ASK | Request URL was not found using nginx reverse proxy - apache

First of all, I am so sorry if I broke any rules by making a thread / question.
And also I am sorry for my bad English.
I'm so stressed out to figure out the solution. I am learning about Reverse Proxy on Nginx.
So, I am making 2 servers (both are Centos), one using Apache Web Server and another using Nginx as Web Server. Both will run under an Nginx Reverse Proxy.
This is my configuration
server {
listen 80;
index index.html index.htm;
location / {
proxy_pass http://<apache-ip-address>;
location /demo {
proxy_pass http://<nginx-ip-address>;
And this seems working fine.
I can access the Apache Web Server using http://reverse-proxy-ip/ and access the Nginx Web Server using http://reverse-proxy-ip/demo
But, when I tried to change location / to nginx-ip-address , and /demo to apache-ip-address , I got error "Not Found. The requested URL /demo was not found on this server."
Here the configuration
server {
listen 80;
index index.html index.htm;
location / {
proxy_pass http://<nginx-ip-address>;
location /demo {
proxy_pass http://<apache-ip-address>;
So, my question is, why does this error occur after changing the destination server, and how to solve this problem?
Need some advice for a newbie like me.
Thank you.


Binding media server to a different host

I am trying to reverse proxy my local home NAS.
What I would like to do is, now my media server listens on nas:8096, but I would like to reverse proxy it to be media.
I tried to bind it with Nginx Proxy Manager, but it doesn't seem to work:
server {
listen 80;
location media/ {
I know its a stupid try... :D

nginx proxying to upstream apache server which has self-certificate

As already mentioned in title, I have nginx server and apache server.Apache server has self-certificate because the settings are for development purpose.Also using nginx is for development purpose.Here is my config file for upstream server
server {
listen 80;
listen 443 ssl;
localtion / {
proxy_ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/server.pem;
proxy_ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/server.key;
So here is the tricky thing on which I dont understand.
When I access
It will redirect me to my apache app with https protocol.And if I enter
The browser gives me some "unexpected close ...." error.
So I don't understand what is going on in here.
Your help will be really appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
The specific directive you want is proxy_ssl_verify. However by default is disabled so out of the box, you should not be having issues. Most likely your issue is elsewhere.
Assuming it has been enabled, you should be see errors in the NGINX error log.

Passing SSL traffic through corporate proxy using nginx

I have done some resarch for this matter and there are some unaswered question regarding my issue, however I managed to solve half of what is needed (thanks to people on the site).
I have Nginx as a reverse proxy in internal corporate network. I need to pass traffic to Internet behind corporate proxy.
Half of the solution:
To achive this, following works fine:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host;
proxy_pass http://corporateproxy:9999/;
However, above solution does not use SSL between corporate proxy and Do you have any idea how to add SSL to this?
I have tried adding protocol or port to header but it is not working this way.
I cannot modify anything on the corporate proxy. It should work like this: the URL being accessed is with https it will be redirected to https; http to http. Unfortunatelly header that contains only dns name is treated as http request.
Unfortunatelly the simplest solution does not work because nginx does not respect http_proxy settings on RedHat Machine:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
Any help will be highly appreciated.

nginx proxy page not found

I have a web service hosted on local ip (Apache Tomcat) which is up and running (ie I can surf to that IP and get the tomcat front page as expected).
I'm now trying to set up a proxy rule in my nginx saying that the url "" should redirect to that ip (using below nginx proxy rule:)
# GeneratePDF
listen 80;
location / {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
When I try to surf to I get page cannot be found error. Again, if I use, it works fine.
I also tried changing server_name to but with the same result.
Can anyone see what I might be missing?
I soon realized that I hadn't posted this DNS yet which was what caused the page not found!

Laravel routes behind reverse proxy

Ok, so for development purposes, we have a dedicated web server. It's not currently connected directly to the internet, so I've setup an apache reverse proxy on another server, which forwards to the development server.
This way, I can get web access to the server.
The problem is, the routes in Laravel are now being prefixed with the internal server IP address, or the servers computer name.
For example, I go to but all the routes, generated using the route() helper, are displaying the following url: and not
The reverse proxy is setup as such:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ProxyRequests Off
<Proxy *>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
ProxyPass /
ProxyPassReverse /
<Location />
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
I have set the actual domain name in config\app.php.
How can I set the default URL to use in routing? I don't want it using the internal addresses, because that defeats the point of the reverse proxy.
I've tried enclosing all my routes in a Route::group(['domain' ... group, which doesn't work either.
I ran into the same (or similar problem), when a Laravel 5 application was not aware of being behind an SSL load-balancer.
I have the following design:
client talks to an SSL load balancer over HTTPS
SSL load balancer talks to a back-end server over HTTP
That, however, causes all the URLs in the HTML code to be generated with http:// schema.
The following is a quick'n'dirty workaround to make this work, including the schema (http vs. https):
Place the following code on top of app/Http/routes.php
In latest version of laravel, use web/routes.php
$proxy_url = getenv('PROXY_URL');
$proxy_schema = getenv('PROXY_SCHEMA');
if (!empty($proxy_url)) {
if (!empty($proxy_schema)) {
then add the following line into .env file:
If you also need to change schema in the generated HTML code from http:// to https://, just add the following line as well:
In latest version of laravel forceSchema method name has changed to forceScheme and the code above should look like this:
if (!empty($proxy_schema)) {
Ok, so I got it. Hopefully this will help someone in the future.
It seems like Laravel ignores the url property in the config\app.php file for http requests (it does state it's only for artisan), and it instead uses either HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME provided by apache to generate the domain for URLs.
To override this default url, go to your routes.php file and use the following method:
This will then force the URL generator to use the new url instead of the HTTP_HOST or SERVER_NAME value.
Go to app/Http/Middleware/TrustProxies.php and change the protected variable $proxies like this:
protected $proxies = [''];
Just this! Be happy!
Because laravel route is created not from the config/app itself rather than from the server. My solution is adding the proxy_set_header Host to the nginx's config.
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
i'm using laravel 8 with nginx docker inside a running nginx on the machine, so yeah it's double nginx
add this code in App\Providers\AppServiceProvider class
if (Str::contains(Config::get('app.url'), 'https://')) {
Seems the Laravel have more convinient solution.. Check answer there: How do I configure SSL with Laravel 5 behind a load balancer (ssl_termination)?
Following up #TimeLord's solution:
In latest version of laravel the name for forced schema has changed and now it is:
I know this topic is old a.f but I've been solving this issue by replacing the following line in my DatabaseSessionHandler.pdf [#Illuminate/Session]:
protected function ipAddress()
// return $this->container->make('request')->ip();
Of course you need to migrate the sesssion table first and set up the config
(.env Variable SESSION_DRIVER=database)
For nginx, you don't need to do anything extra in Laravel. The fix can be done at from nginx config;
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80 ipv6only=on;
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
Figured out a way that much cleaner and only does exactly what the loadbalancer tells it to, add this function to your RouteServiceProvider
protected function enforceProtocol()
and in the boot section, simple call it like so
public function boot()
//other stuff