Cannot use storyblok nuxt library with latest Vue 2.7 version - vuejs2

Storyblok nuxt library requires vue/composition-api that requires vue < 2.7
#vue/composition-api in ./node_modules/#storyblok/nuxt-2/dist/storyblok-nuxt.mjs friendly-errors 13:11:10
⚠️ With the release of Vue 2.7, which has Composition API built-in,
you no longer need this plugin. Thereby this plugin has entered
maintenance mode and will only support Vue 2.6 or earlier.
Has anyone managed to use #storyblok/nuxt-2 with latest Vue version?


Use a specific version of Vue for a Quasar project

When I started a new Vue project with Quasar, it installed the latest version of Vue which is 3.2.33, however I want to use 3.2.30.
How can I roll back or change it to that version of Vue?
You can fix a specific version to be used via the following in your package.json
"dependencies": {
"vue": "3.2.30"
Regarding the Quasar CLI, it creates a project with the following by default
Regarding semver, since it's ^3.0.0, the range will be >=3.0.0 and <4.0.0.
So every news project built by Quasar will be using the stable MAJOR v3 and the latest MINOR + PATCH versions.
You cannot change that properly.
(you could of course hack it yourself by keeping your own frozen version of Quasar or risk to edit it in your yarn.lock but I heavily recommend against that)
At the end, the project may use something lately released by the Vue core team or a critical fix. If the dev team of Quasar requires this change but you hacked it, you may experience some weird bugs that you will have no idea of the source (on top of other possible conflicts/issues).
TLDR: use the latest version of Vue (as intended by the Quasar team) or maybe lock a specific version of quasar that is fitting your needs regarding the Vue version.
You will not risk anything doing that.
PS: Quasar ^1.0.0 is used for Vue2 apps. If you want to see if some specific versions of Quasar are running some specific frozen versions of Vue, you can always dig deep into the releases of the project.

Do I need the #vitejs/plugin-vue dependency?

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2 project from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. This migration guide says #vitejs/plugin-vue should be added as a dev dependency, but I'm not sure if I really need it, or if I do, which version I should use?
The documentation on GitHub doesn't say much about what this plugin is for, or when it should be installed.
#vitejs/plugin-vue is for Vue 3. You can use vite-plugin-vue2 for Vue 2.
I made a sample project with Vite, Vue2 and TailwindCSS that you can test / fork on stackblitz.

which version of vue.js is required by vuesax?

I want to use vuesax on my first project and I fell in love with vuesax components. I am actually using Vue cli 2.
Which version of Vue is required by vuesax?
vuesax 3.x and 4.x depend on Vue 2.
So vuesax projects need the latest version of Vue 2 in your project (currently 2.6.14):
npm i -S vue#2

How to install vue3 beta using vue/cli?

Right now vue3 is in beta and I want to try it.
Is there a way using #vue/cli to install the vue3 beta? if so, How?
You need the latest version of #vue/cli and then run vue add vue-next in an existing Vue CLI project.
This will:
Add Vue 3 and the new Vue 3 Compiler to your project
Configure webpack to use the new vue compiler
Install Vuex 4 and vue-router 4 beta (or alpha dunno where they are rn) if the older versions are in your project
Codemods for compatibility
More Info here
However, not every package that works with Vue2 will work with this Vue3.
If all you want to try out is the new composition-api, there is a plugin which you can add which is still using Vue2 but with many of the composition-apis Features, probably all non-breaking changes? You install that by either running
npm install #vue/composition-api
yarn add #vue/composition-api
and then install it like this before using other APIs:
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueCompositionApi from '#vue/composition-api';

How to update Vue.js dependency version in Sails.js?

I installed Sails.js v1.0 as my Node.js framework to work with. I choose the built-in web for this Sails.js initialization. Then
I included Vuetify v2.0.5 framework and it suggested me to update the Vue.js dependency v2.5.17 in Sails.js into Vue.js ^v2.5.18.
I don't want any warnings in my console and I want to get rid of it.
I expect my Sails Vue.js dependency has the latest version.