building wix managed Custom Actions in .net 4.0 - wix

We just recently upgraded all our code base to .net 4.0, and are trying to build custom actions in our installer using .net 4.0.
We are using wix 3.5 to do that, I am getting BadImageException, saying its built using a newer version of .net runtime than currently loaded.
does wix 3.5's makesxca utility support .net 4.0 ?

Have you tried changing the <supportedRuntime> version in the CustomAction.config to "v4.0"? I didn't try myself, it is just a guess. This article is referenced as the explanation.


How do I use a .NET standard 2.0 library with Framework 4.5?

I have found a library that I would like to use in VB.NET with Framework 4.8.
The github says that is is a .NET 4.5 library, but it also says that it is a .NET Standard 2.0 library.
When I when to import it in my VB.NET Framework 4.5 project, it says:
The package "SimpleWifi.netstandard 2.0.0" could not be installed. You are trying to install this package in a project that references ".NETFramework,version=v4.5", but the package does not contain assembly references or content files that are compatible with this framework. Contact the package creator for more information.
What could I try next?
Thank you!
SimpleWifi is said to be used with .NET Fragmework 4.6 or later.
If you want to install in SimpleWifi .net 4.5, change your project to .net 4.8, install SimpleWifi, and then change 4.5 again. However, other errors may occur.

Azure Function Targeting .NET Standard Showing Warning

Just installed Visual Studio 15.5 Preview so that I can create an Azure Function targeting .NET Core. Without making any changes, I'm seeing a warning -- see below -- that reads:
Package Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client 5.2.2 was restored using .NET
Framework version 4.6.1 instead of the project target framework .NET
Standard version 2.0. This package may not be fully compatible with
your project.
Any idea how to fix this or do I ignore this warning? As I said, this is a brand new Azure Function project I created with no changes at all.
Here's what the warning looks like:
You can pretty much ignore it, in this case.
Microsoft.AspNet.WebApi.Client targets "Portable Class Library (.NETFramework 4.5, Windows 0.0, WindowsPhone 8.0, WindowsPhone 8.1, WindowsPhoneApp 8.1)" (or net45+win8+win81 as it's the target framework moniker called), which means it's fully compatible with .NET Core and .NET Standard (>= 1.2).
The warning comes, because it do not target the netstandard1.x or netstandard2.x moniker specifically. It just tell you "this might not be compatible on .NET Core/.NET Standard".
Yes, you did nothing wrong: this is to be expected for now. Functions v2 are in beta now, so you'd have to live with this warning for a while. It should give you no functional issues.

Custom action calling into .NET 4 assembly

I have a .NET library (dll) of helper methods specific to installing my product, that targets .NET 4.
However, the "main" WIX project is targeting .NET 3.5 (as specified in the documentation) (meaning it runs on the 2.0 runtime). It has custom actions that call into the above 4.0 dll.
When running the generated MSI, i get "BadImageFormat" exceptions, when the WIX runtime (running on 2.0 runtime) tries to load my 4.0 dll.
If I had direct access to a .NET 3.5 .exe, I could convince it to load a 4.0 dll by using the trick in its app.config.
However, the WIX runtime is loaded (by msiexec), as far as I can tell from the stack trace, through Interop.
Does anybody have a suggestion on how I could get this to run?
PS. I also tried making the "main" Wix project target 4.0 directly instead of 3.5, but then my setup dialogs will just fail to show.
I don't know how you have this setup in wixsharp, but in Visual Studio WiX has a project template for C#/DTF custom actions. It automatically includes a CustomAction.config that you can use to put SupportedRuntime elements in to achieve what you are trying to do.
Take a look at WIX and Custom Actions
The BadImageFormat exception means that you are attempting a cross architecture call somewhere in your calling sequence, 32-bit to 64-bit or vice versa. That might be a consequence of getting the incorrect framework, but not necessarily!

Problem using Managed C++ (.Net 2.0) in .Net 2.0 project in VS2010. Referencing 4.0 .NET functionalities

I have exactly the same problem asked here.
Problem using Managed C++ (.Net 2.0) in .Net 2.0 project in VS2010.
Basically I have a C++/CLI project in .NET 2.0 and it indirectly references some 4.0 version dll via MFCMIFC80.DLL.
The only solution the person found was to delete MFCMIFC80.DLL.
How safe is that? Is there any other way to do this?
The C++ project was using the v100 Platform toolset. This makes it depend on 4.0 .NET versions of some libraries.
Changing the toolset to v90 solves the problem.

wix sfxca binding to CLR v 2.0 instead of v4.0

Iam building managed custom actions using .net 4.0, but when i package the installer and run it,it fails giving me "assembly is built by newer version" error.
In the install log I can also see that the SfxCA is binding to v2.0 instead of 4.0, how can i configure it so it loads the v 4.0 version
many thanks
Check if this thread is helpful.