I'm new here, and I'm just trying to get a solution for a problem i'm having. I have fillable pdf form that it needs to be "connected" to a google spreadsheet . I have no problems with the google form alternative, but I need to have a form witch contains all fields on one page instead of a google form "scrool type". thank you!
I'm trying to fill out a form using Select.Pdf .NET package. Although I've successfully filled a couple of forms, there is a one, which I can't fill.
Here is the link - https://www.state.sd.us/eforms/secure/eforms/E1830V2-WCFRI.pdf
When I try to set some textbox text and the save it it just remains blank. Maybe someone has experience in both PDF and using Select.Pdf, so you could help me.
The PDF in question uses a document level JavaScript which calls resetForm();.
That's where the fields are reset to their default values.
i've got another question about the PDFBox. Is it possible to creating new pdf's templates on our webpage and saving it?
Well something like - I want to create PDF document with specific fields as administrator on web page. I have fields which I want to fill by my restrictions and when I saving it i want to "LOCK" fields which i filled.
I hope it's clear.
I have a very specific question and I would be extremely happy if anybody has any guess on how to solve it. I have: 1.- a PDF form which I have not created myself. 2.- a GoogleSpreadsheet created by myself.
Now the question is: is there any way I can fill in the PDF form using the information in the GoogleSpreadsheet, taking into account that this process should be activated from the GoogleSpreadsheet (since the PDF form is not mine)?
Best regards and thanks so much for everyone's input!
It depends.
You would need edit access to the PDF form, in order to get the field names. With that information, you could create a FDF (Forms Data Format, a PDF-related file format for data, using PDF syntax) file from the Google spreadsheet, which does refer to the PDF form as a base PDF. You then could open that FDF from the spreadsheet, and it should, if your webbrowser supports the Acrobat browser plug-in, grab the base PDF and populate it.
If you can not get the opening from the spreadsheet to work, download the FDF file and open it in Acrobat/Reader, or open the base form in Acrobat/Reader and import the data from the FDF file.
Currently, I have an excel file that upon launch it shows a userform where users can fill out a few text boxes/comboboxes and press create. Upon pressing create, it gathers stored data and creates a PDF that we send to vendors. It's essentially an invoice. The vendors that receive this PDF have to fill out a couple of lines and return it to us. Right now if they have no acrobat/reader experience, they're printing the PDF and then scanning and returning to us.
I want the vendors to be able to type in a few areas on the PDF and return it to us. My question is, can I create a fillable PDF from excel? Does anyone know how to do this using excel features or with VBA? Or any other method?
Short Answer: Absolutely.
First you will start with a fillable pdf form. (you can create one using Adobe Acrobat or the older Adobe Designer)
It is my understanding, from your question that you would like to take some information, fill out a PDF, then send this to your client, to complete this.
Using VBA you can do all of this in one single button.
I created a step-by-step video on how to use the SendKeys method to achieve this.
Please see the detailed instructional YouTube video here: How to AUTOMATICALLY fill PDF forms using Microsoft Excel in 1 CLICK
I am having a PDF form that saves the data and validate the data entered by user e.g. a client information PDF document that takes client data and when user click on send button, it must post the data to the web service that further process it or saves to database.
I am using Acrobat Professional for this. Can anyone help in this?
Acrobat and Adobe Reader can submit form data to any URL using a button on the document and the "Submit a Form" action or via Acrobat JavaScript (probably unnecessary). You just need something on the server to interpret the data. If you submit as HTML, the submission will look just like query parameters where the key names are the same as the names of the fields and the values, same as the field values without the formatting. To the server, it looks like it was submitted from a standard HTML form so just about anything you have will be able to work with the submission.
You need to use Acrobat Pro to add this button to the document but then Standard and Reader can use it.
See https://helpx.adobe.com/acrobat/using/setting-action-buttons-pdf-forms.html
You can also submit as FDF or XFDF, an XML(ish) expression of FDF, in which case you'll want to use something like the FDF Toolkit to read it but based on your question, I don't think you need to do that.
3rd party edit
Information from the linked page
Returns the user input without sending back the underlying PDF file.
You can select options to include Field Data, Comments, and
Incremental Changes To The PDF.
Returns the user input as an XML file. You can include Comments with
the field data or just the field data.