Can't have a Vue shortcut (by reference) to a reactive variable? - vue.js

I have a Pinia store with an object "objData", which holds one or more objects, with some additional metadata, which ends up becoming a fairly long variable. It has to be used in quite a number of places, therefore I made a "shortcut" variable instead to the "data" property. However, this shortcut fails to be reactive, whereas the variable i'm pointing to is reactive.
The Pinia object looks like:
objData: {
"fruit": {
data: {...},
"candy": {
data: {...},
The setup-function:
setup() {
const myStore = useMyStore()
// const fruit = myStore.objData['fruit'].data // <- direct, doesn't work
// const fruit = reactive(myStore.objData['fruit'].data) // <- reactive, doesn't work
const fruit = computed(() => myStore.objData['fruit'].data) // works
return {
The data change: (I'm sure I don't need to both do reactive() and refs(), or any at all, but I've tried all kinds of things to get reactivity in my shortcut). This happens in a composable that has access to the store.
if (!("fruit" in store.objData)) {
set(myStore.objData, "fruit", reactive({
data: ref(null),
set(myStore.objData["fruit"], 'data', objNewData)
The page:
{{myStore.objData['fruits'].data.fruit_name}} OK
{{fruit.fruit_name}} OK, if computed(), otherwise not reactive
Unless I'm using a computed, I only get the inital value, which doesn't get updated when the store updates.
Is it actually bad/expensive/wrong to use a computed() to have a reactive data object in the page in this way? It "feels" wrong, but other than that I have no arguments against it.
(Why) is it not possible to simply make a variable by reference to a reactive variable, I always thought you're just pointing to a memory address.
I'm struggeling to provide an example, as this thing is so deeply integrated in my app. I'm at this point hoping for a glaring mistake on my part, or a simple answer that explains it.
Note 1: I'm using Vue2 with the composition API add-on.
Note 2: This is a very simplified example.


Vue.set() and push() for Vuex store

I have a mutator that attempts to make the follow update:
forms is an object with 1 as a key
metrics is an array
For some reason, Vuex successfully updates, but components don't react to this change.
I was reading about Vue.set() on
But I'm not sure how to apply it, or even if it's the right answer at all here.
Thanks for the help.
this.$forceUpdate is working, which is a bit strange because the component loading the data uses computed properties.
Form state is setup initially like so:
const state = {
forms: {}
New forms are pushed like so:
state.forms[id] = { formName: payload.formName, data: {metrics: []}};
And new metrics are added like so:
var result = getParent(state, payload.path);{ id: newMetricId(state, result.formId), ...payload.metric });
Your problem is not with pushing to arrays. Your problem is in this line:
state.forms[id] = { formName: payload.formName, data: {metrics: []}};
Because you are creating a new property of state.forms without using Vue.set(), the form is not reactive, so when you push to the metrics array later, it's not recognized.
Instead, you should do this:
Vue.set(state.forms, id, { formName: payload.formName, data: {metrics: []}});
Then, pushing to state.forms[id].data.metrics should work as expected.
Vue setup reactive data looking for how the state/data is setup, by example if in a regular component you define the data like {x: {y: 10}} and you change the data somehow this.x.y = 20; it’s going to work, because Vue make the object with that structure reactive (because is the setup structure) based on that if you try to do, this.x.z = 10; not works because “z” not exists, and you need to tell to Vue that you need to make it reactive, this is when this.$set(this.x, “z”, 10); enters, it’s basically saying “make this data reference in position ‘z’ reactive”, after this point direct calls to this.x.z = ? works, in vuex the same happens, use Vue.set(state.forms, 1, { formName: payload.formName, data: {metrics: []}}); after that the reference to state.forms[1] (including sub data) is now reactive!

