which version of vue.js is required by vuesax? - vue.js

I want to use vuesax on my first project and I fell in love with vuesax components. I am actually using Vue cli 2.
Which version of Vue is required by vuesax?

vuesax 3.x and 4.x depend on Vue 2.
So vuesax projects need the latest version of Vue 2 in your project (currently 2.6.14):
npm i -S vue#2


How to use vue 3 with nuxt?

I'm using Nuxt3 for a project and when installing it with the cli in the docs it generated a vue 2.7 project.
How can I get to use vue 3?
If you want to use Vue3, you'll need to follow CLI's instructions for Nuxt3 located here: https://nuxt.com/docs/getting-started/introduction
If you want to use some Vue-specific packages, here you are: https://v3.nuxtjs.org/guide/directory-structure/plugins/#vue-plugins

Cannot use storyblok nuxt library with latest Vue 2.7 version

Storyblok nuxt library requires vue/composition-api that requires vue < 2.7
#vue/composition-api in ./node_modules/#storyblok/nuxt-2/dist/storyblok-nuxt.mjs friendly-errors 13:11:10
⚠️ With the release of Vue 2.7, which has Composition API built-in,
you no longer need this plugin. Thereby this plugin has entered
maintenance mode and will only support Vue 2.6 or earlier.
Has anyone managed to use #storyblok/nuxt-2 with latest Vue version?

Do I need the #vitejs/plugin-vue dependency?

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2 project from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. This migration guide says #vitejs/plugin-vue should be added as a dev dependency, but I'm not sure if I really need it, or if I do, which version I should use?
The documentation on GitHub doesn't say much about what this plugin is for, or when it should be installed.
#vitejs/plugin-vue is for Vue 3. You can use vite-plugin-vue2 for Vue 2.
I made a sample project with Vite, Vue2 and TailwindCSS that you can test / fork on stackblitz.

How to install vue3 beta using vue/cli?

Right now vue3 is in beta and I want to try it.
Is there a way using #vue/cli to install the vue3 beta? if so, How?
You need the latest version of #vue/cli and then run vue add vue-next in an existing Vue CLI project.
This will:
Add Vue 3 and the new Vue 3 Compiler to your project
Configure webpack to use the new vue compiler
Install Vuex 4 and vue-router 4 beta (or alpha dunno where they are rn) if the older versions are in your project
Codemods for compatibility
More Info here
However, not every package that works with Vue2 will work with this Vue3.
If all you want to try out is the new composition-api, there is a plugin which you can add which is still using Vue2 but with many of the composition-apis Features, probably all non-breaking changes? You install that by either running
npm install #vue/composition-api
yarn add #vue/composition-api
and then install it like this before using other APIs:
import Vue from 'vue';
import VueCompositionApi from '#vue/composition-api';

Nuxt Buefy components using CDN

I am new to nuxt. I want to know whether is it possible to use Buefy on nuxt just by using CDN
as I directly imported beufy CDN in script in head function of nuxt.config
But it gave error while using navbar of beufy that the component is not registered correctly.
Nuxt supports buefy by default, when installing using npx create-nuxt-app you'll be asked if you want to use a component framework (buefy is an option here).
If you want to use it in an installed project you can npm install buefy --save and then add "nuxt-buefy" in the modules array of your nuxt.config