How do I use a .NET standard 2.0 library with Framework 4.5? -

I have found a library that I would like to use in VB.NET with Framework 4.8.
The github says that is is a .NET 4.5 library, but it also says that it is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.
When I when to import it in my VB.NET Framework 4.5 project, it says:
The package "SimpleWifi.netstandard 2.0.0" could not be installed. You are trying to install this package in a project that references ".NETFramework,version=v4.5", but the package does not contain assembly references or content files that are compatible with this framework. Contact the package creator for more information.
What could I try next?
Thank you!

SimpleWifi is said to be used with .NET Fragmework 4.6 or later.
If you want to install in SimpleWifi .net 4.5, change your project to .net 4.8, install SimpleWifi, and then change 4.5 again. However, other errors may occur.


Can't install the Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2

I cannot install the Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2 Nuget package from either VS2017 or VS2019. The error is:
Could not install package 'Xero.NetStandard.OAuth2 3.16.0'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets '.NETFramework,Version=v4.6', but the package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
While my web app is .NET Framework version 4.6.
The Xero NetStandard SDK targets .NET Standard 2.0 and is only compatible with .NET Framework > 4.6.1.
You can see all the compatible frameworks for .NET Standard 2.0 here:
.NET implementation support

Why does netcore3.1 framework cause this error?

I have an aspnetcore api project I wrote in .net core 2.2, and changed the targeted framework in the csproj file to .net core 3.1. The project now has the following error (NETSDK1):
The Microsoft.AspNetCore.All package is not supported when targeting .NET Core 3.0 or higher. A FrameworkReference to Microsoft.AspNetCore.App should be used instead, and will be implicitly included by Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Web.
C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.100\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.NET.Sdk.DefaultItems.targets
The Nuget Viewer for the project has no such project listed, and the error is occurring in a file outside my project. Does anyone know how to fix this?

Using .NET 4.0 library with other dependencies from a .NET 4.5.1 project

I have a .NET project whose target framework is 4.5.1. This project depends on a NuGet library which only has a .NET 4.0 release and this library in turn depends on MVVMLight:
MyProject (4.5.1) --> Depends on MyLibrary (4.0) --> Depends on MVVMLight (4.0)
The MVVMLight NuGet also has a 4.5 version so when it's installed on MyProject it ends up referencing the 4.5 version (as opposed to MyLibrary which was compiled with MVVMLight for .NET 4.0).
This results in the following compilation error:
5>...\Adorners\CircleAdorner.cs(19,18,19,31): error CS0012: The type 'GalaSoft.MvvmLight.ObservableObject' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'GalaSoft.MvvmLight, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.
The error is from a class CircleAdorner which inherits from a class defined in MyLibrary which in turn inherits from ObservableObject from MVVMLight.
Is this situation "legal"? Is it OK to reference a .NET 4.0 library from a .NET 4.5.1 project? From my understanding it should be OK. However, the catch here is that the .NET 4.0 project expects another dependency which is not satisfied here.
Also, I noticed that the DLL version of GalaSoft.MvvmLight for the .NET 4.5 is and not In the project I marked this reference with <SpecificVersion>False</SpecificVersion> but it didn't help.
Yes it is legal for a .NET 4.5.1 project to use a .NET 4.0 assembly. .NET 4.5 is an in place update to .NET 4.0 and is backward compatible.
From NuGet's point of view if the version of project's target framework is less than or equal to the assembly version in the NuGet package then they are considered compatible. So NuGet will allow you to add a NuGet package that targets .NET 4.0 into a project that targets .NET 4.5. What you cannot do is add a NuGet package that only targets .NET 4.5 into a project that targets .NET 4.0 since the assemblies in the NuGet package may use parts of the .NET framework that is not included with .NET 4.0.
When installing a package NuGet will pick the highest version of the .NET framework that the NuGet package contains that is compatible with your project.
With your GalaSoft.MvvmLight version mismatch you should be able to resolve the problem using one of two options:
Update MyLibrary to use the same version of MvvmLight that your project is using.
Add a binding redirect to your project's app.config for GalaSoft.MvvmLight so MyLibrary's reference to it is mapped to the later version. If you are using Visual Studio 2013 and writing a .NET 4.5.1 desktop application you can enable automatic binding redirects instead of updating your app.config.

TryParse is not a member of System.Enum error in VB.NET

I checked out It should exist.
I tried it on vs2010 (different project, though), and it exists.
Enum.TryParse was added with .Net Framework 4.0.
You can easily tell this by looking at the Other Versions drop down menu in the documentation or the version Information:
.NET Framework
Supported in: 4.5, 4
.NET Framework Client Profile
Supported in: 4
Portable Class Library
Supported in: Portable Class Library
.NET for Windows Store apps
Supported in: Windows 8
So probably you're using an older .Net Framework version.
Do you have System Import?
Imports System
If you are in Visual Studio 2010, make sure you are targeting .NET Framework 4.0

building wix managed Custom Actions in .net 4.0

We just recently upgraded all our code base to .net 4.0, and are trying to build custom actions in our installer using .net 4.0.
We are using wix 3.5 to do that, I am getting BadImageException, saying its built using a newer version of .net runtime than currently loaded.
does wix 3.5's makesxca utility support .net 4.0 ?
Have you tried changing the <supportedRuntime> version in the CustomAction.config to "v4.0"? I didn't try myself, it is just a guess. This article is referenced as the explanation.