Vue.js extend component and data updates

I'm using vue.js extends for the first time. I have a component that extends another and it needs to read the root components data to update the status in its own component.
What I'm finding is that the component that extends the other only seems to take a copy of the root's data when it's rendered but if I update a property in the root component it's not updated in the extended component.
So I might not be going about this the right way if the extended component doesn't update when the root does. For example I want to check the length of an array on the root component and update another data value. It updates the value on the root but not on the extended component.
Is this the expected behaviour and is there a way I can send the updated data down to the extended component?
Sample code:
<a inline-component>
<input type="text" v-model="myArray" />
<button v-on:click="saveData">Save</button>
<b inline-component>
<div v-if="myArray.length > 0">On Target</div>
var a = Vue.component('a', {
data: function () {
return {
myArray: [],
methods: {
saveData : function(){
var vm = this;'/save', {
.then(function (response) {
vm.myArray =;
.catch(function (error) {
Vue.component('b', {
extends: a,
I have a component that extends another and it needs to read the root components data to update the status in its own component.
For the purposes of my answer I'm going to assume that you have two component definitions, A and B, and B extends A. I assume that when you say root you just mean A.
What I'm finding is that the component that extends the other only seems to take a copy of the root's data when it's rendered but if I update a property in the root component it's not updated in the extended component.
Rendering is not really relevant here. The data properties are set up when a component instance is created. Typically rendering will happen just after creation but merging any data happens much earlier in the component life-cycle. Even if the component isn't rendered the data will still be initialised.
No copying takes place. Let's consider a data function on component A:
data () {
return {
myArray: []
Every time this function is invoked it is going to return a new object, each containing a new array. This is precisely what happens if you create an instance of A directly. For each instance, Vue will call this function and get a new object defining the data. Generally that's what you'd want, rather that having components sharing data.
Now let's consider B. That might define its own data function. When an instance of B is created Vue will call the data function for both A and B and then merge the objects. No copying takes place, just merging. If you want to know more about how Vue handles merging in general see the documentation but for data the strategy is pretty simple. Properties from both objects will be combined with B taking precedence over A if there's a clash of property names. There is no recursive merging of properties.
So the idea of updating 'a property in the root component' is not particularly well-defined. You might be thinking of it as a bit like a prototype chain, where modifying a superclass would impact the subclass, but that isn't what's going on here. The data functions are invoked when the component is created and that's that. There isn't a lasting link back to the component definition like there is with a prototype chain.
If you really want all your component instances to share the same data value then it can be done, you just need to make sure that the data function is returning the same object/array every time. e.g.
const myArray = []
export default {
name: 'A',
data () {
return {
Written this way all instances of A will share the same array for myArray. So long as B doesn't define it's own value for myArray it will share it too.
For example I want to check the length of an array on the root component and update another data value. It updates the value on the root but not on the extended component.
I'm struggling a bit to understand what that means. It seems there are lots of assumptions about things being shared, single instances here. It's not entirely clear how you update the 'root' given it's a component definition and not a component instance.
If possible you should use a computed property for this. That would be inherited by B. Each instance of A (or B) would have their own value for this computed property, which might be a little wasteful if they're all going to be the same, but it's probably still the best way to go.
You could in theory use a watch. That should be inherited too but keep in mind it would be manipulating values for that particular instance.
Reading between the lines a little, if you wanted to update something on the 'root' so that it magically appeared in the subcomponents you could use the same shared reference-type trickery that I demonstrated earlier for myArray. You may need to be careful with how you update it though. If, for example, you used a watch you might find the you end up updating the same object many times, once for each instance of the component.
Based on the code you've posted it could be made to work something like this:
var myArray = [];
var a = Vue.component('a', {
data: function () {
return {
myArray: myArray // Note: using the same, shared array
methods: {
saveData : function(){
var vm = this;'/save', {
.then(function (response) {
// Note: Updating the array, not replacing it
var myArray = vm.myArray;
myArray.splice(0, myArray.length);
.catch(function (error) {
Vue.component('b', {
extends: a,
Your example didn't include any ES6 so I've refrained from using it but it would be a bit simpler if that were available.
The example above works by sharing the same array between all instances of the component and then mutating that instance. Assigning a new array to that property won't work as it would only update that particular component instance.
However, all that said, this is increasingly looking like a case where you should give up on trickery and just use the Vuex store instead.

