How can I wrap every v-if in my Vue code in a transition? - vue.js

The task of having to write
<transition name="fade">
<div v-if="condition">
Is manual labour. Is there any shortcut way of wrapping every v-if with a transition?

You can create a custom Vue component:
// AppTransition.vue
<transition name='fade'>
<div v-if='show'>
<slot />
export default {
props: {
show: Boolean
and then use it as follows:
<AppTransition :show='condition'>
<div>Hello, world</div>
// You can avoid importing it everywhere by making it a global component, see
import AppTransition from './AppTransition'
export default {
components: { AppTransition }


Vue layout with named slots

Is it possible?
I have something like this:
<template #header>
Some header html goes here
Body html here
import MyLayout from './MyLayout.vue'
export default {
layout: MyLayout,
components: {
And template like that
<slot name="header"/>
The default slot works, but "header" slot doesn't display itself (unless using MyLayout as standard component).
I believe there is a problem with the closing tags on the template you have given and it should be like the following:
<slot name="header"> </slot>
After that, layout property only excepts strings or functions that return strings, so parent should be like the following:
<template #header>
Some header html goes here
Body html here
import MyLayout from "./MyLayout.vue";
export default {
layout: "MyLayout",
components: {
I hope this solves your problem and have a nice day :)

any way to not use suspend in vue 3 for composition api async?

I have a composition API to fetch data by Async in setup() but I should define like this in another component
<template #default>
<HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" />
<template #fallback>
if I don't use <Suspense>, that component not rendering in my app, how can i solve this?
You can achieve this by using v-if and v-else. You should also make the data reactive in case you haven't already done that.
<div v-if="data">
<HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" />
<div v-else>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const data = reactive({});
return {

VueJS extends component with slots

I have a BaseModal Component like this :
<div class="base-modal" :class="{open: isOpen}">
<div class="modal">
<h2 class="modal-title">
<slot name="title"></slot>
<div class="modal-content">
<slot name="content"></slot>
<script lang="ts">
import { Vue, Component } from "vue-property-decorator";
export default class BaseModal extends Vue {
public isOpen: boolean = false;
// Some methods
I want to create an other modal component that will extend this one and pass it the content for the named slots. Here is where I am :
// How to give slots content here
<script lang="ts">
import BaseModal from "#app/components/BaseModal.vue";
import { Vue, Prop, Component } from "vue-property-decorator";
extends: BaseModal,
export default class OtherDropdown extends Vue {
The extends is working but I can't figure out how to pass content to the named slot of the extended component. Not to have to write again all the BaseModal template.
I'm using VueJS 2.6.8
You would want to use components named slots like this:
<template v-slot:title>
Some Title
<template v-slot:content>
Some content goes here
You can read more about named slots here:
Hope this helps!

vue how to access v-model from child component

my child component is like this
<editor v-model="edit_thread.body"></editor>
and then I access the component from inside like this
<input :value="this.value">
export default {
data() {
return {
value: this.edit_thread.body
not working, I miss something?
To use v-model on custom components, the component needs to:
have a prop (not a data property) named value:
<input :value="value">
export default {
props: ['value']
and emit an input event with new values:
<input #input="$emit('input', $">

Can't Embed Vue Component into an md-app using Vue Material

I have the following...
<span> ${message} </span>
export default{
data: function(){
return {message: "asdsad" };
import PageHeader from "./PageHeader.vue"
export default{
components: {
"jg-header": PageHeader
This works great so I want to convert it to using Vue Material so I change app.vue to this...
<md-app> <jg-header></jg-header> </md-app>
import PageHeader from "./PageHeader.vue"
export default{
components: {
"jg-header": PageHeader
It seems to create and render the Vue material component, however, the custom component doesn't show up anywhere. How do I get the Vue component to actually render inside the md-app
Since there was some confusion, I create the Vue app I do call Vue.use (hence why it renders)
new Vue(App).$mount("#my-id");
<md-app> has specific content elements. Wrap your content in <md-app-content>.
Instead of:
<md-app> <jg-header></jg-header> </md-app>
Or, with a toolbar:
<md-app-toolbar> ... </md-app-toolbar>
Try wrapping the tags inside template with a div :