ENV__: JSON.stringify(env.VITE_REDIRECT_URL),
__TEST__: test,
plugins: [vue()],
server: {
hmr: {
overlay: false,
resolve: {
alias: {
"#": fileURLToPath(new URL("./src", import.meta.url)),
build: {
// rollupOptions: {
// external: ['__APP_ENV__'],
// output: {
// globals: {
// __APP_ENV__: JSON.stringify(env.VITE_REDIRECT_URL),
// }
// }
// }
export default {
API_URL: "",
with the above changes, I got the console.log('__TEST__', __TEST__) as expected JSON object but it doesn't work with the production build.
maybe you can try including the js file to the html in the public directory

Serving a modified asset-manifest.json in CRA using CRACO doesn't work

I have just created a new CRA app. In our organization we have a micro frontend framework which has certain requirements when it comes to the the asset file of each micro frontend app. CRA will by default, create a asset-manifest.json file.
Now I need to change this file to assets.json and make some structural changes as well. To achieve this I use CRACO and add the WebpackManifestPlugin.
const ManifestPlugin = require('webpack-manifest-plugin');
module.exports = {
webpack: {
plugins: {
// tried removing CRA definition for ManifestPlugin.
// It worked, but had no impact on my problem
// remove: ['ManifestPlugin'],
add: [
new ManifestPlugin({
fileName: 'assets.json',
generate: (seed, files, entrypoints) => {
const js = [],
css = [];
files.forEach((file) => {
if (file.path.endsWith('.js') && file.isInitial) {
js.push({ value: file.path, type: 'entry' });
if (file.path.endsWith('.css') && file.isInitial) {
css.push({ value: file.path, type: 'entry' });
return { js, css };
Whenever I build the application, my new assets.json file is generated as expected.
However, I can't get CRA, or webpack-dev-server I assume, to serve this file while I run my CRA app in development mode. It only resolves to the index.html file. I have looked through CRA source code and can't really find any relevant place where asset-manifest.json is mentioned.
So how do I get webpack-dev-server to serve my assets.json file?
You need to add the ManifestPlugin to webpack.plugins.remove array to receive only the configuration from WebpackManifestPlugin:
webpack: {
alias: {},
plugins: {
add: [
new WebpackManifestPlugin(webpackManifestConfig)
remove: [
configure: (webpackConfig, { env, paths }) => { return webpackConfig; }

How to serve offline.html when no internet connection available?

I'm using workbox and vuejs and I want to serve public/offline.html page when I have no internet connection.
I edit pwa section to vue.config.js for handle service-worker myself:
pwa: {
name: 'myapp',
workboxPluginMode: 'InjectManifest',
workboxOptions: {
swSrc: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src/pwa/service-worker.js')
I add this code for supporting serve offline page in service-worker.js:
console.log('in pwa');
self.addEventListener('message', (event) => {
if ( && === 'SKIP_WAITING') {
// The precaching code provided by Workbox. You don't need to change this part.
self.__precacheManifest = [].concat(self.__precacheManifest || []);
// workbox.precaching.suppressWarnings()
workbox.precaching.precacheAndRoute(self.__precacheManifest, {});
self.addEventListener("fetch", function(event) {
fetch(event.request).catch(function() {
return caches.match(event.request).then(function(response) {
if (response) {
return response;
} else if (event.request.headers.get("accept").includes("text/html")) {
return caches.match(workbox.precaching.getCacheKeyForURL('/offline.html'));
So when I access to or I get the offline page.
But the problem is when I access to - the workbox is serve the index.html file from the cache.
I can remove index.html from the cache, but when I online I DO WANT to serve the index from tehe cache.
So I am here in dilemma, how to do that?

Share class between front and back (nuxt.js)

I 'm trying to share a simple class between vue and express.
The problem is that vue supports es6 import/export default, whereas express(node) only supports the require/module.exports syntax.
Is there a way to use export default statement in nuxt.js backend (express.js), so I can use my class in both ends? Or maybe, add support for module.exports in vue?
You can exlude you file from transpiler.
const Path = require('path')
module.exports = {
extend({ module: { rules } }) {
const rule = findJsxRule(rules)
rule.exclude = exclude(
Path.resolve(__dirname, '../lib'),
Path.resolve(__dirname, '../interface')
function findJsxRule(rules) {
return rules.find(rule => {
return rule.test.toString() === '/\\.jsx?$/i'
function exclude(paths, old) {
return file => {
if (paths.some(path => file.startsWith(path))) {
return true
} else if (old) {
return old(file)
} else {
return false

How to structure multiple pages with RequireJS

How to structure multiple pages with RequireJS? Is, like the following sample, declaring every class in app.js is the right thing to do? Has every html file to declare the <script data-main="src/main" src="src/require.js"></script>?
What I want to avoid is loading all the script when a user reach the first page of a site.
main.js defining all external dependencies:
function (require) {
require(["app"], function (app) {
app.js file defining every component:
define([ "product/ProductSearchView",
], function (ProductSearchView,
ProductCollection) {
return {
start: function() {
var products = new ProductCollection();
var searchView = new ProductSearchView({ collection: products });
return {};
You can require files within your existing module. So say when someone clicks a link you could trigger a function that does the following:
// If you have a require in your other module
// The other module will execute its own logic
require(["module/one"], function(One) {
$("a").click(function() {
// If you have a define in your other module
// You will need to add the variable to the require
// so you can access its methods and properties
require(["module/one"], function(One) {
$("a").click(function() {
require(["new/module"], function(NewModule) {
This is a complete example of how this all works; require.js and order.js are in the same directory as the app's JS files.
<script data-main="js/test" src="js/require.js"></script>
test.js (in js folder)
function () {
require(["app"], function (app) {
app.js (in js folder) with a on-demand load of Employee.js:
define([], function () {
return {
start: function() {
$('button').click(function() {
require(['Employee'], function(Employee) {
var john = new Employee('John', 'Smith');
return {};
Employee.js (in js folder):
define('Employee', function () {
return function Employee(first, last) {
this.first = first;
this.last = last;
this.wep = function() {