How to share data between components, by global mixins in vuejs ? why it is not reactive?

I want to share simple data between all components
I know it can be done using Vuex or a global variable as a state, but it's overkill for my project!
Here is the code:
data: function () {
return {
base_url: 'http://test.develop/api/v1/',
isLoading : false
base_url is constant and its working but isLoading must be reactive and it is not working, when I change it in one component and log it in another, it remains unchanged.
Now my question is what kind of data should be used in vue mixins ? Are mixins only for sharing code or data can be shared by mixins too?
Vuex will probably not be overkill. Vuex works great for small and large projects. Vue mixins are not meant for keeping global state. Mixins are the OOP equivalent of extends. You basically inherit everything that's on it through a merge, with the component having priority. It's just for shared behavior (methods, data, lifecycle).
Disclaimer: I can't think of this being accepted in the community, just take it as a learning exercise.
But the only way to have a 'global state' of sorts kept within a mixin, is to wrap its initialization object in a closure, and keep track of the information in a reactive object, like so:
let store = Vue.observable({
isLoading: true
return {
computed: {
isLoading: {
return store.isLoading
store.isLoading = val
Here's a fiddle:
Again, I'm not endorsing this method 🙈

Literal objects and properties reactivity in Vue 2.5

Why nested fields of literal objects bound to a component’s property do not get reactive and observed?
<my-comp :my-prop="{ my: { literal: { object: { with: { nested: { field: ‘not reactive’ }}}}}}"></my-prop>
When you do this inside my-comp:
created() {
console.log(this); // you can see in the Chrome console that nested fields of this.myProp do not get reactive (i.e. no getters)
I know that I can play around it, but I am just asking why not?
Is there a neat way to make it reactive?
Thank you!
This is because the way "HTML" templates are rendered.
When Vue "compiles" your html, it basicly creates the following "computed" function
render(createElement) { /* `createElement` is also known as `h` in the Vue world */
return createElement('my-comp', {
props: {
myProp: { my: { literal: { object: { with: { nested: { field: ‘not reactive’ }}}}}},
Since the full flow of the value of myProp never passes through the data function, nor through the return result of a normal computed function, it never gets marked for reactivity.
While it might sound weird that Vue marks the return result of all "computed" functions, expect the special render function reactive, it actually makes sense if looking at the design idea of Vue, namely props in, and events out. This not marking of reactivity gives us a performance boost here, compared to marking it reactive.
If you still require it to be reactive (and thus want to go against the core principles of Vue (and thus making your application harder to understand) ), you can do it, by storing the value inside the data section of your component, or by returning it from a computed property.

