Is it possible to modify edge through the registry to open a .pdf in a private edge browser instead of normal mode? I understand the process of stopping it from opening in an edge browser by editing the settings and then the registry entry but changing its target to something like --inprivate, is that even possible?
You can add flags in Edge target to open a pdf in Edge InPrivate window. You can right click Edge shortcut -> click Properties-> at the end of Target, add pdf url and --inprivate flags. After this, next time you double click the Edge shortcut, it will open the pdf in InPrivate window directly.
I am starting a PDF. It is being opened in a Chrome tab.
According to Jimis answer in my other question, the following happens:
The Process object that opened the PDF doesn't exist anymore after the main Chrome Process presents the PDF content in a tabbed Window. Find the Chrome Process and check the current title of its Window.
Now I want to close this PDF again.
I go through all windows to find the name of the PDF.
I find it by using the PDF's name and adding " - Google Chrome".
The following window is found:
"test.pdf - Google Chrome"
However, when I close this window, the entire browser window is closed, not only the one tab.
Does anybody know why and how to avoid that?
I'm having this problem:
At the website I'm trying to test with webdriverio, it has this functionality:
You click a button to upload a file (a window opens to choose your local file)
You select your file and click Accept.
When you click Accept, a modal opens and gives you a progress bar and also some mandatory inputs to continue the process and the test.
In other cases, uploading the file with this:
it works fine!
But in this case, I need to open the modal after you click Accept at the window (anyway I'm not really clicking on Accept button at the locals file window, so probably this should be solve before, but I don't know how to do it)… and its not happening.
Thanks for the help!
Help me please to show pdf-documents in edge without top pdf-panel this pdf-panel which I want to remove is at the picture. Pdf-documents are opened through hyperlinks. I searched settings and I tried to add "toolbar=0" to my hyperlinks, but without result yet.
You can add "#toolbar=0" to the URL and refresh the page.
I agree with KJ's comment. The PDF reader is built in in Edge. It's a part of Edge browser so you can't disable the PDF toolbar using code. And there's no setting to disable the toolbar.
You can only open PDF in other applications if you don't want to see the toolbar. Besides, you can also provide your suggestion as a feature request to suggest the Edge team to add a setting to disable the PDF toolbar. You can send the feedback through the Microsoft Edge Insider forum.
Press F8 and then Read mode under page view icon, or just Ctrl + H
When I start a desktop application on Windows 8 tablet, Explorer starts it with SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED.
For example, if you start Notepad from command prompt, it opens in normal window size, but if you do that from Explorer, maximized window is opened. I have seen this Explorer behavior only on tablet PC and I guess Explorer is doing that on purpose.
I understand that it may be useful for many application programs, but I want my program to start with normal size unless user explicitly requests Explorer to open it maximized.
Is there a way to stop this for my application? I'm hoping that there is an API or manifest to do that, but I couldn't find any information at MSDN.
Thanks in advance.
See if this helps:
Open any program that is affected with this issue. Note: Make sure that it is the only open window of that program. eg. You can only do this if you have one window of command prompt open.
Adjust the window size and position to your liking.
While holding Ctrl on your keyboard, close the window by clicking (or touching, for tablet) the X in the top-right corner of the window to close it.
Re-open the program. Your window should now open in the way you set it in step 3.
js gets downloaded to browser cache.
js contains functionA that constructs the url and calls the window.Open to open the url.
i call the functionA to open the window.
selenium doesnt detect the window at all. i did getAllWindowTitles and getAllWindowNames, etc. But do not see window at all.
by the way the reason i had to this is because when i click on button that has an onclick='calltofunction()', the window is not detected either.
it would be better actually if i can force selenium to see the open window after i click the button.
The straight forward answer that I can think of right now is to move on to Selenium 2.31.0, which has an updated support for WebDriver, and can be used in parallel to Selenium.
Then, it is easy to do ALT+TAB (for Windows, or CTRL+TAB for tabs), and WebDriver picks up the new tab/window and reads off of it.