is it possible to add Hyperlink using Quip API - api

I am using the quip api to update a spreadsheet embedded in a doc.
I want to know if I can add hyperlinks using the api.
I will have the link in one column the text in another , create a third column which will have the hyperlink text.
Thank you

There is no requirement for an API, a straightforward formula can be used instead.
=hyperlink("URL","Label to be shown")


Is there an possibility to save a dynamic pdf as static but still have interactive fields within the document?

I have a dynamic pdf which I want to use for DocuSign and thus needs to be static. I cannot simply make use of the print as pdf function as I still want to use the interactive fields within the pdf.
I Tried to use Adobe AEM Forms Designer to save the document as static. But solely the first page of the form is saved.
Regarding your concern, I would like to share the following information, you can learn about PDF form field transformation. It enables you to transform PDF form fields automatically into DocuSign tabs, carrying over all of their existing values. The locations of the created tabs will match the locations of the fields from which they were generated.
To transform PDF form fields into DocuSign tabs, you need to set the transformPdfFields property on the documents whose fields you want to transform.
Best Regards,
Eric | DocuSign

How to collect data from pdf and writing it to google spreadsheet

I'm new here, and I'm just trying to get a solution for a problem i'm having. I have fillable pdf form that it needs to be "connected" to a google spreadsheet . I have no problems with the google form alternative, but I need to have a form witch contains all fields on one page instead of a google form "scrool type". thank you!

Hyperlink in SQL

If you save a text in SQL, is is possible to include a hyperlink in that same text?
When I save <a href=''>duck</a> in my SQL database, it gets displayed as plain text and not as a hyperlink when selected and displayed on my website.
Is it even possible to include hyperlinks like this and if not, what is a better solution?
edit; im using node.js and react
Whatever DBMS you are using most likely does not implement a "Hyperlink" data type. You will need to save the hyperlink as text and then get your application to display the hyperlink.
It sounds like you are storing HTML, so you could simply open that HTML in a web browser to see the link. You will need to have an application to pull the HTML from your database and display it to the user.
Depending on your DBMS, there are multiple libraries available to connect to a database. Try googling your DBMS and a programming language to find a library that suits your needs.
For example, npgsql is a library to connect to postgres using .NET.

Transfer images between Google Sheets?

Is there a way, using the Google Sheets API, to transfer images from one Google Sheet to another that have been added using Insert > Image?
I had a look at the possibilities of Importrange but there doesn't seem to be a way to transfer images using that.
Unfortunately, there is currently no way to retrieve images added through Insert > Image via Sheets API, so all you have are several roundabout ways, which will only be appropriate in certain circumstances.
Feature Requests:
There are several feature requests in Issue Tracker regarding image handling in Sheets API, I'd suggest you to star these in order to keep track of them and to help prioritize its implementation:
Retrieve "Image in Cell" cell data on spreadsheets.get endpoint
Insert images to Sheets using the API
Update OverGridImage to support BlobSource interface.
Option 1. Set image through its URL:
If a URL of the image is available and you want to write the image to a specific cell (not over cells), you could just add the formula =IMAGE(your-image-url) to the desired cell via spreadsheets.values.update.
Or, if you're open to using Apps Script, you could use insertImage(url, column, row).
Option 2. Copy corresponding range:
If the image was added via Insert > Images > Image in cell and the destination sheet is on the same spreadsheet as the source sheet, you could make a CopyPasteRequest or a CutPasteRequest to copy or move the range containing the image to the destination sheet (see spreadsheets.batchUpdate).
Option 3. Copy the entire sheet:
If the image was added via Insert > Images > Image over cells, or if the destination sheet is not on the same spreadsheet as the source sheet, your only option would be to copy the entire sheet via spreadsheets.sheets.copyTo.
You can download a zip file with the sheet in html format using Google API. It will contain all images, no matter how were they added.
Get Your API Key, from Google developers Console
Get a File ID of a google spreadsheet with permissions set to "Anyone with the link".
Now you're ready to call the api (with curl or browser window):{FILE_ID}/export?mimeType=application%2Fzip&key={YOUR API KEY}
Remember to fill the above with Your FILE_ID and your API_KEY from google.
This works only for files with "anyone with link" permissions, otherwise you'll have to authenticate first. (see my answer here: How to send google-sheet data in an email keeping the formatting( colors) intact from python?)

How to edit Charts in Google Spreadsheet with Google SpreadSheet API in VB

I have a spreadsheet on my Google Account and I have some code which edits cells in this spreadsheet. Now I'm looking for a way to edit and(/or) make a new Chart in the worksheet I'm working on. I'm using the Google Spreadsheet API to edit the cells.
I did some hours of research on this topic but I just can't find how it would work. My understanding is that it is impossible with this API to work with charts. Is this correct?
I also found something about a Visualization api, but I can't figure out how to get this to work in vb, let alone how to make sure the chart I create would end up in my spreadsheet.
I want to use this chart on my own website, and I don't want to have to run the code before the graph updates. In other words, when I change the information in the cells manually via my spreadsheet I want these numbers to end up in my chart. I only want to change the chart via my code when I need to add a row or column to the chart.
Lastly, I've also read it is not possible at all to edit charts in a spreadsheet via a program. If so, I'd like to say to Google: WHY NOT!! AARGH. And maybe someone can suggest an other way to automatically update a chart which I can place on my website. (Again I want a live representation of the spreadsheet and the code I'm creating will only be run once a day if at all).
Thanks you so much for your time!
Google have Script inside the Spreadsheets that can do that for you.