Passing SSL traffic through corporate proxy using nginx - ssl

I have done some resarch for this matter and there are some unaswered question regarding my issue, however I managed to solve half of what is needed (thanks to people on the site).
I have Nginx as a reverse proxy in internal corporate network. I need to pass traffic to Internet behind corporate proxy.
Half of the solution:
To achive this, following works fine:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_set_header Host;
proxy_pass http://corporateproxy:9999/;
However, above solution does not use SSL between corporate proxy and Do you have any idea how to add SSL to this?
I have tried adding protocol or port to header but it is not working this way.
I cannot modify anything on the corporate proxy. It should work like this: the URL being accessed is with https it will be redirected to https; http to http. Unfortunatelly header that contains only dns name is treated as http request.
Unfortunatelly the simplest solution does not work because nginx does not respect http_proxy settings on RedHat Machine:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
Any help will be highly appreciated.


Nginx Reverse proxy translate domain to ip

I'm new with nginx, but i'm trying to build a reverse proxy that could do something like this:
Whenever a request arrives to a domain name like this in my nginx reverse proxy server:
Parse the 55-32 and forward the request to an internal ip.
The 55-32 represent that las octects XX.XX.55.32 to the forwarded server.
Is there a way to build such a behavior?
Finally i made it wokr with this configuration:
server {
listen 443 ssl http2 default_server;
server_name ~^dn\.(?<octet1>.+)-(?<octet2>.+)\.mydomain\.com$;
location / {
set $var http://10.10.$octet1.$octet2;
proxy_pass $var;
Maybe this could be helpful for someone...

How do I fix an infinite redirect loop on a self-hosted nginx server?

I'm learning how to build and host my own website using Python and Flask, but I'm unable to make my website work as I keep getting an infinite redirect loop when I try to access my website through my domain name.
I've made my website using Python, Flask, and Flask-Flatpages. I uploaded the code to GitHub and pulled it onto a Raspberry Pi 4 that I have at my house. I installed gunicorn on the RasPi to serve the website and set up two workers to listen for requests. I've also set up nginx to act as a reverse proxy and listen to requests from outside. Here is my nginx configuration:
server {
if ($host = <redacted>.com) {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot
# listen on port 80 (http)
listen 80;
server_name <redacted>.com www.<redacted>.com;
location ~ /.well-known {
root /home/pi/<redacted>.com/certs;
location / {
# redirect any requests to the same URL but on https
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
# listen on port 443 (https)
listen 443;
ssl on;
server_name <redacted>.com www.<redacted>.com;
# location of the SSL certificate
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/<redacted>.com/fullchain.pem; # m$
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/<redacted>.com/privkey.pem; #$
# write access and error logs to /var/log
access_log /var/log/blog_access.log;
error_log /var/log/blog_error.log;
location / {
# forward application requests to the gunicorn server
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
proxy_redirect off;
proxy_set_header X_Forwarded_Proto $scheme;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /static {
# handle static files directly, without forwarding to the application
alias /home/pi/<redacted>.com/blog/static;
expires 30d;
When I access the website by typing in the local IP of the RasPi (I've set up a static IP address in /etc/dhcpcd.conf), the website is served just fine, although it seems like my browser won't recognize the SSL certificate even though Chrome says the certificate is valid when I click on Not Secure > Certificate next to the .
To make the website public, I've forwarded port 80 on my router to the RasPi and set up ufw to allow requests only from ports 80, 443, and 22. I purchased a domain name using GoDaddy, then added the domain to CloudFlare by changing the nameservers in GoDaddy (I'm planning to set up cloudflare-ddns later, which is why I added the domain to CloudFlare in the first place). As a temporary solution, I've added the current IP of my router to the A Record in the CloudFlare DNS settings, which I'm hoping will be the same for the next few days.
My problem arises when I try to access my website via my public domain name. When I do so, I get ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, and I suspect this is due to some problem with my nginx configuration. I've already read this post and tried changing my CloudFlare SSL/TLS setting from Flexible to Full (strict). However, this leads to a different problem, where I get a CloudFlare error 522: connection timed out. None of the solutions in the CloudFlare help page seem to apply to my situation, as I've confirmed that:
I haven't blocked any CloudFlare IPs in ufw
The server isn't overloaded (I'm the only one accessing it right now)
Keepalive is enabled (I haven't changed anything from the default, although I'm unsure whether it is enabled by default)
The IP address in the A Record of the DNS Table matches the Public IP of my router (found through searching "What is my IP" on google)
Apologies if there is a lot in here for a single question, but any help would be appreciated!
I only see one obvious problem with your config, which is that this block that was automatically added by certbot should probably be removed:
if ($host = <redacted>.com) {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
} # managed by Certbot
Because that behavior is already specified in the location / {} block, and I think the Certbot rule may take effect before the location ~ /.well-known block and break that functionality. I'm not certain about that, and I don't think that would cause the redirects, but you can test the well-known functionality yourself by trying to access and seeing if it redirects to HTTPS or not.
On that note, the immediate answer to your question is, get more information about what's happening! My next step would be to see what the redirect loop is - your browser may show this in its network requests log, or you can use a command-line tool like curl or httpie or similar to try to access your site via the hostname and see what requests are being made. Is it simply trying to access the same URL over and over, or is it looping through multiple URLs? What are they? What does that point at?
And as a side note, it makes sense that Chrome wouldn't like your certificate when accessing it via IP - certificates are tied to one or more hostnames, so when you're accessing it over an IP address, the hostname doesn't match, so Chrome is probably (correctly) pointing that out and warning you that you're not at the hostname the certificate says you should be at.

Nginx reverse proxy to https location causes ssl_error_rx_record_too_long

ttI am adding an nginx reverse proxy in front of my existing nextcloudpi server in order to be able to route traffic to different servers in my network depending to the domain that is used. Currently the nextcloudpi server is the only one running, so all traffic is directly routed to it.
The server is only accessible via https and letsencrypt handles the certifactes on the nextcloudpi server.
In order to route traffic from my reverse proxy to the nextcloudpi server via https, I have set up the default.conf file to look like this:
server {
listen 443;
listen [::]:443;
server_name <my-public-url>;
location / {
proxy_pass https://<hostname-of-my-nextcloudpi-server>;
Unfortunately that doesn't work. Firefox returns SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG and Chrome ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
I have also not seen anywhere where traffic is proxied to a https location. I am aware that in my internal network I can and should just route to the target location on port 80 but since the server is already set up to use https I want to keep it that way.
Thanks for your help

Nginx serves different website (on the same sever) when using HTTPS

I have several websites hosted on the same sever. To simplify I have just 2 ( and and using nginx to handle requests.
One has SSL enabled. And another doesn't. I noticed links like this in Google Search Console and when accessing an server with https protocol I get requests served by an server instead.
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl on;
server {
listen 80;
I think I should define something like a default ssl server to handle ssl for, but don't know how to do it properly. I guess nginx should redirect https request to an http url if corresponding server doesn't handle https. Or maybe there is a better solution?

nginx proxy page not found

I have a web service hosted on local ip (Apache Tomcat) which is up and running (ie I can surf to that IP and get the tomcat front page as expected).
I'm now trying to set up a proxy rule in my nginx saying that the url "" should redirect to that ip (using below nginx proxy rule:)
# GeneratePDF
listen 80;
location / {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
When I try to surf to I get page cannot be found error. Again, if I use, it works fine.
I also tried changing server_name to but with the same result.
Can anyone see what I might be missing?
I soon realized that I hadn't posted this DNS yet which was what caused the page not found!