Can't edit message bundle files - intellij-idea

IntelliJ IDEA 2022.1.3 (Community Edition)
Open file
How I can edit this file?
P.S. I converted it to UTF-8, but it not help


Why IntelliJ multiline TODO comments don't work in .feature files?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2022.3.1 (Ultimate Edition). This is what happens when I try to write a multiline comment in a Cucumber .feature file. It works fine in .java files. What am I doing wrong?

intellij idea file encoding

I am using Dokker in Intellij idea.
I have a problem with log file encoding in Intellij idea.
I created a python project in which there is only one line of code that prints the Russian word "Привет"
I am running a project in Docker. In the log file, shows RџСЂРёРІРµС
This kind of issue is only observed by Intellij idea. There is no such problem Visual Studio Code.
I changed the encoding and it does not help
How to fix this problem?

Intellij open file or project view doesn't show anything

If I try to open a file or project in IntelliJ ultimate 2020.3.3 the editor does not show anything.
Problem image

IntelliJ Ultimate ignores spring boot

Today I've install IntelliJ Ultimate version 2016.1.1 build 145.597. What I did later, was import of may project from IntelliJ Community Edition. This project is based on spring-boot 1.3.3. The problem is that when I want to run my application in IntelliJ Ultimate somehow file is ignored and it starts with default spring settings. When I'm running the same project in IntelliJ Community Edition or from command line everything works fine. Problem exists only in Ultimate edition when I'm adding and running spring boot run configuration, if I use gradle configuration and bootRun task it works.
I didn't use before IntelliJ Ultimate.
Does anyone know what could be wrong? I wasted 2 hours googling for solution of my problem but I didn't find anything.
Content of src/main/resources/
Project structure:
I had same issue for IntelliJ Ultimate 2016.1.1
Reimporting the project and deleting existing project worked for me.
I believe the issue is pertinent with 1.1 version. Didn't had issue with IntelliJ IDEA 2016.1.4
check if file is directly under target/classess after compiled, maybe the wrong settings copy it to other directory that spring boot cannot know
one simple thing to fix the problem.
If you already open the IntelliJ idea, close the project and remove it from IntelliJ
navigate to your project directory (ex: F:\dev\my-project) and remove the .idea
folder from it.
then open the IntelliJ idea again. open your project from File -> Open.
then run the project.
this is the simplest solution.
I had a similar problem with my spring boot application running from IntelliJ Ultimate Version 2020.3 . I had a configured in spring-config.xml file as below and got the FileNotFoundException for my file even after placing the file under src/main/resources folder in my gradle project
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
It worked after changing it to
<context:property-placeholder location="" />
Note the "file:" to "classpath:" in "location" attribute

Intellij plugin development "the selected directory is not a valid home for intellij platform plugin sdk"

I'm following these guidelines on how to develop Intellij plugin.
So I
Open project settings.
Project SDK --> New
Choose the community edition path I just downloaded
Expected the directory is selected fine.
Actual: I get the error message:
"the selected directory is not a valid home for intellij platform plugin sdk"
See screenshot:
Am I doing something wrong?
Intellij platform plugin sdk home should be your installed or builded IntelliJ, not sources. You can add that intellij-community folder as sources to your IntelliJ SDK later or not at all.
Goto Intellij installed directory
C:\ProgramFiles\JetBrains\IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition 2016.3.4
Select plugin folder
Create a directory (eg: scala)
Copy the scala lib folder
Restart the intellij
In my case, I had to download a newer IDEA version (Community Edition) and after the installation, everything worked fine.
This is the official and updated link for setting up your plugin development environment.