VueJS reactive binding to module export

I'm new to Vue and I'm trying to bind a component value to a property of an exported object. The initial value is set correctly but it's not reactive. I'm not sure I'm using the right terminology, but the relevant sections are
// Settings.js
export const settings = { showOverlay: true }
// Overlay.vue
<div v-show="enabled"> Some stuff </div>
import { settings } from "../js/Settings.js";
export default {
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Now, I know that the exported object (settings) is a read-only view onto the object, because that's how modules work, so probably Vue can't put its hooks into it. The thing is, I want the setting to be "owned" by this Settings service, which is responsible for persisting the values between page loads, but I don't feel like the service should have to be aware that the component wants to watch a value and take care of manually triggering updates on the component when the value changes -- I probably just misunderstand the pattern I'm supposed to use for cases like this.
This is being built with Webpack / babel, if that makes any difference.
I'm feeling a little bit sheepish at the moment. I went down a little rabbit hole based on some syntax I saw in your question and that let to a whole bunch of unnecessary gyrations. The syntax was this:
data() {
return {
enabled: settings.showOverlay
Which, for some reason, I interpreted as "well sure, whenever enabled changes, settings.showOverlay is going to change because Vue is reactive".
Yeah, no.
In that code, settings.showOverlay is just the initial value for the enabled property. The enabled property will be reactive, but in no way is it going to pass values to the settings object. Basically the data function returns an object with an enabled property that has an initial value of whatever settings.showOverlay is and then that object is turned into a reactive object.
If you want the changes made in Vue to be passed along to your settings object then all you need to do is expose the settings object on Vue's data object.
data() {
return {
Now if you have code like
<div v-show="settings.showOverlay"> Some stuff </div>
<button #click="settings.showOverlay= !settings.showOverlay"></button>
settings.showOverlay will not only be reactive in the Vue, but in the settings object. No need for any of the hoops I jumped through below (/facepalm).
FWIW I believe some of the links I mentioned in the comments are referring to the data object itself. The data object needs to be a plain javascript object, not necessarily all the properties on it.
In other words, in
data() {
return something
something must be a plain javascript object.
Original Answer
I've done this in a couple ways in my Vue apps. In my first app I wanted to do the same thing, store the settings in an external module that could manage persisting the settings and expose those settings on my Vue. I ended up writing a class that looks like this.
class Settings {
// read settings from persisted solution
// return "key" from settings
// set "key" in settings
// save settings to persisted solution
export default Settings
And then used that in my Vue like this.
import Settings from "./settings"
new Vue({
someSetting: Settings.get("someSetting")
And then some point later, trigger set() and save(). That point for me was whenever a route change was triggered, I'd just set all the settings back to the Settings object and then save.
It sounds like what you have is you're exporting an object that has getter/setter properties possibly something like this.
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
Where you maybe trigger a save when set is triggered. I like that idea better than the solution I described above. But getting it to work is a little more work. First I tried using a computed.
new Vue({
showOverlay: {
get(){ return settings.showOverlay }
set(v) { settings.showOverlay = v }
But that doesn't quite work because it doesn't reflect changes to the Vue. That makes sense because Vue doesn't really know the value changed. Adding a $forceUpdate to the setter doesn't work either, I expect because of the caching nature of computed values. Using a computed in combination with a data property, however, does work.
new Vue({
return {
showOverlay_internal: settings.showOverlay
showOverlay: {
get(){ return this.showOverlay_internal }
set(v) {
settings.showOverlay = v
this.showOverlayInternal = v
That changes both the state of the Vue and triggers the change in the settings object (which in turn can trigger persisting it).
But, damn, that's a lot of work.
It's important to remember sometimes, though, that the objects we use to instantiate Vue are just plain old javascript objects and we can manipulate them. I wondered if I could write some code that creates the data property and the computed value for us. Taking a cue from Vuex, yes we can.
What I ended up with was this.
import {settings, mapSetting} from "./settings"
const definition = {
mapSetting(definition, "showOverlay"
export default definition
mapSetting does all the work we did above for us. showOverlay is now a computed property that reacts to changes in Vue and updates our settings object. The only drawback at the moment is that it exposes a showOverlay_internal data property. I'm not sure how much that matters. It could be improved to map multiple properties at a time.
Here is the complete code I wrote that uses localStorage as a persistence medium.
function saveData(s){
localStorage.setItem("settings", JSON.stringify(s))
let stored = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("settings"))
if (null == stored) {
stored = {}
export const settings = {
overlay: stored.showOverlay,
get showOverlay(){
return this.overlay
set showOverlay(v){
this.overlay = v
function generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName){
let originalDataFn =
return function(){
let data = originalDataFn ? originalDataFn() : {}
data[internalName] = settings[setting]
return data
function generateComputed(internalName, setting){
return {
return this[internalName]
settings[setting] = v
this[internalName] = v
export function mapSetting(definition, setting){
let internalName = `${setting}_internal` = generateDataFn(definition, setting, internalName)
if (!definition.computed)
definition.computed = {}
definition.computed[setting] = generateComputed(internalName, setting)